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Created October 13, 2013 08:28
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// $(document).ready(function () {
var carPrototype = {
gas: function gas(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;
this.mph += amount;
return this;
brake: function brake(amount) {
amount = amount || 10;
this.mph = ((this.mph - amount) < 0)? 0 : this.mph - amount;
return this;
color: 'pink',
direction: 0,
mph: 0
car = function car(options) {
return $.extend(Object.create(carPrototype), options);
extendCar = function extendCar(options) {
return $.extend({}, carPrototype, options);
myCar = car({
color: 'red'
myExtendCar = extendCar({
color: 'red'
test('Flyweight factory with cloning', function () {
'Prototype methods are shared.');
carPrototype.mph = 10;
test('myCar mph was changed due to the prototype update', function () {
equal(10, myCar.mph, 'myCar updated through it\'s prototype');
test('myExtendCar mph was not changed since it is not using the prototype', function () {
equal(0, myExtendCar.mph, 'myExtendCar not changed as it got a copy of the' +
'prototype, not the prototype itself');
carPrototype.color = 'blue';
test('myCar color was not changed since it overrides the prototype value', function () {
equal('red', myCar.color, 'myCar color not changed as overriding its proto');
// });
// This is what the output gives you (as shown in DevTools for example)
// Object {color: "red", gas: function, brake: function, color: "pink", direction: 0…}
// color: "red"
// __proto__: Object
// brake: function brake(amount) {
// color: "pink"
// direction: 0
// gas: function gas(amount) {
// mph: 0
// __proto__: Object
// Object {gas: function, brake: function, color: "red", direction: 0, mph: 0}
// brake: function brake(amount) {
// color: "red"
// direction: 0
// gas: function gas(amount) {
// mph: 0
// __proto__: Object
// __defineGetter__: function __defineGetter__() { [native code] }
// __defineSetter__: function __defineSetter__() { [native code] }
// ...
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