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Created March 16, 2012 20:00
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Week 1 - problem #2
(ns codelesson.week1
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as mc]))
(defn add-up [coeffs terms]
"ax + by + cz + ...
this adds up a Specific set of coefficients for terms(coins)"
(reduce + (map #(* %1 %2) coeffs terms)))
(defn coeffs [dollar coin]
"return a sequence of coeffs from 0 to the divisor of the dollar amt by the coin
this is the range of possible coefficients for a given coin!"
(vec (range (inc (/ dollar coin)))))
(defn coeffs-for-all-terms [dollar coins]
"creates a map of coins to their range of possible coefficients that add up to dollar"
(loop [coin (first coins)
rcoins (rest coins)
allcoeffs (array-map coin (coeffs dollar coin)) ]
(if-not (empty? rcoins)
(recur (first rcoins) (rest rcoins) (assoc allcoeffs (first rcoins) ( coeffs dollar (first rcoins))))
(defn coeff-seq [dollar coins]
"A sequence of possible coeffecients for the coins to add up to dollar
may need lazy seq...this is huge!"
(apply mc/cartesian-product (vals (coeffs-for-all-terms dollar (sort coins)))))
(defn less-brutal-binomnoms [coins dollar]
(let [massive-possibilities (coeff-seq dollar coins)]
(filter #(= dollar (add-up % coins)) massive-possibilities))))
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