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Created September 4, 2015 21:28
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logical-mess.scm 9/4
;; Logical MESS (Logical Martin-Lof Extensible Simulater and Specification)
;; Gershom Bazerman, 2015
(load "interp-uber.scm")
(load "mk/test-check.scm")
(load "mk/matche.scm")
(define ans (run 1 (q) (evalo
`(letrec (
(reduce (lambda (cxt body)
(match body
[`(app (lam-pi ,var ,vt ,b) ,arg)
(if (hasType? cxt arg vt) (reduce cxt (b arg)) 'type-error)] ; todo add has-type cxt arg vt check
[`(app (close ,ty , b) ,arg)
(list 'close (app-type cxt (red-eval cxt ty arg)) (lambda (cxt) (list 'app (b cxt) arg)))]
[`(app ,fun ,arg) (if (or (not fun) (symbol? fun))
(list 'stuck-app fun arg)
(reduce cxt (list 'app (reduce cxt fun) arg)))]
[anything body])))
(app-type (lambda (cxt fun arg)
(match fun
[`(type-fun ,a ,b)
(if (hasType? cxt arg a) b 'type-error)]
[`(type-pi ,a ,at ,b)
(if (hasType? cxt arg a) (b arg) 'type-error)]
[any 'type-error])))
(red-eval (lambda (cxt x)
(match (reduce cxt x)
[`(close ,typ ,b) (red-eval cxt (b cxt))]
[v v])))
(find-cxt (lambda (nm cxt)
(if (null? cxt)
(if (equal? (car (car cxt)) nm)
(cdr (car cxt))
(find-cxt nm (cdr cxt))))))
(fresh-var (lambda (nm cxt)
(if (find-cxt nm cxt) (fresh-var (quote nm)) nm)))
(extend-cxt (lambda (var vt cxt k)
(k (fresh-var var cxt) (cons (cons (fresh-var var cxt) vt) cxt))))
; (letrec ((newvar (fresh-var var cxt))) ; Nested letrecs go boom
; (k newvar (cons (cons newvar vt) cxt)))))
(type? (lambda (cxt t)
(match (red-eval cxt t)
[`(type-fun ,a ,b) (and (type? cxt a) (type? cxt b))]
[`type-unit #t]
[`type #t]
[`(type-pi ,var ,a ,b)
(and (type? cxt a) (extend-cxt var a cxt (lambda (newvar newcxt) (type? newcxt (b newvar)))))]
[tt (and (symbol? tt) (eq? 'type (find-cxt tt cxt)))]))) ; TODO make extensible
(hasType? (lambda (cxt x1 t1)
(match (cons (reduce cxt x1) (red-eval cxt t1))
[`((close ,typ ,b) . any) (eqType? cxt typ t)]
[`(unit . type-unit) #t]
[`(,(? symbol? x) . ,t) (eqType? cxt t (find-cxt x cxt))]
[`((lam-pi ,vn ,vt ,body) . (type-fun ,a ,b))
(and (eqType? cxt vt a)
(extend-cxt vn vt cxt (lambda (newvar newcxt) (hasType? newcxt (body newvar) b))))]
[`((lam-pi ,vn ,vt ,body) . (type-pi any ,a ,b))
(and (eqType? cxt vt a)
(extend-cxt vn vt cxt (lambda (newvar newcxt) (hasType? newcxt (body newvar) (reduce newcxt (b newvar))))))]
[`(,x . `type) (type? cxt x)]
[`(,x . ,t) #f] ; TODO make extensible
(eqType? (lambda (cxt t1 t2)
(match (cons (red-eval cxt t1) (red-eval cxt t2))
[`(,(? symbol? tname) . ,(? symbol? tname1)) (equal? tname tname1)]
[any #f])))
; infer the type of identity at unit -- Slow
(hasType? '() (list 'lam-pi 'x 'type-unit (lambda (x) x)) ',q)
; check the type of identity at unit -- Not quite as slow
; (hasType? '() (list 'lam-pi 'x 'type-unit (lambda (x) x)) (list 'type-fun 'type-unit 'type-unit))
; infer the term of identity at unit -- Hasn't yet finished
; (hasType? '() ',q (list 'type-fun 'type-unit 'type-unit))
(display ans)
; (reduce '() (list 'app (list 'lam-pi 'x 'bool (lambda (x) x)) (list 'app (list 'lam-pi 'y 'bool (lambda (x) (if x #f #t))) ',q))))
; (reduce '() (list 'app (list 'lam-pi 'x 'bool (lambda (x) x)) ',q)))
; (reduce '() (list 'app (list 'lam-pi 'x 'bool (lambda (x) x)) #t)))
; (hasType? '() (list 'lam-pi 'x 'type-unit (lambda (x) x)) (list 'type-fun 'type-unit 'type-unit))
; (hasType? '() ',q (list 'type-fun 'type-unit 'type-unit))
;; (define (eqType? cxt t1 t2)
;; (match* ((red-eval cxt t1) (red-eval cxt t2))
;; [((type-fun a b) (type-fun a1 b1))
;; (and (eqType? cxt a a1) (eqType? cxt b b1))]
;; [((type-pi v a b) (type-pi v1 a1 b1))
;; (and (eqType? cxt a a1)
;; (extend-cxt v a cxt (newvar newcxt)
;; (eqType? newcxt (b newvar) (b1 newvar))))]
;; [((? symbol? vname) (? symbol? vname1)) (eq? vname vname1)]
;; [((stuck-app fun arg) (stuck-app fun1 arg1))
;; (and
;; (eqType? cxt (find-cxt fun cxt) (find-cxt fun1 cxt))
;; (eqVal? cxt (find-cxt fun cxt) fun fun1)
;; (eqVal? cxt (head-type (find-cxt fun cxt)) arg arg1))]
;; [(a b) (and a b (or (eqType?-additional cxt a b)
;; (begin (printf "not equal\n ~a\n ~a\n cxt: ~a\n" a b cxt) #f)))]))
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gbaz commented Sep 4, 2015

martin-löf type theory in scheme in miniKanren in scheme

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