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Created September 21, 2021 11:52
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from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
import logging
import logging.handlers
import sys
import os
# NOTE: this script assumes a debian system and requires the wmctrl and xdotool packages
# sudo apt-get install wmctrl xdotool
# NOTE: To get [Alt + ` ]to register on Elementary OS requires removing the keybinding via dconf editor for switch-group/switch-group-backward
# org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.switch-group: []
# org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.switch-group-backward: []
# set custom hotkey for forward/backward window group scrolling (switch-group)
# python /path/to/ group -f
# python /path/to/ group -b
# set custom hotkey for forward/backward window scrolling (switch-windows)
# python /path/to/ window -f
# python /path/to/ window -b
# logging will be placed into
# /path/to/
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s (%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d): %(message)s'
fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''),
maxBytes= 5 * 1024 * 1024, # 5 MB
_logger = logging.getLogger('')
_logger.addHandler(fh)'Args: {0}'.format(sys.argv))'looking for windows')
if 'group' in sys.argv:
method = 'group'
method = 'window'
if '-b' in sys.argv:
direction = '-b'
direction = '-f'
windows = []
for line in Popen("wmctrl -lx", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)'\n'):
win = line.split()
if win and int(win[1]) > -1 and win[2] not in IGNORE_CLASS:
# wine apps might have an unusual class like "notepad++.exe.notepad++.exe"
# ultimately we would want this _class to resolve to "notepad++.exe"
_class = str(win[2]).split('.')
id=int(win[0], 16),
_class='.'.join(_class[int(len(_class) / 2):])
))'windows found: {0}'.format(windows))
current_window_id = int(Popen("xdotool getactivewindow", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)'current_window_id: {0}'.format(current_window_id))
current_window_class = next((x['_class'] for x in windows if x['id'] == current_window_id), None)
current_window_desktop = next((x['desktop'] for x in windows if x['id'] == current_window_id), None)
if current_window_class and method == 'group':
class_windows = [x for x in windows if x['_class'] == current_window_class and x['desktop'] == current_window_desktop]'Class windows: {0}'.format(class_windows))
if class_windows:
if direction == '-f':
index = 0
for x in range(len(class_windows)):
if class_windows[x]['id'] == current_window_id:
index = x'Found window index: {0}'.format(index))
if index + 1 >= len(class_windows):
index = 0
index = index + 1
elif direction == '-b':
index = len(class_windows) - 1
for x in range(len(class_windows) -1, -1, -1):
if class_windows[x]['id'] == current_window_id:
index = x'Found window index: {0}'.format(index))
if index <= 0:
index = len(class_windows) - 1
index = index - 1'Calling class window index {0}'.format(index))
call(['wmctrl', '-i', '-a', str(class_windows[index]['id'])])
else:'class_windows not found')
elif method == 'window':
desktop_windows = [x for x in windows if x['desktop'] == current_window_desktop]
if desktop_windows:
if direction == '-f':
index = 0
for x in range(len(desktop_windows)):
if desktop_windows[x]['id'] == current_window_id:
index = x'Found window index: {0}'.format(index))
if index + 1 >= len(desktop_windows):
index = 0
index = index + 1
elif direction == '-b':
index = len(desktop_windows) - 1
for x in range(len(desktop_windows) -1, -1, -1):
if desktop_windows[x]['id'] == current_window_id:
index = x'Found window index: {0}'.format(index))
if index <= 0:
index = len(desktop_windows) - 1
index = index - 1'Calling window {0}'.format(desktop_windows[index]))
call(['wmctrl', '-i', '-a', str(desktop_windows[index]['id'])])
else:'windows not found')
else:'current_window_class not found')
except Exception as e:
_logger.exception(" blew up")
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