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Created May 27, 2015 12:19
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  • Save gbougeard/a2eed5c58ca312843a5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gbougeard/a2eed5c58ca312843a5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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package tv.teads.github.api.models
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue}
trait PullRequestUrlsFormats {
implicit lazy val pullRequestUrlsJsonWrite : Write[PullRequestUrls, JsValue] = {
Write.gen[PullRequestUrls, JsObject]
implicit lazy val pullRequestUrlsJsonRead = From[JsValue] { __ =>
(__ \ "html_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "diff_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "patch_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "issue_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "commits_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "review_comments_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "review_comment_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "comments_url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "statuses_url").read[String]
)(PullRequestUrls.apply _)
case class PullRequestUrls(html_url: String,
diff_url: String,
patch_url: String,
issue_url: String,
commits_url: String,
review_comments_url: String,
review_comment_url: String,
comments_url: String,
statuses_url: String)
trait TimeMetadataFormats {
// implicit lazy val timeMetadataJsonWrite : Write[TimeMetadata, JsValue] = {
// import
// Write.gen[TimeMetadata, JsObject]
// }
implicit lazy val timeMetadataJsonRead = From[JsValue] { __ =>
(__ \ "created_at").read[String] ~
(__ \ "updated_at").read[String] ~
(__ \ "closed_at").read[Option[String]] ~
(__ \ "merged_at").read[Option[String]] ~
(__ \ "merge_commit_sha").read[Option[String]]
)(TimeMetadata.apply _)
case class TimeMetadata(created_at: String,
updated_at: String,
closed_at: Option[String],
merged_at: Option[String],
merge_commit_sha: Option[String])
trait ChangeMetadataFormats {
// implicit lazy val changeMetadataJsonWrite: Write[ChangeMetadata, JsValue] = {
// import
// Write.gen[ChangeMetadata, JsObject]
// }
implicit lazy val changeMetadataJsonRead = From[JsValue] { __ =>
(__ \ "comments").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "review_comments").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "commits").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "additions").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "review_comments").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "deletions").read[Long]
)(ChangeMetadata.apply _)
case class ChangeMetadata(comments: Long,
review_comments: Long,
commits: Long,
additions: Long,
deletions: Long,
changed_files: Long
trait PullRequestFormats {
self :UserFormats with PullRequestUrlsFormats with PullRequestLinksFormats with TimeMetadataFormats with ChangeMetadataFormats with HeadFormats =>
// implicit lazy val pullRequestJsonWrite : Write[PullRequest, JsValue] = {
// import
// Write.gen[PullRequest, JsObject]
// }
implicit lazy val pullRequestJsonRead = From[JsValue]{ __ =>
(__ \ "url").read[String] ~
(__ \ "id").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "number").read[Long] ~
(__ \ "state").read[String] ~
(__ \ "locked").read[Boolean] ~
(__ \ "title").read[String] ~
(__ \ "user").read[User] ~
(__ \ "body").read[String] ~
(__ \ "assignee").read[Option[User]] ~
(__ \ "milestone").read[String] ~
(__ \ "head").read[Head] ~
(__ \ "base").read[Head] ~
(__ \ "merged").read[Option[Boolean]] ~
(__ \ "mergeable").read[Option[Boolean]] ~
(__ \ "mergeable_state").read[Option[String]] ~
(__ \ "merged_by").read[Option[User]] ~
(__ \ "_links").read[PullRequestLinks] // I have to combine/add the other readers
)(PullRequest.apply _)
case class PullRequest(
url : String,
id: Long,
number: Long,
state: String,
locked: Boolean,
title: String,
user: User,
body: String,
assignee: Option[User],
milestone: String,
head: Head,
base: Head,
merged: Option[Boolean],
mergeable: Option[Boolean],
mergeable_state: Option[String],
merged_by: Option[User],
links: PullRequestLinks,
urls: PullRequestUrls,
timeMetadata: TimeMetadata,
changeMetadata: ChangeMetadata
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