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Last active August 22, 2019 18:42
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Get Doctor Count Powershell Script
Clear-Variable content -erroraction SilentlyContinue
#Clear-Variable list -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$documentPaths = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$doctorResults = @{}
$sites = 'cdc','fh','mrmc','svh','scdc','rdc'
$date = (Get-Date(Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
$dateTime = (Get-Date(Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -Format '')
$csvPath = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\CSVs\$dateTime.csv"
$completeTotal = 0
$errorLog = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\errorlogs\$dateTime.html"
$doctorLog = "D:\script\Isaacs-Scripts\scripts\get-doctorcount\logs\$dateTime.txt"
# array of all doctor names
# to add to it, simply add quotes and a comma (unless its the last in the array)
$doctors = @(
'Benjamin T. Addicott',
'Timothy L. Auran',
'Eugene F. Barasch',
'William C. Burnette',
'Kevin R. Connolly',
'Harry F. Corbett',
'Timothy L. Davis',
'Arthur C. Duberg',
'Stephen R. Holtzman',
'Taylor R. Jordan',
'Thomas L. Miller',
'Linda D. Mulder',
'Ragu C. Nathan',
'Erik M. Olson',
'Jaywant P. Parmar',
'Mohsin M. Rahman',
'David A. Rigual',
'William M. Russell',
'Farhad W. Sani',
'Melissa E. Sims',
'Laura E. Traube',
'David J. Tuttle',
'Erica Vergara',
'Donna E. Winingham',
'Felix Y. Yap',
'Mark Ziemba',
"Teresa O'Neill",
"Sonja M. O'Brien"
try {
# add firstnames to list
$firstnames = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($doctor in $doctors) {
$docname = ($doctor -split '\s')
$docname = $docname[0]+$docname[-1][0]
$firstnames += $docname
# foreach doctor name, name a new variable called the doctor name
foreach ($firstname in $firstnames) {
if (Get-Variable -name $firstname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Remove-Variable $firstname
New-Variable -Name $firstname -Value @{}
$drvar = (Get-Variable -Name $firstname -ValueOnly)
$drvar.add('rdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('cdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('fh',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('mrmc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('svh',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
$drvar.add('scdc',(New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist))
foreach ($site in $sites) {
# if site is rdc use rdc path
if ($site -eq 'rdc') {
$items = gci "D:\reports\dr_reports\archive\$date"
} else {
$items = gci "D:\ininbound\$site\archive\$date"
foreach ($item in $items) {
$documentPaths += $item.fullname
foreach ($document in $documentPaths) {
If ($Match = Select-String -Path $document -Pattern '^*Dictated\s+by\s*:?\s*(.*?)\s*\Z' | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Matches) {
$content = $Match.Groups[1].Value
$sitename = $document.split('\')[2]
if ($sitename -match 'dr_reports') { $sitename = 'rdc' }
Write-Host "`r`n"
Write-Host $document -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host $content
foreach ($doctor in $doctors) {
if ($content -match $doctor) {
# create dyn string to call dr variable
$docsplit = $doctor.split(' ')
[string]$tempDrVar = $docsplit[0]+$docsplit[-1][0]
# call doctor firstname variable
$doctorVariable = Get-Variable -Name $tempDrVar
$doctorVariable.value.$sitename += $document
Write-Host "$document matched $doctor" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Add-Content -path $doctorLog -value "$doctor found on $document"
} Else {
# String not found
New-Item -Path $csvPath -itemtype file
Add-Content $csvPath -Value $dateTime
Add-Content $csvPath -value "DRName,TOTAL,RASLO,AGCH,FH,MRMC,SVH,SCDC"
foreach ($firstname in $firstnames) {
$total = 0
$docVar = Get-Variable -name $firstname -ValueOnly
$keys = $docVar.keys
foreach ($key in $keys) {
$total = $docVar.$key.count + $total
$completeTotal = $completeTotal + $total
Add-Content $csvPath -Value "$firstname,$total,$($docVar.rdc.count),$($docVar.cdc.count),$($docVar.fh.count),$($docVar.mrmc.count),$($docVar.svh.count),$($docVar.scdc.count)"
Add-Content $csvPath -Value "Total Doctor Count,$completeTotal"
#Send-MailMessage -From 'email' -to 'email' -Subject "Radiologist Daily Read Count for $date" -Body "Radiologist counts for $date" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -Attachments $csvPath
Send-MailMessage -From 'email' -to 'email' -Subject "Radiologist Daily Read Count for $date" -Body "Radiologist counts for $date" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -Attachments $csvPath
$sortedContent = Get-Content $doctorLog | Sort-Object
Set-Content -path $doctorLog -Value $sortedContent
} catch {
Add-Content $errorlog -Value "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>"
#Send-MailMessage -From 'email' -to 'email' -Subject 'Error found with Doctor Count:' -Body "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -BodyAsHtml
Send-MailMessage -From 'email' -to 'email' -Subject 'Error found with Doctor Count:' -Body "<font color = 'red'>Error Content</font> -<br><br>Exception: $($_.Exception)<br><br> CategoryInfo: $($_.CategoryInfo)<br><br> StackLocation: $($_.ScriptStackTrace)<hr>" -SmtpServer '' -port '25' -BodyAsHtml
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