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Created December 4, 2012 01:04
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module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad
-- from package "HTTP"
import Network.HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Headers
import Network.HTTP.Base
-- from package "synchronous-channels"
import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Synchronous
-- takes a function, builds a channel, and returns the channel
async :: (Chan a -> IO ()) -> IO (Chan a)
async f = do
x <- newChan
forkIO $ f x
return x
-- helper function to actually get the data
getURL :: [Char] -> Chan String -> IO ()
getURL x ch = do
putStrLn $ "requesting: " ++ x ++ "..."
y <- simpleHTTP (getRequest x)
z <- return (getBody y)
writeChan ch z
-- helper function to parse the response
getBody :: Either t (Response a) -> a
getBody (Right x) = rspBody x
-- the meat of the code.
fanIn :: [Chan a] -> IO a
fanIn cs = loop
where loop = do ready <- filterM hasData cs -- check each channel for a message
case (take 1 ready) of -- grab the first one with a message
[x] -> readChan x -- retrieve the message and return
[] -> loop -- (no message) keep looping
hasData c = do _v <- tryPeekChan c -- peek at the channel for data
return $ case _v of -- observe the type of the result
Success x -> True -- (channel has a message) return true
_ -> False -- (channel has no messages) return false
-- apply the fan-in pattern once and return a result
collectFirst :: [Chan a] -> IO a
collectFirst cs = fanIn cs
-- apply the fan-in pattern in a loop and apply 'f' to each message
collectAll :: (b -> IO a) -> [Chan b] -> IO a
collectAll f cs = loop where loop = do { fanIn cs >>= f; loop }
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- make four requests to the same place
a <- async $ getURL ""
b <- async $ getURL ""
c <- async $ getURL ""
d <- async $ getURL ""
-- only use the first one that returns
collectFirst [a,b,c,d] >>= print
-- collectAll print [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]
-- loops forever, printing all results
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