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Created March 4, 2019 20:48
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Read word document - do an action based on text
Clear-Variable content -erroraction SilentlyContinue
Clear-Variable list -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$documentPaths = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$doctorResults = @{}
$sites = 'cdc','fh','svh','scdc','rdc'
$date = (Get-Date(Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
$dateTime = (Get-Date(Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -Format '')
$csvPath = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\CSVs\$dateTime.csv"
$completeTotal = 0
$errorLog = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\errorlogs\$dateTime.html"
$doctorLog = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\logs\$dateTime.txt"
# array of all doctor names
# to add to it, simply add quotes and a comma (unless its the last in the array)
$doctors = @(
'John Q. Smith',
'John D. Doe',
'Jane X. Smith',
'Mary P. Doe',
try {
# add firstnames to list
$firstnames = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($doctor in $doctors) {
$docname = ($doctor -split '\s')
$docname = $docname[0]+$docname[-1][0]
$firstnames += $docname
# foreach doctor name, name a new variable called the doctor name
foreach ($firstname in $firstnames) {
if (Get-Variable -name $firstname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Remove-Variable $firstname
New-Variable -Name $firstname -Value @{}
$drvar = (Get-Variable -Name $firstname -ValueOnly)
$drvar.add('rdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('cdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('fh',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('svh',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('scdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
foreach ($site in $sites) {
# if site is rdc use rdc path
if ($site -eq 'rdc') {
$items = gci "D:\reports\dr_reports\archive\$date"
} else {
$items = gci "D:\ininbound\$site\archive\$date"
foreach ($item in $items) {
$documentPaths += $item.fullname
foreach ($document in $documentPaths) {
#If ($Match = Select-String -Path $document -Pattern '\A\s*Dictated\s+by\s*:?\s*(.*?)\s*\Z' | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Matches) {
If ($Match = Select-String -Path $document -Pattern '^*Dictated\s+by\s*:?\s*(.*?)\s*\Z' | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Matches) {
$content = $Match.Groups[1].Value
$sitename = $document.split('\')[2]
if ($sitename -match 'dr_reports') { $sitename = 'rdc' }
Write-Host "`r`n"
Write-Host $document -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host $content
foreach ($doctor in $doctors) {
if ($content -match $doctor) {
# create dyn string to call dr variable
$docsplit = $doctor.split(' ')
[string]$tempDrVar = $docsplit[0]+$docsplit[-1][0]
# call doctor firstname variable
$doctorVariable = Get-Variable -Name $tempDrVar
$doctorVariable.value.$sitename += $document
Write-Host "$document matched $doctor" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Add-Content -path $doctorLog -value "$doctor found on $document"
} Else {
# String not found
New-Item -Path $csvPath -itemtype file
Add-Content $csvPath -Value $dateTime
Add-Content $csvPath -value "DRName,TOTAL,RASLO,CDC,FH,SVH,SCDC"
foreach ($firstname in $firstnames) {
$total = 0
$docVar = Get-Variable -name $firstname -ValueOnly
$keys = $docVar.keys
foreach ($key in $keys) {
$total = $docVar.$key.count + $total
$completeTotal = $completeTotal + $total
Add-Content $csvPath -Value "$firstname,$total,$($docVar.rdc.count),$($docVar.cdc.count),$($docVar.fh.count),$($docVar.svh.count),$($docVar.scdc.count)"
Add-Content $csvPath -Value "Total Doctor Count,$completeTotal"
Send-MailMessage -From '' -to '' -Subject "Radiologist Daily Read Count for $date" -Body "Radiologist counts for $date" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -Attachments $csvPath
#Send-MailMessage -From '' -to '' -Subject "Radiologist Daily Read Count for $date" -Body "Radiologist counts for $date" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -Attachments $csvPath
$sortedContent = Get-Content $doctorLog | Sort-Object
Set-Content -path $doctorLog -Value $sortedContent
} catch {
Add-Content $errorlog -Value "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>"
Send-MailMessage -From '' -to '' -Subject 'Error found with Doctor Count:' -Body "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -BodyAsHtml
#Send-MailMessage -From '' -to '' -Subject 'Error found with Doctor Count:' -Body "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -BodyAsHtml
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