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Last active February 14, 2021 15:37
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Identity settings that works best with Creepings Origin.
// Whether an overlay message appears above the hotbar when a new identity is unlocked.
"overlayIdentityUnlocks": false,
// Whether an overlay message appears above the hotbar when a new identity is revoked.
"overlayIdentityRevokes": false,
// Whether a player's equipped identity is revoked on death.
"revokeIdentityOnDeath": false,
// Whether identities equip the items (swords, items, tools) held by the underlying player.
"identitiesEquipItems": true,
// Whether identities equip the armor (chestplate, leggings, elytra) worn by the underlying player.
"identitiesEquipArmor": true,
// Whether hostile mobs ignore players with hostile mob identities.
"hostilesIgnoreHostileIdentityPlayer": true,
// Whether a hostile mob will stop targeting you after switching to a hostile mob identity.
"hostilesForgetNewHostileIdentityPlayer": false,
// Whether Wolves will attack Players with an identity that the Wolf would normally hunt (Sheep, Fox, Skeleton).
"wolvesAttackIdentityPrey": true,
// Whether owned Wolves will attack Players with an identity that the Wolf would normally hunt (Sheep, Fox, Skeleton).
"ownedWolvesAttackIdentityPrey": false,
// Whether Villagers will run from Players morphed as identities villagers normally run from (Zombies).
"villagersRunFromIdentities": true,
// Whether Foxes will attack Players with an identity that the Fox would normally hunt (Fish, Chicken).
"foxesAttackIdentityPrey": true,
// Whether Identity sounds take priority over Player Sounds (eg. Blaze hurt sound when hit).
"useIdentitySounds": true,
// Whether disguised players should randomly emit the ambient sound of their Identity.
"playAmbientSounds": true,
// Whether disguised players should hear their own ambient sounds (only if playAmbientSounds is true).
"hearSelfAmbient": false,
// Whether mobs in the flying entity tag can fly.
"enableFlight": true,
// How long hostility lasts for players morphed as hostile mobs (think: Pigman aggression
"hostilityTime": 300,
// A list of Advancements required before the player can fly using an Identity.
"advancementsRequiredForFlight": [
// Whether Identities modify your max health value based on their max health value.
"scalingHealth": true,
// The maximum value of scaling health. Useful for not giving players 300 HP when they turn into a wither.
"maxHealth": 40,
/* If set to false, only operators can switch identities through the ` menu.
Note that this config option is synced from S2C when a client joins the game, but a client can still open the menu if they have a modified version of Identity.
"enableClientSwapMenu": false,
// If set to false, only operators can switch identities. Used on the server; guaranteed to be authoritative.
"enableSwaps": false,
// In ticks, how long until the Ghast can shoot a fireball again?
"ghastAbilityCooldown": 60,
// In ticks, how long until the Blaze can shoot a mini fireball again?
"blazeAbilityCooldown": 20,
// In ticks, how long until the Ender Dragon can shoot a dragon fireball again?
"dragonAbilityCooldown": 20,
// In ticks, how long until the Enderman can teleport again?
"endermanAbilityCooldown": 100,
// In blocks, how far can the Enderman ability teleport?
"endermanAbilityTeleportDistance": 32,
// In ticks, how long until the Creeper can ka-boom again?
"creeperAbilityCooldown": 100,
// In ticks, how long until the Wither can shoot a wither skull again?
"witherAbilityCooldown": 200,
// In ticks, how long until the Wither can shoot a wither skull again?
"snowGolemAbilityCooldown": 10,
/* Should player nametags render above players disguised with an identity?
Note that the server is the authority for this config option.
"showPlayerNametag": false,
// If true, players that gain a NEW Identity will be forcibly changed into it on kill.
"forceChangeNew": false,
// If true, players will be forcibly changed into any entity they kill. The above option, forceChangeNew, only applies to new unlocks.
"forceChangeAlways": false,
// If true, /identity commands will send feedback in the action bar.
"logCommands": false
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