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Created March 4, 2017 17:03
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trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
def distribute[A,B](fab: F[(A, B)]): (F[A], F[B]) =
(map(fab)(_._1), map(fab)(_._2))
def codistribute[A,B](e: Either[F[A], F[B]]): F[Either[A, B]] = e match {
case Left(fa) => map(fa)(Left(_))
case Right(fb) => map(fb)(Right(_))
object Functor {
val listFunctor = new Functor[List] {
def map[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] = as map f
trait Monad[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]
def flatMap[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]
def map[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
flatMap(ma)(a => unit(f(a)))
def map2[A,B,C](ma: F[A], mb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
flatMap(ma)(a => map(mb)(b => f(a, b)))
def sequence[A](lma: List[F[A]]): F[List[A]] =
lma.foldRight(unit(List[A]()))((ma, mla) => map2(ma, mla)(_ :: _))
def traverse[A,B](la: List[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[List[B]] =
la.foldRight(unit(List[B]()))((a, mlb) => map2(f(a), mlb)(_ :: _))
def join[A](mma: F[F[A]]): F[A] = flatMap(mma)(ma => ma)
* A Process[I,O] can be used to transform a stream containing I values to a stream of O values.
sealed trait Process[I,O] {
def apply(s: Stream[I]): Stream[O] = this match {
case Halt() => Stream()
case Await(recv) => s match {
case h #:: t => recv(Some(h))(t)
case xs => recv(None)(xs)
case Emit(h,t) => h #:: t(s)
def repeat: Process[I,O] = {
def go(p: Process[I,O]): Process[I,O] = p match {
case Halt() => go(this)
case Await(recv) => Await {
case None => recv(None)
case i => go(recv(i))
case Emit(h, t) => Emit(h, go(t))
def |>[O2](p2: Process[O,O2]): Process[I,O2] = p2 match {
case Halt() => Halt()
case Emit(h, t) => Emit(h, this |> t)
case Await(recv) => this match {
case Halt() => Halt()
case Await(recv2) => await( (i: I) => recv2(Some(i)) |> p2 )
case Emit(h, t) => t |> recv(Some(h))
def ++(p: => Process[I,O]): Process[I,O] = this match {
case Halt() => p
case Emit(h, t) => Emit(h, t ++ p)
case Await(recv) => Await(recv andThen (_ ++ p))
def flatMap[O2](f: O => Process[I,O2]): Process[I,O2] = this match {
case Halt() => Halt()
case Emit(h, t) => f(h) ++ t.flatMap(f)
case Await(recv) => Await(recv andThen (_ flatMap f))
// indicates to the driver that the head value should be emitted to the output stream, and the machine should then be
// transitioned to the tail state.
case class Emit[I,O](head: O, tail: Process[I,O] = Halt[I,O]()) extends Process[I,O]
// requests a value from the input stream. The driver should pass the next available value to the recv function, or
// None if the input has no more elements.
case class Await[I,O](recv: Option[I] => Process[I,O]) extends Process[I,O]
// indicates to the driver that no more elements should be read from the input or emitted to the output.
case class Halt[I,O]() extends Process[I,O]
def liftOne[I,O](f: I => O): Process[I,O] = Await {
case Some(i) => Emit(f(i))
case None => Halt()
def lift[I,O](f: I => O): Process[I,O] = liftOne(f).repeat
def emit[I,O](head: O, tail: Process[I,O] = Halt[I,O]()): Process[I,O] = Emit(head, tail)
lift((i: Int) => s"value $i")(Stream(1, 2, 3))
def count[I]: Process[I,Int] = {
def go(i: Int): Process[I, Int] = Await[I, Int] {
case Some(_) => Emit(i + 1, go(i + 1))
case None => Halt()
def await[I, O](recv: I => Process[I,O]): Await[I, O] = Await {
case Some(i) => recv(i)
case None => Halt()
def loop[S,I,O](z: S)(f: (I,S) => (O,S)): Process[I,O] =
await((i: I) => f(i,z) match {
case (o,s2) => emit(o, loop(s2)(f))
def monad[I]: Monad[({ type f[x] = Process[I,x]})#f] =
new Monad[({ type f[x] = Process[I,x]})#f] {
def unit[O](o: => O): Process[I,O] = Emit(o)
def flatMap[O,O2](p: Process[I,O])(f: O => Process[I,O2]): Process[I,O2] = p flatMap f
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