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Created October 24, 2010 20:18
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// parasztjson lol
var g_arrAddressList = [],
kamu = function() { return true };
ShowAddress = FillAddress = HereIam = kamu;
var FillRoute = function() {
$.each(g_Route.m_arrMains[0].m_arrSubs, function(i,e) {
if (e.m_arrBkvLines.length > 0) {
console.log(e.m_strStopFrom +"tól", e.m_arrBkvLines[0].m_strName, e.m_arrBkvLines[0].m_strVType.toLowerCase() + "val", e.m_arrBkvLines[0].m_iStops + " megálló", e.m_strStopTo + "ig");
console.log(g_Route.m_iTravelMinutes + " perc utazási idő");
var tervezz = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// az x a 19 körüli, az y a 47 körüli érték
var eov1 = ll2eov(x1, y1);
var eov2 = ll2eov(x2, y2);
type: "GET",
url: "",
scriptCharset: "iso-8859-2",
dataType: "script",
data: {
"Command": "Traffic",
"sessionID":"1449_2119731_5134837", // le fog ez valaha járni?
"iCommandID": 1640,
"appID": "bkv",
"lang": "hu",
"arrIDs": "0|1",
"arrX": [eov1[0],eov2[0]].join("|"),//"650933.859855954|656853.36900102",
"arrY": [eov1[1],eov2[1]].join("|"),//"238927.903992541|239946.882208016",
"arrParsed": "undefined|undefined",
"strTrafficType": "bkv",
"iCarOptim": 0,
"iBkvOptim": 0,
"strTime": "2010/10/24/19:23",
"iMaxWalkDist": 500
success: function(j) { return true },
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(XMLHttpRequest.responseText) }
var ll2eov = function(x,y) {
// ez a bkv útvonaltervezőjének baltával szétszedett kódja
var rad = Math.PI/180;
var rk1=1.0031100083;
var k2=1.0007197049;
var exc=0.0818205679;
var Lk=19.0485718*rad;
var R=6379743;
var red=0.99993;
var fk=47.1*rad;
eovxC = function(FI,L) {
return (R*red*Math.atan(Math.sin(l)/(Math.tan(f)*Math.sin(fk)+Math.cos(l)*Math.cos(fk)))+650000);
eovyC = function(FI,L) {
return (R/2*red*Math.log((1+Math.cos(fk)*Math.sin(f)-Math.sin(fk)*Math.cos(f)*Math.cos(l))/(1-Math.cos(fk)*Math.sin(f)+Math.sin(fk)*Math.cos(f)*Math.cos(l)))+200000);
if ( x > 18.67 && x < 19.73 && y > 47.07 && y < 47.78 && !isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y) ) {
FI=y*rad; LA=x*rad; x=Math.round(eovxC(FI,LA));
return [x, y];
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