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Created May 18, 2012 08:33
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Sass Macros for Ant
<?xml version="1.0"?>
# Sass Macros for Ant
# Authored 2012 Glenn Baker; Licensed MIT */
<sass> Usage - Compile sass files
* jarpath - is path to jruby-complete.jar and gem-sass.jar
* src - input
* dest - output
eg. <scss jarpath="${pathToJars}" src="${input}" dest="${output}" />
<scss> Usage - Compile scss files
/ Same as <sass>
<installsass> Usage - Create gem-sass.jar from a "gem install sass"
* jarpath - is path to jruby-complete.jar
eg. <scssjar jarpath="${pathToJars}" />
Inspiration from these posts
<project name="sassmacros" basedir=".">
<macrodef name="sass">
<attribute name="src"/>
<attribute name="dest"/>
<attribute name="jarpath"/>
<attribute name="type" default="sass" />
<echo message="Compiling scss/sass files..." />
<path id="JRuby">
<fileset file="@{jarpath}/jruby-complete-"/>
<fileset file="@{jarpath}/gem-sass.jar"/>
<property name="scss" value="@{src}/**/[^_]*.@{type}" />
<property name="" value="@{dest}" />
<script language="ruby" classpathref="JRuby">
require 'rubygems'
require 'sass'
require 'sass/exec'
files = Dir.glob($project.getProperty('scss'))
Dir.mkdir($project.getProperty('')) unless File.exists?($project.getProperty(''))
files.each do
| file |
puts '[SCSS] Compiling ' + File.basename(file, ".*") + '.scss'
opts =["-t", "compressed", file, File.join($project.getProperty(''), File.basename(file, ".*") + ".css")])
<echo message="Done compiling files!" />
<macrodef name="scss">
<attribute name="src"/>
<attribute name="dest"/>
<attribute name="jarpath"/>
<attribute name="type" default="scss" />
<sass jarpath="@{jarpath}" src="@{src}" dest="@{dest}" type="scss" />
<macrodef name="installsass">
<attribute name="jarpath"/>
<delete dir="@{jarpath}/sass-tmp"/>
<echo message="Warning: ruby gems may require HTTP_PROXY environment variable" />
<echo message="Fetching SASS Gem" />
<java dir="@{jarpath}" fork="true" failonerror="true" jar="@{jarpath}/jruby-complete-">
<arg value="-S"/>
<arg value="gem"/>
<arg value="install"/>
<arg value="-i"/>
<arg path="@{jarpath}/sass-tmp/sass"/>
<arg value="sass"/>
<arg value="--no-rdoc"/>
<arg value="--no-ri"/>
<jar destfile="@{jarpath}/sass-tmp/gem-sass.jar" basedir="@{jarpath}/sass-tmp/sass" />
tofile="@{jarpath}/gem-sass.jar" overwrite="yes"/>
<echo message="Created lib/gem-sass.jar" />
<delete dir="@{jarpath}/sass-tmp"/>
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Massively useful. Thanks for sharing this.

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