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Created April 7, 2024 20:38
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Reverse polish calculator in Erlang
read_tokens() ->
case io:get_line("calc> ") of
[] -> [];
L -> string:tokens(lists:droplast(L), " ")
exec_token(S, T) ->
F = list_to_float(T),
catch error:badarg ->
{Fa, Fb, Tl} = {hd(S), hd(tl(S)), tl(tl(S))},
case T of
"+" -> [Fa + Fb|Tl];
"-" -> [Fa - Fb|Tl];
"*" -> [Fa * Fb|Tl];
"/" -> [Fa / Fb|Tl];
"clear" -> []
exec_tokens(S, []) -> S;
exec_tokens(S, [T|R]) ->
exec_tokens(exec_token(S, T), R).
main_loop(S) when S =:= [] ->
main_loop(exec_tokens(S, read_tokens()));
main_loop(S) ->
io:format("~f~n", [hd(S)]),
main_loop(exec_tokens(S, read_tokens())).
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