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Created November 18, 2016 13:52
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Creation d'un fichier rpm et installation dans un host distant
#! /bin/sh
# You have to be at the root of the package of the project from which you
# want to install the rpm
# Create rpm
cat version.sbt | tr - _ > temp && mv temp version.sbt
sbt "project $projectName" "rpm:packageBin"
cat version.sbt | tr _ - > temp && mv temp version.sbt
# Copy file to distant host
cd $projectName/target/rpm/RPMS/noarch/
fileName=`ls | grep $projectNameLong`
echo "Transfer of file: $fileName"
scp $fileName ansible@$target:/tmp
cd -
# Install on distant host
ssh -tt ansible@$target 'sudo yum -y remove `yum list installed | grep $projectNameLong`'
ssh -tt ansible@$target "sudo yum -y install /tmp/$fileName"
ssh -tt ansible@$target "sudo /etc/init.d/$projectNameLong restart"
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