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Show additional properties on content creation
define("epi-cms/contentediting/viewmodel/CreateContentViewModel", [
// dojo
// epi
// resources
function (
// dojo
// epi
// resources
) {
return declare([Stateful, Evented], {
// summary:
// View model of epi-cms/contentediting/CreateContent component.
// tags:
// internal
// =======================================================================
// Private stuffs
// =======================================================================
// _topLevelContainerType: String
// The default top level container type used in properties form.
_topLevelContainerType: "epi/shell/layout/SimpleContainer",
// _groupContainerType: String
// The default group container type used in properties form.
_groupContainerType: "epi-cms/layout/CreateContentGroupContainer",
// =======================================================================
// Dependencies
// =======================================================================
// contentDataStore: epi/shell/RestStore
// The content data store instance.
contentDataStore: null,
// metadataManager: epi/shell/MetadataManager
// The metadata manager instance.
metadataManager: null,
// typeIdentifierManager: epi/shell/TypeIdentifierManager
// The type identifier manager instance.
typeIdentifierManager: null,
// validator: epi-cms/contentediting/ContentEditingValidator
// The content editing validator instance.
validator: null,
// =======================================================================
// Data model properties
// =======================================================================
// parent: Content
// The parent content on which the new content is created.
parent: null,
// contentTypeId: Number
// The content type id of which the new content is created.
contentTypeId: null,
// requestedType: String
// The type indentifier of created content. This is used for filtering available content types.
requestedType: null,
// createAsLocalAsset: Boolean
// Indicates that the content is created as local asset which means it will be attached to the parent content's asset folder.
createAsLocalAsset: null,
// autoPublish: Boolean
// Indicates if the content should be published automatically when created if the user has publish rights.
autoPublish: false,
// addToDestination: Delegate
// A delagate object which contains a save method. The method will be executed after the content is successfully created.
addToDestination: null,
// =======================================================================
// View model properties
// =======================================================================
// wizardStep: Number
// Keeps track the current step of the creation wizard. 0 means selecting content type while 1 means collecting properties value.
wizardStep: 0,
// startWizardStep: [protected] Number
// Which step to start with
startWizardStep: 0,
// contentName: String
// Name of the content being created. This is initialized from the resource bundle and bound to the name text box in the widget.
contentName: null,
// ignoreDefaultNameWarning: Boolean
// Indicates that name checking should be ignored.
ignoreDefaultNameWarning: null,
// properties: Collection
// The properties collection used to create new content.
properties: null,
// headingText: String
// Heading text which is displayed on the top of the toolbar. This is set according to the current request type.
headingText: null,
// contentNameHelpText: String
// Help text for the content name input
contentNameHelpText: "",
// createAsLocalAssetHelpText: Boolean
// Helper text that displayed in the sub header
createAsLocalAssetHelpText: null,
// namePanelIsVisible: Boolean
// Indicate that the name panel is visible. If the content is created as local asset, name panel should not be visible
namePanelIsVisible: null,
// headingPanelIsVisible: Boolean
// Indicates that the heading panel is visible. Similar to the name panel, heading panel is not visible when the content is created as local asset.
// In that case, a more detail heading is displayed inside the content type selection list or properties form.
headingPanelIsVisible: null,
// seamlessTopPanel: Boolean
// Indicates that the top panel should show seamlessly.
seamlessTopPanel: null,
// saveButtonIsVisible: Boolean
// Indicate that the save button should be visible, normally in the last step.
saveButtonIsVisible: null,
// saveButtonDisabled: Boolean
// Indicate that the save button should be disabled, when saving is on going.
saveButtonDisabled: null,
// showAllProperties: Boolean
// Indicates that it should show all properties for user to enter initial value, normally when content is created from content area.
showAllProperties: null,
// showCurrentNodeOnBreadcrumb: Boolean
// Indicates that the breadcrumb should show current content node.
showCurrentNodeOnBreadcrumb: null,
// actualParentLink: String
// Link of the parent beneath which the content is created. It could be the given parent or the given parent's local asset folder.
actualParentLink: null,
// metadata: Object
// The metadata object of the content being created.
metadata: null,
// =======================================================================
// Public methods
// =======================================================================
postscript: function () {
// summary:
// Initializes internal objects and state after constructed.
// description:
// Obtains content data store and metadata manager instances from dependency manager.
// tags:
// protected
if (!this.contentDataStore) {
var registry = dependency.resolve("epi.storeregistry");
this.contentDataStore = registry.get("epi.cms.contentdata");
this.metadataManager = this.metadataManager || dependency.resolve("");
// Could the dependency handle non-singleton objects?
this.validator = this.validator || new ContentEditingValidator({ contextTypeName: "epi.cms.contentdata" });
this.set("propertyFilter", lang.hitch(this, this._propertyFilter));
update: function (settings) {
// summary:
// Update the component with new settings.
// description:
// Taking settings from the ones who request the Create content component.
// The supported settings are: allowedTypes, restrictedTypes, createAsLocalAsset, addToDestination, contentTypeId. They will be mixed to the current instance.
// settings: Object
// The settings object.
// tags:
// protected
// Reset view properties
this.set("ignoreDefaultNameWarning", false);
this.set("properties", null);
this.set("saveButtonIsVisible", false);
this.set("wizardStep", this.startWizardStep);
this.set("isContentTypeSelected", false);
this.set("namePanelIsVisible", true);
this.set("headingPanelIsVisible", true);
this.set("showCurrentNodeOnBreadcrumb", true);
this.set("seamlessTopPanel", true);
// Copy data properties from topic sender
if (settings) {
array.forEach(["allowedTypes", "restrictedTypes", "requestedType", "parent", "createAsLocalAsset", "autoPublish", "addToDestination", "contentTypeId"], function (property) {
this.set(property, settings[property]);
}, this);
// Setup the validator
if (this.parent) {
var notificationContextId = this.parent.contentLink + "_new_content"; // A pseudo context id for the content that not yet created.
this.set("notificationContext", { contextTypeName: "epi.cms.contentdata", contextId: notificationContextId });
save: function () {
// summary:
// Save the content and finish the wizard.
// description:
// save() will validate the content name if ignoreDefaultNameWarning is not set. By then "invalidContentName" might be emitted.
// If data validation is fine, the new content object will be put on the content data store.
// On success, "saveSuccess" event is emitted, otherwise "saveError" is emitted.
// tags:
// public
this.set("saveButtonDisabled", true);
// Validate content name
if (!this.ignoreDefaultNameWarning && (!this.contentName || this.contentName === "" || this.contentName === this.defaultName)) {
var contentName = this.contentName;
if (this.metadata && this.metadata.additionalValues && this.metadata.additionalValues.modelTypeIdentifier) {
contentName = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(this.metadata.additionalValues.modelTypeIdentifier, "newitemdefaultname");
this._emitSaveEvent("invalidContentName", contentName);
// Ask the validator to do properties validation and/or other global validation
when(this.validator.validate(), lang.hitch(this, function (hasErrors) {
if (hasErrors) {
// Build the content object
var content = this.buildContentObject();
// Put the new content into content data store
this.contentDataStore.put(content).then(lang.hitch(this, this._saveSuccessHandler), lang.hitch(this, this._saveErrorHandler));
}), lang.hitch(this, function () {
_emitSaveEvent: function (eventName, params) {
this.set("saveButtonDisabled", false);
this.emit(eventName, params);
cancel: function () {
// summary:
// Cancel operation and finish the wizard
// tags:
// Public
this.addToDestination && (typeof this.addToDestination.cancel === "function") && this.addToDestination.cancel();
_propertyFilter: function (ownerMetadata, propertyMetadata) {
// summary:
// Filter out meta properties which are not supposed to have value on creation.
// tags:
// private
var isNotInSpecialGroup = propertyMetadata.originalGroupName !== "EPiServerCMS_SettingsPanel" && propertyMetadata.originalGroupName !== "Advanced";
var required = this._isRequiredProperty(ownerMetadata, propertyMetadata);
if (this.showAllProperties) {
// show properties which do not belong to a special groups at all OR belong to special groups but required
return isNotInSpecialGroup || required;
} else {
// =======================================================================
// Original file changes
// =======================================================================
if (!required) {
var displayOnContentCreate = this._hasDisplayOnContentCreate(propertyMetadata);
return displayOnContentCreate;
// =======================================================================
// only show properties from "required" group
return required;
// =======================================================================
// Original file changes
// =======================================================================
_hasDisplayOnContentCreate: function (property) {
return property.settings && property.settings.displayOnContentCreate;
// =======================================================================
_saveSuccessHandler: function (contentLink) {
// summary:
// Save success handler
// contentLink: String
// The newly created content's link
// tags:
// private
var ref = new ContentReference(contentLink),
versionAgnosticRef = ref.createVersionUnspecificReference(),
changeToNewContext = lang.hitch(this, function (/*String*/targetLink) {
this._emitSaveEvent("saveSuccess", {
newContentLink: targetLink,
changeContext: true
when(this.contentDataStore.refresh(contentLink), lang.hitch(this, function (newContent) {
if (this.addToDestination) {{
contentLink: versionAgnosticRef.toString(),
typeIdentifier: this.requestedType
// Keep the current context
this._emitSaveEvent("saveSuccess", {
changeContext: false
} else {
// Change to new context
_saveErrorHandler: function (err) {
// summary:
// Save error handler
// err: Object
// The error object.
// tags:
// private
// err is actually the xhr error, as for now the rest store doesn't pre handle errors.
if (err && err.responseText) {
// received a list of problems
// NOTE: Do not copy this code since it's not a good practice to handle error. We are finding a pattern to handle server errors in a nicer manner, perhaps inside the rest store.
var validationErrors = json.fromJson(err.responseText);
array.forEach(validationErrors, function (item) {
if (item.propertyName) {
this.validator.setPropertyErrors(item.propertyName, [{
severity: item.severity,
errorMessage: item.errorMessage
}], this.validator.validationSource.server);
} else {
severity: item.severity,
errorMessage: item.errorMessage
}], this.validator.validationSource.server);
}, this);
} else if (err) {
// general error
severity: this.validator.severity.error,
errorMessage: err.message
}], this.validator.validationSource.server);
this._emitSaveEvent("saveError", err);
buildContentObject: function () {
// summary:
// Build up the content object to create from model properties.
// tags:
// protected
return {
name: string.trim(this.contentName + ""),
parentLink: this._getParentLink(),
contentTypeId: this.contentTypeId,
createAsLocalAsset: this.createAsLocalAsset,
autoPublish: this.autoPublish
addInvalidProperty: function (propertyName, errorMessage) {
// summary:
// State that a property has become invalid after client validation.
// propertyName: String
// The property name.
// errorMessage: String
// The error message.
// tags:
// public
this.validator.setPropertyErrors(propertyName, [{
severity: this.validator.severity.error,
errorMessage: errorMessage
}], this.validator.validationSource.client);
removeInvalidProperty: function (propertyName) {
// summary:
// State that a property is no more invalid after client validation.
// propertyName: String
// The property name.
// tags:
// public
// =======================================================================
// Property setters
// =======================================================================
_contentTypeIdSetter: function (contentTypeId) {
// summary:
// Set content type id.
// description:
// After the value is set, metadata is also updated. If it is neccessary to enter properties, the wizard is stepped forward, otherwise save is executed.
// contentTypeId: Number
// The value.
// tags:
// private
this.contentTypeId = contentTypeId;
if (contentTypeId && this.parent) {
this.set("isContentTypeSelected", true);
when(this._getMetadata(this.parent.contentLink, contentTypeId), lang.hitch(this, function (metadata) {
metadata = this._regroupProperties(metadata);
this.set("metadata", metadata);
if (this.autoPublish || this._hasRequiredProperties(metadata)) {
this.set("wizardStep", 1);
this.set("saveButtonIsVisible", true);
} else {;
}), lang.hitch(this, function () {
this.set("isContentTypeSelected", false);
severity: this.validator.severity.error,
errorMessage: sharedMessages.unexpectederror
}], this.validator.validationSource.server);
_createAsLocalAssetSetter: function (createAsLocalAsset) {
// summary:
// Set createAsLocalAsset option.
// createAsLocalAsset: Boolean
// The value.
// tags:
// private
this.createAsLocalAsset = createAsLocalAsset;
if (this.parent) {
this.set("actualParentLink", this._getParentLink());
_autoPublishSetter: function (autoPublish) {
// summary:
// Sets autoPublish option.
// autoPublish: Boolean
// The value.
// tags:
// private
this.set("showAllProperties", autoPublish);
this.autoPublish = autoPublish;
_parentSetter: function (parent) {
this.parent = parent;
var typeIdentifier = this.parent.typeIdentifier,
requestedTypeName = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(this.requestedType, "name"),
parentTypeName = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(typeIdentifier, "name"),
createAsLocalAssetHelpText = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(typeIdentifier, "createaslocalassethelptext");
if (requestedTypeName && parentTypeName) {
createAsLocalAssetHelpText = lang.replace(createAsLocalAssetHelpText, [requestedTypeName.toLowerCase(), parentTypeName.toLowerCase()]);
this.set("createAsLocalAssetHelpText", createAsLocalAssetHelpText);
_requestedTypeSetter: function (requestedType) {
// summary:
// Set requested type.
// description:
// After the value is set, heading text and content name are also updated.
// requestedType: String
// The value.
// tags:
// private
var headingText = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(requestedType, "create"),
defaultName = TypeDescriptorManager.getResourceValue(requestedType, "newitemdefaultname");
this.defaultName = defaultName;
this.set("headingText", headingText);
this.set("contentName", defaultName);
this.requestedType = requestedType;
// =======================================================================
// Private methods
// =======================================================================
_getParentLink: function() {
// summary:
// Gets the link to the parent where the content should be created under.
// If the parent is a Content Asset folder the link to the owner content will be returned.
// tags:
// private
if(!this.parent) {
return null;
if(this.createAsLocalAsset) {
return this.parent.ownerContentLink ? this.parent.ownerContentLink : this.parent.contentLink;
return this.parent.contentLink;
_hasRequiredProperties: function (metadata) {
// summary:
// Checks if the metadata object contains any required property.
// metadata: Object
// The metadata object.
// tags:
// protected internal
return array.some(, function (property) {
// =======================================================================
// Original file changes
// =======================================================================
return this._isRequiredProperty(metadata, property) || this._hasDisplayOnContentCreate(property);
// =======================================================================
}, this);
_isRequired: function (property) {
// summary:
// Checks if the given property is required.
// property: Object
// The metadata property.
// tags:
// protected, extension
return property.settings && property.settings.required;
_isRequiredProperty: function (metadata, property) {
// summary:
// Checks if the given property is required.
// description:
// A property is considered to be required if is required or it contains required sub properties.
// It should also have no value set, is visible, and is not the icontent_name property which is entered outside the properties form.
// metadata: Object
// The metadata object.
// property: Object
// The metadata property.
// tags:
// private
var isNotSet = !property.additionalValues.hasValue;
var isShownForEdit = property.showForEdit && array.every(metadata.groups, function (group) {
// Every group must be either not the property's original group or have displayui true
return ( !== property.groupName && !== property.originalGroupName) || group.displayUI;
var hasRequiredChildProperties = array.some(, function (childProperty) {
return this._isRequiredProperty(property, childProperty);
}, this);
return (this._isRequired(property) || hasRequiredChildProperties) && isNotSet && isShownForEdit && ( !== "icontent_name");
_regroupProperties: function (metadata) {
// summary:
// Regroup properties into required and additional property groups.
// metadata: Object
// The metadata object.
// tags:
// private
metadata = lang.clone(metadata);
metadata.layoutType = this._topLevelContainerType;
array.forEach(, function (prop) {
var isMandatory = this._isRequiredProperty(metadata, prop);
prop.originalGroupName = prop.groupName;
prop.groupName = isMandatory ? "required" : "additional";
}, this);
metadata.groups = [
name: "required",
displayUI: true,
title: reqPropsResources.groups.required,
uiType: this._groupContainerType
name: "additional",
displayUI: true,
title: reqPropsResources.groups.additional,
uiType: this._groupContainerType
return metadata;
_getMetadata: function (parentLink, contentTypeId) {
// summary:
// Get the metadata for the newly created content.
// parentLink: String
// The parent content link.
// contentTypeId: Number
// The content type id.
// tags:
// private
return this.metadataManager.getMetadataForType('EPiServer.Core.ContentData', {
parentLink: parentLink,
contentTypeId: contentTypeId
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing;
namespace DisplayOnContentCreate.Business
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class DisplayOnContentCreateAttribute : Attribute
public class ContentCreateMetadataExtender : IMetadataExtender
public void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes)
foreach (ExtendedMetadata property in metadata.Properties)
property.EditorConfiguration["displayOnContentCreate"] =
[ModuleDependency(typeof (EPiServer.Cms.Shell.InitializableModule))]
public class SiteMetadataExtenderInitialization : IInitializableModule
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
if (context.HostType == HostType.WebApplication)
var registry = context.Locate.Advanced.GetInstance<MetadataHandlerRegistry>();
registry.RegisterMetadataHandler(typeof (ContentData), new ContentCreateMetadataExtender());
public void Preload(string[] parameters)
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Inject our custom Display Option selector -->
<add name="epi-cms.widgets.base"
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