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Created August 6, 2020 00:41
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type inference
module Lambda where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Debug.Trace
data Term = Lam String Term
| Var String
| App Term Term
| KonstInt Int
| Unit
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Typ = TLam String Typ
| TBVar String
| TVar Int
| TArr Typ Typ
| TInt
| TUnit
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
substituteTy :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
substituteTy from to ty' | from == ty' = to
substituteTy from to ty' = case ty' of
(TLam v ty) -> TLam v (substituteTy from to ty)
(TArr ty1 ty2) -> TArr (substituteTy from to ty1) (substituteTy from to ty2)
_ -> ty'
type Cxt = M.Map String Typ
prims :: Cxt
prims = M.fromList [("+",TArr TInt (TArr TInt TInt)),
("print",TArr TInt TUnit),
("id",TLam "a" (TArr (TBVar "a") (TBVar "a")))]
trm_id, trm_int, trm_id_unit, trm_higher, trm_occurs :: Term
trm_id = Lam "x" (Var "x")
trm_int = KonstInt 1
trm_id_unit = App trm_id Unit
trm_higher = Lam "x" (App (Var "x") trm_int)
trm_occurs = Lam "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "x"))
unify1 :: Typ -> Typ -> Bool
unify1 x y = x == y
infer1 :: Cxt -> Term -> Typ
infer1 c t = case t of
KonstInt _ -> TInt
Unit -> TUnit
Var s -> fromMaybe (error ("lookup bad var: " ++ show s)) $ M.lookup s c
App t1 t2 ->
let ty1 = infer1 c t1
ty2 = infer1 c t2
in case ty1 of
(TArr x y) -> case unify1 x ty2 of
True -> y
False -> error $ "cannot unify: " ++ show (x, t2)
_ -> error $ "applying nonarrow: " ++ show (t1, ty1)
Lam v t1 ->
let tv = error "no type for v"
in TArr tv (infer1 (M.insert v tv c) t1)
-- ======================================= --
-- metavar store, context
data InferState = InferState {
store :: M.Map Int Typ,
context :: M.Map String Typ,
var_count :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
initInferState :: InferState
initInferState = InferState mempty prims 0
runInfer :: Term -> Typ
runInfer trm = flip evalState initInferState $ resolve =<< infer2 trm
runInfer' :: Term -> (Typ, InferState)
runInfer' trm = flip runState initInferState $ resolve =<< infer2 trm
newMetaVar :: State InferState Typ
newMetaVar = do
v <- var_count <$> get
modify (\s -> s {var_count = v + 1})
return $ TVar v
infer2 :: Term -> State InferState Typ
infer2 trm = case trm of
KonstInt _ -> pure TInt
Unit -> pure TUnit
Var s -> instantiate =<< resolve . fromMaybe (error ("lookup bad var: " ++ show s)) . M.lookup s . context =<< get
App t1 t2 -> do
ty1 <- infer2 t1
ty2 <- infer2 t2
case ty1 of
(TArr x y) -> do
unify2 x ty2
return y
(TVar _) -> do
h <- newMetaVar
t <- newMetaVar
unify2 ty1 (TArr h t)
unify2 h ty2
return t
_ -> error $ "applying nonarrow: " ++ show (ty1, ty2)
Lam v t1 -> do
mv <- newMetaVar
modify (\s -> s {context = M.insert v mv (context s)})
tbody <- infer2 t1
pure $ TArr mv tbody
unify2 :: Typ -> Typ -> State InferState ()
unify2 ty1' ty2' = do
ty1 <- resolve ty1'
ty2 <- resolve ty2'
case (ty1, ty2) of
(TVar v1, _) -> modify (\s -> s {store = M.insert v1 ty2 (store s)})
(_, TVar v2) -> modify (\s -> s {store = M.insert v2 ty1 (store s)})
(TArr h1 t1, TArr h2 t2) -> unify2 h1 h2 >> unify2 t1 t2
_ -> if ty1 == ty2 then return () else error $ "could not unify: " ++ show (ty1,ty2)
resolve' :: [Typ] -> Typ -> State InferState Typ
resolve' seen ty@(TVar v) = do
mres <- M.lookup v . store <$> get
case mres of
Nothing -> return ty
Just res' -> do
-- occurs check
when (res' `elem` seen) $ error ("occurs check: " ++ show (res',ty))
res <- resolve' (res':seen) res'
-- zonking!
modify (\s -> s {store = M.insert v res (store s)})
return res
resolve' seen (TArr h t) = do
h' <- resolve' seen h
t' <- resolve' seen t
return $ TArr h' t'
resolve' seen (TLam v t) = TLam v <$> resolve' seen t
resolve' _seen x = return x
resolve :: Typ -> State InferState Typ
resolve = resolve' []
instantiate :: Typ -> State InferState Typ
instantiate (TLam v ty) = do
mv <- newMetaVar
instantiate $ substituteTy (TBVar v) mv ty
instantiate x = pure x
-- aka abstract, generalize
closeTyp :: Typ -> Typ
closeTyp ty =
let fvs = freeVars ty
in foldr introVar ty fvs
freeVars :: Typ -> [Int]
freeVars = undefined
introVar :: Int -> Typ -> Typ
introVar = undefined
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