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Created December 18, 2010 06:26
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* @version $Id: behavior.php 19659 2010-11-27 17:10:56Z chdemko $
* @package Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage HTML
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* Utility class for javascript behaviors
* @package Joomla.Framework
* @subpackage HTML
* @version 1.5
abstract class JHtmlBehavior
private static $mootoolsPrevented = false;
* Method to prevent loading of the mootools framework
* @return void
* @since 1.6 (or since mootools became a pain to remove)
public static function preventmootools()
self::$mootoolsPrevented = true;
* Method to load the mootools framework into the document head
* - If debugging mode is on an uncompressed version of mootools is included for easier debugging.
* @param string $extras Mootools file to load
* @param boolean $debug Is debugging mode on? [optional]
* @return void
* @since 1.6
public static function framework($extras = false, $debug = null)
static $loaded = array();
$type = $extras ? 'more' : 'core';
// Only load once
if (!empty($loaded[$type])) {
// If no debugging value is set, use the configuration setting
if ($debug === null) {
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$debug = $config->get('debug');
// TODO NOTE: Here we are checking for Konqueror - If they fix thier issue with compressed, we will need to update this
$konkcheck = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'konqueror') : null;
$uncompressed = ($debug || $konkcheck) ? '-uncompressed' : '';
if ($type != 'core' && empty($loaded['core'])) {
if (!self::$mootoolsPrevented)
JHtml::_('script','system/mootools-'.$type.$uncompressed.'.js', false, true, false, false);
$loaded[$type] = true;
* Deprecated. Use JHtmlBehavior::framework() instead.
* @param boolean $debug Is debugging mode on? [optional]
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function mootools($debug = null)
self::framework(true, $debug);
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for image captions.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function caption()
JHtml::_('script','system/caption.js', true, true);
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for form validation.
* To enable form validation the form tag must have class="form-validate".
* Each field that needs to be validated need to have class="validate".
* Additional handlers can be added to the handler for username, password,
* numberic and email. To use these add class="validate-email" and so on.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function formvalidation()
JHtml::_('script','system/validate.js', true, true);
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for submenu switcher support in
* Global Configuration and System Information.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function switcher()
static $loaded = false;
// only load once
if ($loaded) {
JHtml::_('script','system/switcher.js', true, true);
$script = "
document.switcher = null;
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
toggler ='submenu');
element ='config-document');
if (element) {
document.switcher = new JSwitcher(toggler, element, {cookieName: toggler.getProperty('class')});
$loaded = true;
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for a comboox effect.
* Note that this control is only reliable in absolutely positioned elements.
* Avoid using a combobox in a slider or dynamic pane.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function combobox()
JHtml::_('script','system/combobox.js', true, true);
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for a hover tooltips.
* Add a title attribute to any element in the form
* title="title::text"
* Options for the tooltip can be:
* - maxTitleChars int The maximum number of characters in the tooltip title (defaults to 50).
* - offsets object The distance of your tooltip from the mouse (defaults to {'x': 16, 'y': 16}).
* - showDelay int The millisecond delay the show event is fired (defaults to 100).
* - hideDelay int The millisecond delay the hide hide is fired (defaults to 100).
* - className string The className your tooltip container will get.
* - fixed boolean If set to true, the toolTip will not follow the mouse.
* - onShow func The default function for the show event, passes the tip element and the currently hovered element.
* - onHide func The default function for the hide event, passes the currently hovered element.
* Uses the core Tips class in mootools.
* @param string $selector The class selector for the tooltip.
* @param array $params An array of options for the tooltip.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function tooltip($selector='.hasTip', $params = array())
static $tips;
if (!isset($tips)) {
$tips = array();
if (!self::$mootoolsPrevented) {
// Include mootools framework
JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true);
$sig = md5(serialize(array($selector,$params)));
if (isset($tips[$sig]) && ($tips[$sig])) {
// Setup options object
$opt['maxTitleChars'] = (isset($params['maxTitleChars']) && ($params['maxTitleChars'])) ? (int)$params['maxTitleChars'] : 50 ;
// offsets needs an array in the format: array('x'=>20, 'y'=>30)
$opt['offsets'] = (isset($params['offsets']) && (is_array($params['offsets']))) ? $params['offsets'] : null;
$opt['showDelay'] = (isset($params['showDelay'])) ? (int)$params['showDelay'] : null;
$opt['hideDelay'] = (isset($params['hideDelay'])) ? (int)$params['hideDelay'] : null;
$opt['className'] = (isset($params['className'])) ? $params['className'] : null;
$opt['fixed'] = (isset($params['fixed']) && ($params['fixed'])) ? '\\true' : '\\false';
$opt['onShow'] = (isset($params['onShow'])) ? '\\'.$params['onShow'] : null;
$opt['onHide'] = (isset($params['onHide'])) ? '\\'.$params['onHide'] : null;
$options = JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
// Attach tooltips to document
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$$('$selector').each(function(el) {
var title = el.get('title');
if (title) {
var parts = title.split('::', 2);'tip:title', parts[0]);'tip:text', parts[1]);
var JTooltips = new Tips($$('$selector'), $options);
// Set static array
$tips[$sig] = true;
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for modal links.
* Options for the modal behaviour can be:
* - ajaxOptions
* - size
* - shadow
* - onOpen
* - onClose
* - onUpdate
* - onResize
* - onShow
* - onHide
* @param string $selector The class selector for which a modal behaviour is to be applied.
* @param array $params An array of parameters for the modal behaviour.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function modal($selector = 'a.modal', $params = array())
static $modals;
static $included;
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
if (!self::$mootoolsPrevented) {
// Load the necessary files if they haven't yet been loaded
if (!isset($included)) {
// Load the javascript and css
JHtml::_('script','system/modal.js', true, true);
JHtml::_('stylesheet','system/modal.css', array(), true);
$included = true;
if (!isset($modals)) {
$modals = array();
$sig = md5(serialize(array($selector,$params)));
if (isset($modals[$sig]) && ($modals[$sig])) {
// Setup options object
$opt['ajaxOptions'] = (isset($params['ajaxOptions']) && (is_array($params['ajaxOptions']))) ? $params['ajaxOptions'] : null;
$opt['size'] = (isset($params['size']) && (is_array($params['size']))) ? $params['size'] : null;
$opt['shadow'] = (isset($params['shadow'])) ? $params['shadow'] : null;
$opt['onOpen'] = (isset($params['onOpen'])) ? $params['onOpen'] : null;
$opt['onClose'] = (isset($params['onClose'])) ? $params['onClose'] : null;
$opt['onUpdate'] = (isset($params['onUpdate'])) ? $params['onUpdate'] : null;
$opt['onResize'] = (isset($params['onResize'])) ? $params['onResize'] : null;
$opt['onMove'] = (isset($params['onMove'])) ? $params['onMove'] : null;
$opt['onShow'] = (isset($params['onShow'])) ? $params['onShow'] : null;
$opt['onHide'] = (isset($params['onHide'])) ? $params['onHide'] : null;
$options = JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
// Attach modal behavior to document
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
SqueezeBox.assign($$('".$selector."'), {
parse: 'rel'
// Set static array
$modals[$sig] = true;
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for the advanced uploader.
* @param string $id
* @param array $params An array of options for the uploader.
* @param string $upload_queue
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function uploader($id='file-upload', $params = array(), $upload_queue='upload-queue')
JHtml::_('script','system/swf.js', true, true);
JHtml::_('script','system/progressbar.js', true, true);
JHtml::_('script','system/uploader.js', true, true);
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
static $uploaders;
if (!isset($uploaders)) {
$uploaders = array();
if (isset($uploaders[$id]) && ($uploaders[$id])) {
$onFileSuccess = '\\function(file, response) {
var json = new Hash(JSON.decode(response, true) || {});
if (json.get(\'status\') == \'1\') {
file.element.addClass(\'file-success\');\'html\', \'<strong>\' + Joomla.JText._(\'JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_UPLOADER_FILE_SUCCESSFULLY_UPLOADED\') + \'</strong>\');
} else {
file.element.addClass(\'file-failed\');\'html\', \'<strong>\' +
Joomla.JText._(\'JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_UPLOADER_ERROR_OCCURRED\', \'An Error Occurred\').substitute({ error: json.get(\'error\') }) + \'</strong>\');
// Setup options object
$opt['verbose'] = true;
$opt['url'] = (isset($params['targetURL'])) ? $params['targetURL'] : null ;
$opt['path'] = (isset($params['swf'])) ? $params['swf'] : JURI::root(true).'/media/system/swf/uploader.swf';
$opt['height'] = (isset($params['height'])) && $params['height'] ? (int)$params['height'] : null;
$opt['width'] = (isset($params['width'])) && $params['width'] ? (int)$params['width'] : null;
$opt['multiple'] = (isset($params['multiple']) && !($params['multiple'])) ? '\\false' : '\\true';
$opt['queued'] = (isset($params['queued']) && !($params['queued'])) ? (int)$params['queued'] : null;
$opt['target'] = (isset($params['target'])) ? $params['target'] : '\\$(\'upload-browse\')';
$opt['instantStart'] = (isset($params['instantStart']) && ($params['instantStart'])) ? '\\true' : '\\false';
$opt['allowDuplicates'] = (isset($params['allowDuplicates']) && !($params['allowDuplicates'])) ? '\\false' : '\\true';
// limitSize is the old parameter name. Remove in 1.7
$opt['fileSizeMax'] = (isset($params['limitSize']) && ($params['limitSize'])) ? (int)$params['limitSize'] : null;
// fileSizeMax is the new name. If supplied, it will override the old value specified for limitSize
$opt['fileSizeMax'] = (isset($params['fileSizeMax']) && ($params['fileSizeMax'])) ? (int)$params['fileSizeMax'] : $opt['fileSizeMax'];
$opt['fileSizeMin'] = (isset($params['fileSizeMin']) && ($params['fileSizeMin'])) ? (int)$params['fileSizeMin'] : null;
// limitFiles is the old parameter name. Remove in 1.7
$opt['fileListMax'] = (isset($params['limitFiles']) && ($params['limitFiles'])) ? (int)$params['limitFiles'] : null;
// fileListMax is the new name. If supplied, it will override the old value specified for limitFiles
$opt['fileListMax'] = (isset($params['fileListMax']) && ($params['fileListMax'])) ? (int)$params['fileListMax'] : $opt['fileListMax'];
$opt['fileListSizeMax'] = (isset($params['fileListSizeMax']) && ($params['fileListSizeMax'])) ? (int)$params['fileListSizeMax'] : null;
// types is the old parameter name. Remove in 1.7
$opt['typeFilter'] = (isset($params['types'])) ? '\\'.$params['types'] : '\\{Joomla.JText._(\'JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_UPLOADER_ALL_FILES\'): \'*.*\'}';
$opt['typeFilter'] = (isset($params['typeFilter'])) ? '\\'.$params['typeFilter'] : $opt['typeFilter'];
// Optional functions
$opt['createReplacement'] = (isset($params['createReplacement'])) ? '\\'.$params['createReplacement'] : null;
$opt['onFileComplete'] = (isset($params['onFileComplete'])) ? '\\'.$params['onFileComplete'] : null;
$opt['onBeforeStart'] = (isset($params['onBeforeStart'])) ? '\\'.$params['onBeforeStart'] : null;
$opt['onStart'] = (isset($params['onStart'])) ? '\\'.$params['onStart'] : null;
$opt['onComplete'] = (isset($params['onComplete'])) ? '\\'.$params['onComplete'] : null;
$opt['onFileSuccess'] = (isset($params['onFileSuccess'])) ? '\\'.$params['onFileSuccess'] : $onFileSuccess;
if (!isset($params['startButton'])) {
$params['startButton'] = 'upload-start';
if (!isset($params['clearButton'])) {
$params['clearButton'] = 'upload-clear';
$opt['onLoad'] =
'\\function() {\''.$id.'\').removeClass(\'hide\'); // we show the actual UI\'upload-noflash\').destroy(); // ... and hide the plain form
// We relay the interactions with the overlayed flash to the link{
click: function() {
return false;
mouseenter: function() {
mouseleave: function() {
mousedown: function() {
// Interactions for the 2 other buttons\''.$params['clearButton'].'\').addEvent(\'click\', function() {
Uploader.remove(); // remove all files
return false;
});\''.$params['startButton'].'\').addEvent(\'click\', function() {
Uploader.start(); // start upload
return false;
$options = JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
// Attach tooltips to document
$uploaderInit =
'window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){
var Uploader = new FancyUpload2($(\''.$id.'\'), $(\''.$upload_queue.'\'), '.$options.' );
// Set static array
$uploaders[$id] = true;
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for a collapsible tree.
* @param $id string
* @param $params array An array of options.
* @param $root array
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function tree($id, $params = array(), $root = array())
static $trees;
if (!isset($trees)) {
$trees = array();
// Include mootools framework
JHtml::_('script','system/mootree.js', true, true, false, false);
JHtml::_('stylesheet','system/mootree.css', array(), true);
if (isset($trees[$id]) && ($trees[$id])) {
// Setup options object
$opt['div'] = (array_key_exists('div', $params)) ? $params['div'] : $id.'_tree';
$opt['mode'] = (array_key_exists('mode', $params)) ? $params['mode'] : 'folders';
$opt['grid'] = (array_key_exists('grid', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['grid'] : '\\true';
$opt['theme'] = (array_key_exists('theme', $params)) ? $params['theme'] : JHtml::_('image','system/mootree.gif', '', array(), true, true);
// Event handlers
$opt['onExpand'] = (array_key_exists('onExpand', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onExpand'] : null;
$opt['onSelect'] = (array_key_exists('onSelect', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onSelect'] : null;
$opt['onClick'] = (array_key_exists('onClick', $params)) ? '\\'.$params['onClick'] : '\\function(node){, $chk( ? : \'_self\'); }';
$options = JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
// Setup root node
$rt['text'] = (array_key_exists('text', $root)) ? $root['text'] : 'Root';
$rt['id'] = (array_key_exists('id', $root)) ? $root['id'] : null;
$rt['color'] = (array_key_exists('color', $root)) ? $root['color'] : null;
$rt['open'] = (array_key_exists('open', $root)) ? '\\'.$root['open'] : '\\true';
$rt['icon'] = (array_key_exists('icon', $root)) ? $root['icon'] : null;
$rt['openicon'] = (array_key_exists('openicon', $root)) ? $root['openicon'] : null;
$rt['data'] = (array_key_exists('data', $root)) ? $root['data'] : null;
$rootNode = JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($rt);
$treeName = (array_key_exists('treeName', $params)) ? $params['treeName'] : '';
$js = ' window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){
tree'.$treeName.' = new MooTreeControl('.$options.','.$rootNode.');
// Attach tooltips to document
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
// Set static array
$trees[$id] = true;
* Add unobtrusive javascript support for a calendar control.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function calendar()
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$tag = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
//Add uncompressed versions when debug is enabled
$uncompressed = JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug') ? '-uncompressed' : '';
JHtml::_('stylesheet','system/calendar-jos.css', array(' title' => JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_GREEN') ,' media' => 'all'), true);
JHtml::_('script',$tag.'/calendar'.$uncompressed.'.js', false, true);
JHtml::_('script',$tag.'/calendar-setup'.$uncompressed.'.js', false, true);
$translation = JHtmlBehavior::_calendartranslation();
if ($translation) {
* Keep session alive, for example, while editing or creating an article.
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function keepalive()
static $loaded = false;
// only load once
if ($loaded) {
if (!self::$mootoolsPrevented) {
// Include mootools framework
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$lifetime = ($config->get('lifetime') * 60000);
$refreshTime = ($lifetime <= 60000) ? 30000 : $lifetime - 60000;
//refresh time is 1 minute less than the liftime assined in the configuration.php file
// the longest refresh period is one hour to prevent integer overflow.
if ($refreshTime > 3600000 || $refreshTime <= 0) {
$refreshTime = 3600000;
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$script = '';
$script .= 'function keepAlive() {';
$script .= ' var myAjax = new Request({method: "get", url: "index.php"}).send();';
$script .= '}';
$script .= ' window.addEvent("domready", function()';
$script .= '{ keepAlive.periodical('.$refreshTime.'); }';
$script .= ');';
$loaded = true;
* Break us out of any containing iframes
* @return void
* @since 1.5
public static function noframes($location='top.location.href')
static $loaded = false;
// only load once
if ($loaded) {
$js = "window.addEvent('domready', function () {if (top != self) {top.location.replace(".$location.");}});";
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$loaded = true;
* Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array
* @param array $array The array to convert to JavaScript object notation
* @return string JavaScript object notation representation of the array
* @since 1.5
protected static function _getJSObject($array=array())
// Initialise variables.
$object = '{';
// Iterate over array to build objects
foreach ((array)$array as $k => $v)
if (is_null($v)) {
if (!is_array($v) && !is_object($v)) {
$object .= ' '.$k.': ';
$object .= (is_numeric($v) || strpos($v, '\\') === 0) ? (is_numeric($v)) ? $v : substr($v, 1) : "'".$v."'";
$object .= ',';
else {
$object .= ' '.$k.': '.JHtmlBehavior::_getJSObject($v).',';
if (substr($object, -1) == ',') {
$object = substr($object, 0, -1);
$object .= '}';
return $object;
* Internal method to translate the JavaScript Calendar
* @return string JavaScript that translates the object
* @since 1.5
protected static function _calendartranslation()
static $jsscript = 0;
if ($jsscript == 0) {
$return = 'Calendar._DN = new Array ("'.JText::_('SUNDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('MONDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('TUESDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('WEDNESDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('THURSDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('FRIDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('SATURDAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('SUNDAY',true).'");Calendar._SDN = new Array ("'.JText::_('SUN',true).'", "'.JText::_('MON',true).'", "'.JText::_('TUE',true).'", "'.JText::_('WED',true).'", "'.JText::_('THU',true).'", "'.JText::_('FRI',true).'", "'.JText::_('SAT',true).'", "'.JText::_('SUN',true).'"); Calendar._FD = 0; Calendar._MN = new Array ("'.JText::_('JANUARY',true).'", "'.JText::_('FEBRUARY',true).'", "'.JText::_('MARCH',true).'", "'.JText::_('APRIL',true).'", "'.JText::_('MAY',true).'", "'.JText::_('JUNE',true).'", "'.JText::_('JULY',true).'", "'.JText::_('AUGUST',true).'", "'.JText::_('SEPTEMBER',true).'", "'.JText::_('OCTOBER',true).'", "'.JText::_('NOVEMBER',true).'", "'.JText::_('DECEMBER',true).'"); Calendar._SMN = new Array ("'.JText::_('JANUARY_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('FEBRUARY_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('MARCH_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('APRIL_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('MAY_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('JUNE_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('JULY_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('AUGUST_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('SEPTEMBER_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('OCTOBER_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('NOVEMBER_SHORT',true).'", "'.JText::_('DECEMBER_SHORT',true).'");Calendar._TT = {};Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_ABOUT_THE_CALENDAR',true).'";
Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] =
"DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" +
"(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" +
"For latest version visit:\n" +
"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See for details." +
"\n\n" +
Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" +
"Time selection:\n" +
"- Click on any of the time parts to increase it\n" +
"- or Shift-click to decrease it\n" +
"- or click and drag for faster selection.";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_PREV_YEAR_HOLD_FOR_MENU',true).'";Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_PREV_MONTH_HOLD_FOR_MENU',true).'"; Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_GO_TODAY',true).'";Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_NEXT_MONTH_HOLD_FOR_MENU',true).'";Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_NEXT_YEAR_HOLD_FOR_MENU',true).'";Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_SELECT_DATE',true).'";Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_DRAG_TO_MOVE',true).'";Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TODAY',true).'";Calendar._TT["DAY_FIRST"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_DISPLAY_S_FIRST',true).'";Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"] = "0,6";Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE',true).'";Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TODAY',true).'";Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT_CLICK_OR_DRAG_TO_CHANGE_VALUE',true).'";Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "'.JText::_('%Y-%m-%d',true).'"; Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "'.JText::_('%a, %b %e',true).'";Calendar._TT["WK"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_WK',true).'";Calendar._TT["TIME"] = "'.JText::_('JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TIME',true).'";';
$jsscript = 1;
return $return;
else {
return false;
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