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Created February 25, 2017 16:49
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// This new data type will employ Scala’s type system to gain two static guarantees. We want our code to not compile if it violates these invariants:
// - If we hold a reference to a mutable object, then nothing can observe us mutat- ing it.
// - A mutable object can never be observed outside of the scope in which it was created.
* For state thread, state transi- tion, state token, or state tag
* A local-effects monad.
* A: type of the mutable value.
* S: represents the ability to mutate state
trait ST[S,A] { self =>
protected def run(s: S): (A,S)
def map[B](f: A => B): ST[S,B] = new ST[S,B] {
def run(s: S) = {
val (a, s1) =
(f(a), s1)
def flatMap[B](f: A => ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] = new ST[S,B] {
def run(s: S) = {
val (a, s1) =
object ST {
def apply[S,A](a: => A) = {
lazy val memo = a
new ST[S,A] { def run(s: S) = (memo, s) }
def runST[A](st: RunnableST[A]): A =
* A: the type of the mutable value in STRef.
* S: never used, but needed to create a ST type
sealed trait STRef[S, A] {
protected var cell: A
def read: ST[S, A] = ST(cell)
def write(a: A): ST[S, Unit] = new ST[S,Unit] {
def run(s: S) = { cell = a
((), s)
object STRef {
def apply[S,A](a: A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = ST(new STRef[S, A] {
var cell = a
* A trait to prevent forbidden states :
* - An ST action cannot return a mutable state (a STRef)
* - any ST[S,T] where T involves the type S.
trait RunnableST[A] {
def apply[S]: ST[S,A]
sealed abstract class STArray[S,A](implicit manifest: Manifest[A]) {
protected def value: Array[A]
def size: ST[S,Int] = ST(value.size)
def write(i: Int, a: A): ST[S,Unit] = new ST[S,Unit] { def run(s: S) = {
value(i) = a
((), s) }
def read(i: Int): ST[S,A] = ST(value(i))
def freeze: ST[S,List[A]] = ST(value.toList)
def fill(xs: Map[Int,A]): ST[S,Unit] = {
xs.foldRight(ST[S,Unit](())) {
case ((k, v), st) => st flatMap (_ => write(k, v))
object STArray {
def apply[S,A:Manifest](sz: Int, v: A): ST[S, STArray[S,A]] =
ST(new STArray[S,A] {
lazy val value = Array.fill(sz)(v)
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