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Created February 5, 2013 18:04
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Save gbasov/4716354 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @author Philip Sturgeon
* @created 9 Dec 2008
class cURL {
private $session; // Contains the cURL handler for a session
private $url; // URL of the session
private $options = array(); // Populates curl_setopt_array
public $error_code; // Error code returned as an int
public $error_string; // Error message returned as a string
public $info; // Returned after request (elapsed time, etc)
function __construct($url = '') {
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
trigger_error('cURL Class - PHP was not built with --with-curl, rebuild PHP to use cURL.') ;
if($url) $this->create($url);
// Return a get request results
public function get($url = '', $options = array()) {
// If a URL is provided, create new session
if(!empty($url)) $this->create($url);
// Add in the specific options provided
return $this->execute();
// Send a post request on its way with optional parameters (and get output)
// $url = '', $params = array(), $options = array()
// or
// $parays = array()
public function post() {
// Default values
$url = '';
$params = array();
$options = array();
// How many parameters have been passed?
switch(count($args = func_get_args())) {
// If they have JUST passed post parameters
case 1:
$advance_mode = TRUE;
$params = $args[0];
// They have passed several (up to 3) parameters
case 2:
case 3:
$advance_mode = FALSE;
if(isset($args[0])) $url = $args[0];
if(isset($args[1])) $params = $args[1];
if(isset($args[2])) $options = $args[2];
// If a URL is provided, create new session
if(!empty($url)) $this->create($url);
// If its an array (instead of a query string) then format it correctly
if(is_array($params)) {
//$params = http_build_query($params);
// Add in the specific options provided
$this->options[CURLOPT_POST] = TRUE;
$this->options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $params;
return $this->execute();
// We are in simple mode, they have only called this method, so return the output
if(!$advance_mode) {
return $this->execute();
public function set_cookies($params = array()) {
if(is_array($params)) {
$params = http_build_query($params);
$this->option(CURLOPT_COOKIE, $params);
return $this;
public function http_login($username = '', $password = '') {
$this->option(CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password);
return $this;
public function proxy($url = '', $port = 80) {
$this->option(CURLOPT_PROXY, $url.':'. 80);
return $this;
public function proxy_login($username = '', $password = '') {
$this->option(CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $username.':'.$password);
return $this;
public function options($options = array()) {
// Merge options in with the rest - done as array_merge() does not overwrite numeric keys
foreach($options as $option_code => $option_value) {
$this->option($option_code, $option_value);
unset($option_code, $option_value);
// Set all options provided
curl_setopt_array($this->session, $this->options);
return $this;
public function option($code, $value) {
$this->options[$code] = $value;
return $this;
// Start a session from a URL
public function create($url) {
// Reset the class
// If no a protocol in URL, add http://
if(!preg_match('!^\w+://! i', $url)) {
$url = 'http://'.$url;
$this->url = $url;
$this->session = curl_init($this->url);
return $this;
// End a session and return the results
public function execute() {
// Set two default options, and merge any extra ones in
if(!isset($this->options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT])) $this->options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 30;
if(!isset($this->options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER])) $this->options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = TRUE;
if(!isset($this->options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION])) $this->options[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = TRUE;
if(!isset($this->options[CURLOPT_FAILONERROR])) $this->options[CURLOPT_FAILONERROR] = TRUE;
// Execute the request
$return = curl_exec($this->session);
// Request failed
if($return === FALSE)
$this->error_code = curl_errno($this->session);
$this->error_string = curl_error($this->session);
$this->session = NULL;
return FALSE;
// Request successful
} else {
$this->info = curl_getinfo($this->session);
$this->session = NULL;
return $return;
private function set_defaults() {
$this->info = array();
$this->options = array();
$this->error_code = 0;
$this->error_string = '';
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