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gbissett / application.controller.js
Last active December 9, 2015 03:02
New Twiddle
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName:'Ember Twiddle'
Let's say you found yourself stranded on an island inhabited only by hungry wolves. And let's say these wolves were not regular wolves, but they were special wolves who, for some reason, very much like the sound of Neil Young but with much more wah pedal. They don't mind regular Neil Young, but they find Neil-Young-but-with-much-more-wah irresistable. There is a small boat with which you could make your escape, if only you could get past this pack of pesky unusual wolves.
To your North is a PA system with about 5000 watts of power (RMS) and you are confident this could draw the wolves away from your escape boat, if only you had a recording of Neil-Young-but-with-much-more-wah. Next to the mixer is a tape deck. Considering a somehow-working PA system with a tape deck to be less weird than a pack of wolves with particular muscial taste, you investigate.
You find two tapes: Nirvana and Pearl Jam. You look at the wolves, snarling and doing other sorts of general threatening wolf business, and look back at the t
gbissett / minibuild.rb
Created March 18, 2012 08:13
a build server that is smaller and less capable than cijoe
require 'sinatra'
CODE_PATH = '/repo/lives/here'
RVM_COMMAND = '[[ -s $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]] && source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm'
UPDATE_COMMAND = 'git pull'
BUILD_COMMAND = 'bundle && rake db:migrate && rake'
def log(message='')'build.log', 'a') {|log| log.puts "#{} #{message}" }
gbissett / gist:2056972
Created March 17, 2012 09:21
iCloud magic host names
$ mDNS -E
Looking for recommended registration domains:
Talking to DNS SD Daemon at Mach port 6659
16:39:05.117 Recommended Registration Domain local. Added
16:39:05.117 Recommended Registration Domain Added
$ ssh
gbissett / curry.rb
Created November 30, 2011 03:32
curry notice
require 'rtesseract'
def get_image
system 'curl -s -o image.jpg'
system 'convert image.jpg -type Grayscale image.tif'
def image_contains_curry
return true if'image.tif').to_s.downcase.include? 'curry'
gbissett / gist:1182732
Created August 31, 2011 03:14
curry notice
if [ `date | cut -c 1-3` == 'Wed' ]; then curl -s "" | tr ',' '\n' | grep text | head -1 | sed -e "s/\"text\":/ IT'S CURRY DAY: /"; else echo 'Curry day is Wednesday. There will be no curry today.'; fi
In ruby 1.9, you may see this:
This combination of hyphen and right-pointy-bracket is sometimes referred to as a "stabby lambda".
Its correct name is actually a "foie gras".
(o)< # a duck!
>(o) # also a duck
gbissett / robot_rock.rb
Created November 19, 2010 02:19
automates the album cover game
# ____ _ _ ____ _
# | _ \ ___ | |__ ___ | |_ | _ \ ___ ___| | __
# | |_) / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| __| | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ /
# | _ < (_) | |_) | (_) | |_ | _ < (_) | (__| <
# |_| \_\___/|_.__/ \___/ \__| |_| \_\___/ \___|_|\_\
# 1.
# The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
# 2.
jetset:~ grant$ mdfind "kMDItemRecordingYear == 1981"
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/11 Lucky Country.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/10 If Ned Kelly Was King.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/09 Loves On Sale.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/08 Quinella Holiday.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/07 Burnie.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/06 Written In The Heart.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/05 Basement Flat.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/04 Someone Else To Blame.mp3
/Users/grant/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/Midnight Oil/Place Without A Postcard/03 Armistice Day.mp3
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