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Created January 27, 2017 10:39
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case class Query[D <: Database, +A](db: D, ec: ExecutionContext)(private val atomic: Connection => A) extends Logger {
def map[B](f: A => B): Query[D, B] =
Query(db, ec)(f compose atomic)
def flatMap[B](f: A => Query[D, B]): Query[D, B] =
Query(db, ec)(connection => f(atomic(connection)).atomic(connection))
def zip[B](query: Query[D, B]): Query[D, (A, B)] =
flatMap { a => { b =>
(a, b)
def commit(logException: Boolean = true): Future[A] = {
val result = Future {
result.onFailure {
case ex: Exception if (logException) => LOG.error("Connection failed", ex)
* Use commitTransaction instead of commit if you have dependant update queries
def commitTransaction(logException: Boolean = true): Future[A] = {
val result = Future {
result.onFailure {
case ex: Exception if (logException) => LOG.error("Transaction failed", ex)
case class QueryBuilder[D <: Database](db: D, actorSystem: ActorSystem) {
// Code interfacing with the DB get its own thread pool so HTTP requests' threads do not block during DB IO.
lazy val ec = actorSystem.dispatchers.lookup("database.execution-context")
def pure[A](a: => A) = Query(db, ec)(_ => a)
def seq[A](maybeTx: Option[Query[D, A]]): Query[D, Option[A]] =
maybeTx match {
case Some(tx) => => Some(a))
case None => pure(None)
def futureQuery[A](q: Query[D, Future[A]]): Future[Query[D, A]] = {
val p = Promise[A]() { f =>
f.onComplete(v => p.complete(v))
} => pure(v))
def seq[A, F[X] <: TraversableOnce[X]](tas: F[Query[D, A]])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[F[Query[D, A]], A, F[A]]): Query[D, F[A]] =
tas.foldLeft(pure(cbf(tas))) { (tr, ta) =>
for {
r <- tr
a <- ta
} yield r += a
} map (_.result())
def failure[T](ex: Throwable) = pure[T](throw ex)
def apply[A](atomic: Connection => A) = Query(db, ec)(atomic)
* callDB[1, 2] return Query
* callES[1, 2] return Future
* I can't compose query and future so I end up with nested types
def myFunction[T]: Query[NonBancaireDB, Future[Query[NonBancaireDB, Future[T]]] = { { vDB1 =>
callES1(vDB1).map { vES1 =>
callDB2(vES1).map { vDB2 =>
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