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Created September 5, 2018 12:20
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module Huffman where
import Data.List
import Data.SortedList
-- A symbol and its probability
type Symbol = String
data SymbolP = SymbolP { symbol :: String
, probaS :: Float
} deriving (Show)
instance Eq SymbolP where
SymbolP _ p1 == SymbolP _ p2 = p1 == p2
instance Ord SymbolP where
(SymbolP _ p1) `compare` (SymbolP _ p2) = p1 `compare` p2
-- Level 0: list of SymbolP
-- [("a", 0.3), ("b", 0.3), ("c", 0.2), ("d", 0.2)]
-- Level 1: 1 simple composite
-- [("a", 0.3), ("b", 0.3), COMPOSITE (("c", 0.2), ("d", 0.2)) 0.4]
-- Level 2: nested composite
-- [("a", 0.3), COMPOSITE ((COMPOSITE (("c", 0.2), ("d", 0.2)) 0.4), ("b", 0.3)) 0.7]
data HTree = HTree { left :: HNode, right :: HNode, probaT :: Float } deriving (Show)
instance Eq HTree where
HTree _ _ t1 == HTree _ _ t2 = t1 == t2
instance Ord HTree where
(HTree _ _ t1) `compare` (HTree _ _ t2) = t1 `compare` t2
data HNode = Leaf SymbolP | SubTree HTree deriving (Show)
instance Eq HNode where
hn1 == hn2 = getProba hn1 == getProba hn2
instance Ord HNode where
hn1 `compare` hn2 = compare (getProba hn1) (getProba hn2)
data HCode = HCode { symbolP :: SymbolP
, code :: String
} deriving (Show)
getProba :: HNode -> Float
getProba (Leaf s) = probaS s
getProba (SubTree t) = probaT t
-- The 2 first elements have the smallest probability, collapses them
collapseTwoSmallest :: SortedList HNode -> SortedList HNode
collapseTwoSmallest nodes =
Data.SortedList.insert collapsed rest
where rest = Data.SortedList.drop 2 nodes
smallest = Data.SortedList.fromSortedList $ Data.SortedList.take 2 nodes
leftElem = Data.List.head smallest
rightElem = Data.List.last smallest
collapsed = SubTree $ HTree leftElem rightElem (getProba leftElem + getProba rightElem)
buildHuffmanTree :: SortedList HNode -> HNode
buildHuffmanTree nodes
| null (fromSortedList nodes) = Leaf $ SymbolP "" 0
| Data.List.length (fromSortedList nodes) == 1 = Data.List.head $ fromSortedList nodes
| otherwise = buildHuffmanTree $ collapseTwoSmallest nodes
buildCodes :: String -> HNode -> [HCode]
buildCodes prefix (Leaf a) = [HCode a prefix]
buildCodes prefix (SubTree tree) =
buildCodes (prefix ++ "0") (left tree) ++ buildCodes (prefix ++ "1") (right tree)
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omg, I find that so complicated.... I guess I'm missing practice

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