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Last active October 10, 2016 19:27
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Scollector Puppet Files
"scollector::collector_tags": [
"Note":"This is only partial, secrets are in an excrypted blackbox file"
"scollector::config::cadvisor": [
"scollector::config::google_analytics": {
"Sites": [
"Name": "",
"Profile": "654321"
"Detailed": "true",
"Name": "",
"Profile": "123456"
"scollector::config::httpunit_hiera": "/opt/httpunit/data/listeners.json",
"scollector::config::httpunit_toml": "/opt/httpunit/data/httpunit.toml",
"scollector::config::redis_counter": "ny-bosun01:6389",
"scollector::config::snmp": [
"Host": "nexus01",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "nexus02",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "mgmt01",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "mgmt02",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "edge01",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "edge02",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "pdu1",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "fw",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "vmware01",
"MIBs": [
"Host": "equalogic01",
"MIBs": [
"notes":"Used to include modules/scollector/files/collectors/0/___ files using scollector::collector_tags in hiera",
"scollector::collectors": {
"asterisksh": {
"freq": 0,
"name": "",
"tag": [
"mysqlpy": {
"freq": 0,
"name": "",
"packages": [
"tag": [
"named-statspy": {
"freq": 0,
"name": "",
"tag": [
define scollector::collector_tag {
Scollector::Collector <| tag == $title |>
class scollector::config (
$snmp = hiera_array('scollector::config::snmp', []),
$cadvisor = hiera_array('scollector::config::cadvisor', []),
$communities = hiera_hash('scollector::config::communities', {}),
$vsphere = hiera_array('scollector::config::vsphere', []),
$github = hiera_array('scollector::config::github', []),
$fastly = hiera_array('scollector::config::fastly', []),
$community = hiera('stacksnmpd::ro_community', 'public'),
$haproxy_url = '',
$haproxy_instances = {},
$ga = hiera_hash('scollector::config::google_analytics', {}),
$haproxy_user = hiera('shared::haproxy::readonly_username', ''),
$haproxy_pass = hiera('shared::haproxy::readonly_password', ''),
$extrahop = hiera_array('scollector::config::extrahop', []),
$aws = hiera_array('scollector::config::aws', []),
$httpunit_toml = undef,
$httpunit_hiera = undef,
$redis_counter = undef,
$nexpose = undef,
$batch_size = undef,
) {
file { '/opt/scollector/scollector.toml':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
content => template('scollector/scollector.toml.erb'),
show_diff => false,
notify => Service['scollector'],
class scollector (
$collectors = hiera('scollector::collectors', []),
$collector_tag_array = hiera_array('scollector::collector_tags', ['base']),
) {
include scollector::install
include scollector::config
include scollector::helpers
create_resources('@scollector::collector', $collectors)
#Scollector::Collector <| tag == 'base' |>
# Simple defined type to realize each tag found from Hiera
scollector::collector_tag { $collector_tag_array: }
# $enable_failure is used by the scollector.service.erb template to determine
# if we should fire the scollector-failure service OnFailure.
class scollector::install (
$ensure = 'running',
$enable = true,
$enable_failure = true,
) {
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' and $::operatingsystemmajrelease == '7' {
file { '/usr/lib/systemd/system/scollector.service':
ensure => 'file',
content => template('scollector/scollector.service.erb'),
notify => [ Service['scollector'], Exec['systemctl daemon-reload'], ],
before => Service['scollector'],
file { '/etc/systemd/system/scollector-failure.service':
ensure => 'file',
source => 'puppet:///modules/scollector/scollector-failure.service',
notify => Exec['systemctl daemon-reload'],
if(!defined(Exec['systemctl daemon-reload'])) {
exec { 'systemctl daemon-reload':
command => 'systemctl daemon-reload',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
refreshonly => true,
before => Service['scollector'],
file { '/etc/sysconfig/scollector':
ensure => absent,
notify => Service['scollector'],
before => Service['scollector'],
} else {
file { '/etc/init.d/scollector':
ensure => file,
mode => '0744',
owner => root,
group => root,
content => template('scollector/scollector.init'),
notify => Service['scollector'],
require => Package['daemonize'],
before => Service['scollector'],
Class['epel'] -> Package['daemonize']
file { '/opt/scollector':
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
file { '/opt/scollector/collectors':
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
require => File['/opt/scollector'],
package { 'scollector':
ensure => latest,
notify => Service['scollector'],
require => [ File['/opt/scollector'], Yumrepo['stack-local-prod'] ],
service { 'scollector':
ensure => $ensure,
hasrestart => false,
enable => $enable,
require => [
Description=Send email on scollector failure
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'mail -s "[systemd] scollector died on %H", </dev/null'
<%- if @enable_failure -%>
<%- end -%>
ExecStart=/opt/scollector/scollector /opt/scollector/collectors
Host = "<%= @tsd_host %>"
<%- if @batch_size -%>
BatchSize = <%= @batch_size %>
<% else %>
BatchSize = 5000
<%- end -%>
ColDir = "/opt/scollector/collectors"
KeepalivedCommunity = "<%= @community %>"
ElasticIndexFilters = [ 'careers-company-pages-\d+', 'careers-full-cv-candidate-search-\d+', 'careers-job-search-\d+', 'logstash-it-\d+', 'it-logs-\d+', 'haproxy-\d+', 'haproxy-logs-\d+', 'logstash-\d+' ]
<% @snmp.each do |v| -%>
Host = "<%= v['Host'] %>"
Community = "<%= @communities[v['Host']] %>"
<%- if v['MIBs'] -%>
MIBs = [<% v['MIBs'].each do |m| -%>"<%= m %>",<% end %>]
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>
<%- if @haproxy_instances.any? -%>
User = "<%= @haproxy_user %>"
Password = "<%= @haproxy_pass %>"
<%- @haproxy_instances.sort.each do |tier, port| -%>
Tier = "<%= tier %>"
URL = "http://<%= @hostname %>:<%= port %><%= @haproxy_url %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @ga.any? -%>
ClientID = "<%= @ga['ClientID'] %>"
Secret = "<%= @ga['Secret'] %>"
Token = '''
<%- @ga['Token'].each do |tokenline| -%>
<%= tokenline %>
<%- end -%>
<%- @ga['Sites'].each do |site| -%>
Name = "<%= site['Name'] %>"
Profile = "<%= site['Profile'] %>"
<%- if site['Offset'] -%>
Offset = <%= site['Offset'] %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if site['Detailed'] -%>
Detailed = <%= site['Detailed'] %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% @vsphere.each do |v| -%>
Host = "<%= v['Host'] %>"
User = "<%= v['User'] %>"
Password = "<%= v['Password'] %>"
<% end -%>
<% @extrahop.each do |v| -%>
Host = "<%= v['Host'] %>"
APIKey = "<%= v['APIKey'] %>"
FilterBy = "<%= v['FilterBy'] %>"
<%- if v['CertificateSubjectMatch'] -%>
CertificateSubjectMatch = "<%= v['CertificateSubjectMatch'] %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- if v['CertificateActivityGroup'] -%>
CertificateActivityGroup = <%= v['CertificateActivityGroup'] %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if v['AdditionalMetrics'] -%>
AdditionalMetrics = "<%= v['AdditionalMetrics'] %>"
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>
<% @github.each do |v| -%>
Repo = "<%= v['Repo'] %>"
Token = "<%= v['Token'] %>"
<% end -%>
<% @fastly.each do |v| -%>
Key = "<%= v['Key'] %>"
StatusBaseAddr = "<%= v['StatusBaseAddr'] %>"
<% end -%>
<% @aws.each do |v| -%>
AccessKey = "<%= v['AccessKey'] %>"
SecretKey = "<%= v['SecretKey'] %>"
Region = "<%= v['Region'] %>"
BillingProductCodesRegex = "<%= v['BillingProductCodesRegex'] %>"
BillingBucketName = "<%= v['BillingBucketName'] %>"
BillingBucketPath = "<%= v['BillingBucketPath'] %>"
BillingPurgeDays = <%= v['BillingPurgeDays'] %>
<% end -%>
<%- if @httpunit_toml -%>
TOML = "<%= @httpunit_toml %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- @cadvisor.each do |url| -%>
URL = "<%= url %>"
IsRemote = true
<% end -%>
<%- if @cadvisor.any? -%>
CollectorExpr = "cadvisor"
docker_name = 'k8s_(?P<container_name>[^\.]+)\.[0-9a-z]+_(?P<pod_name>[^-]+)'
docker_id = '^(?P<docker_id>.{12})'
docker_name = ''
name = ''
<%- end -%>
<%- if @httpunit_hiera -%>
Hiera = "<%= @httpunit_hiera %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- if @redis_counter -%>
Server = "<%= @redis_counter %>"
<%- end -%>
Name = "^(scollector|patcher-client|puppet|redis-.*|dcismeng|dsm_om_connsvc|dsm_om_shrsvc|keepalived|haproxy-t.*|opentsdb|httpd)$"
WatchProc = false
Name = "^(fastly-ratelimit|grafana-server|kibana|shiny-server|memcached|kube-apiserver|kube-controller-manager|kube-scheduler|kube-proxy|kubelet)$"
WatchProc = true
<%- if @nexpose -%>
Username = "<%= @nexpose["username"] %>"
Password = "<%= @nexpose["password"] %>"
Host = "<%= @nexpose["host"] %>"
<%- if @nexpose.has_key?("insecure") -%>
Insecure = <%= @nexpose["insecure"] %>
<%- end -%>
Command = "/nexserv$"
Name = "nexpose-nexserv"
<%- end -%>
Command = "/nseserv$"
Name = "nexpose-nseserv"
<%# redis and ruby use setproctitle to change the /proc/pid/cmdline which breaks scollector's getLinuxProccesses method in processes_linux.go. Here we match on Command instead of Arguments -%>
Command = 'redis-server \*:6379'
Name = <%- if @hostname.include? '-mlredis' -%>"redis-ml"<%- else -%>"redis-core"<%- end -%>
Command = 'redis-server \*:6380'
Name = "redis-careers"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6381'
Name = "redis-gossip"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6382'
Name = "redis-analytics"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6383'
Name = "redis-coreml"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6384'
Name = "redis-mobile"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6385'
Name = "redis-ads"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6387'
Name = "redis-prizm"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6388'
Name = "redis-perdc"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6389'
Name = "redis-bosun"
Command = 'redis-server \*:16389'
Name = "redis-bosun-dev"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6376'
Name = "redis-it"
Command = 'redis-server \*:6377'
Name = "redis-internal"
Command = "unicorn master"
Name = "unicorn-master"
Command = "unicorn worker"
Name = "unicorn-worker"
Command = "dashboard/delayed_job."
Name = "puppet-dashboard"
<%# Normally processes should use: Command,new name for bosun,regex match on Arguments %>
Command = "ruby"
Name = "ruby-rake"
Args = "bin/rake"
Command = "ruby"
Name = "puppet-agent"
Args = "puppet"
Command = "sidekiq"
Name = "ruby-sidekiq"
Command = "java"
Name = "puppet-db"
Args = "com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.core"
Command = "httpd"
Name = "apache"
Command = "/usr/sbin/named"
Name = "bind"
Command = "/usr/sbin/exim"
Name = "exim"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t1"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t1/haproxy-t1.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t2"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t2/haproxy-t2.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t3"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t3/haproxy-t3.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t4"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t4/haproxy-t4.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t20"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t20/haproxy-t20.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-t99"
Args = "/etc/haproxy-t99/haproxy-t99.cfg"
Command = "/haproxy$"
Name = "haproxy-other"
Args = "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
Command = "/usr/libexec/mysqld"
Name = "mysql"
Command = "postgres"
Name = "postgres-db"
Command = "nginx"
Name = "nginx"
Command = "java"
Name = "teamcity-agentlauncher"
Args = "jetbrains.buildServer.agent.Launcher"
Command = "java"
Name = "teamcity-buildagent"
Args = "[Tt]eam[Cc]ity/buildAgent/lib/agent.jar"
Command = "java"
Name = "teamcity-catalina"
Args = "catalina.home=/opt/[Tt]eam[Cc]ity"
Command = "/opt/tsdbrelay/tsdbrelay"
Name = "tsdbrelay"
Command = "java"
Name = "cloudera-eventcatcher"
Args = "cloudera.cmf.eventcatcher"
Command = "java"
Name = "cloudera-servicemonitor"
Args = "log.file=mgmt-cmf-mgmt1-SERVICEMONITOR"
Command = "java"
Name = "hadoop-hbase-regionserver"
Args = "proc_regionserver"
Command = "java"
Name = "hadoop-hdfs-datanode"
Args = "proc_datanode"
Command = "java"
Name = "hadoop-hdfs-namenode"
Args = "proc_namenode"
Command = "java"
Name = "opentsdb"
Args = "config=/etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf"
Command = "/usr/sbin/keepalived"
Name = "keepalived"
Command = "/usr/local/bin/node"
Name = "node"
Command = "bin/python"
Name = "gunicorn"
Args = "/usr/local/bin/gunicorn"
Command = "bin/python"
Name = "yum"
Args = "/usr/bin/yum"
Command = "ruby"
Name = "patcher"
Args = "patcher-update.rb"
Command = "java"
Name = "elastic"
Args = "elasticsearch"
Command = "java"
Name = "logstash"
Args = "logstash"
Command = "/opt/bosun/bosun"
Name = "bosun"
Command = "/opt/scollector/scollector"
Name = "scollector"
Command = "vmtoolsd"
Name = "vmware-tools"
Command = "^(un)?xz$"
Name = "tar-xz"
Command = "^[blg]?(un)?zip2?$"
Name = "zip"
<%- if @snmp.any? -%>
BaseOid = ""
BaseOid = ".26"
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.3"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2IdentName.1 = STRING: "CO-PDU-C1"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2IdentName.2 = STRING: "CO-PDU-C2"
# .2.1.3
Metric = "apc.device.power.overload.alarm_threshold"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kW"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The device power level that will trigger an alarm"
Scale = 0.1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceConfigOverloadPowerThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 50
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceConfigOverloadPowerThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 50
# .
# unit: 5.0 kW
Metric = "apc.device.power.overload.warning_threshold"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kW"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The device power level that will trigger a warning"
Scale = 0.1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceConfigNearOverloadPowerThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 40
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceConfigNearOverloadPowerThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 40
# .
# unit: 5.0 kW
Metric = "apc.device.power"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kW"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current device power level"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPower.1 = INTEGER: 129
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPower.2 = INTEGER: 275
# .
# unit: 1.29 kW
Metric = "apc.device.energy_total"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kWh"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "The device's total energy use counter"
Scale = 0.1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergy.1 = INTEGER: 29523
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusEnergy.2 = INTEGER: 66222
# .
# unit: 2952.3 kWh
Metric = "apc.device.apparent_power"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kVA"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current device apparent power"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusApparentPower.1 = INTEGER: 142
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusApparentPower.2 = INTEGER: 282
# .
# unit: 1.42 kVA
Metric = "apc.device.power_factor"
Oid = "."
Unit = "percent"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current device power factor"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerFactor.1 = INTEGER: 91
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerFactor.2 = INTEGER: 98
# .
# unit: 91%
Metric = "apc.device.power_supply.alarm"
Oid = "."
Unit = "state"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Device supply alarm state - 1 is ok, 2 is alarm"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupplyAlarm.1 = INTEGER: normal(1)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupplyAlarm.2 = INTEGER: normal(1)
# .
# 2 is bad
Metric = "apc.device.power_supply.status"
Oid = "."
Unit = "state"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Device supply status - 1 is ok, 2 is alarm"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply1Status.1 = INTEGER: normal(1)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusPowerSupply1Status.2 = INTEGER: normal(1)
# .
# 2 is bad
Metric = "apc.phase.current.overload.warning_threshold"
Oid = "."
Unit = "A"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The phase current level that will trigger a warning"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 19
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 19
# .
# unit: 19A
Metric = "apc.phase.current.overload.alarm_threshold"
Oid = "."
Unit = "A"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The phase current level that will trigger an alarm"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 24
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 24
# .
# unit: 19A
Metric = "apc.phase.current"
Oid = "."
Unit = "A"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current phase current level"
Scale = 0.1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusCurrent.1 = INTEGER: 66
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusCurrent.2 = INTEGER: 137
# .
# unit: 6.6A
Metric = "apc.phase.voltage"
Oid = "."
Unit = "V"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current phase voltage"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusVoltage.1 = INTEGER: 209
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusVoltage.2 = INTEGER: 207
# .
# unit: 209V
Metric = "apc.phase.power"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kW"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current phase power"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusPower.1 = INTEGER: 124
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusPower.2 = INTEGER: 277
# .
# unit: 1.24 kW
Metric = "apc.phase.apparent_power"
Oid = "."
Unit = "kVA"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current phase apparent power"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusApparentPower.1 = INTEGER: 138
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusApparentPower.2 = INTEGER: 284
# .
# unit: 1.38 kVA
Metric = "apc.phase.power_factor"
Oid = "."
Unit = "percent"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "The current phase power factor"
Scale = 0.01
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusPowerFactor.1 = INTEGER: 90
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusPowerFactor.2 = INTEGER: 98
# .
# unit: 90%
Metric = "apc.device.load_state"
Oid = "."
Unit = "state"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Current device load state - 1=low, 2=normal, 3=nearoverload, 4=overload"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusLoadState.1 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2DeviceStatusLoadState.2 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# .
# > 2 bad
Metric = "apc.phase.load_state"
Oid = "."
Unit = "state"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Current phase load state - 1=low, 2=normal, 3=nearoverload, 4=overload"
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusLoadState.1 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2PhaseStatusLoadState.2 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# .
# > 2 bad
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigModule.1 = INTEGER: 1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigModule.2 = INTEGER: 1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigModule.3 = INTEGER: 2
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigModule.4 = INTEGER: 2
# .
# device 1 / device 2
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 16
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 16
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.3 = INTEGER: 16
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigNearOverloadCurrentThreshold.4 = INTEGER: 16
# .
# unit: 20A
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.1 = INTEGER: 20
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.2 = INTEGER: 20
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.3 = INTEGER: 20
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankConfigOverloadCurrentThreshold.4 = INTEGER: 20
# .
# unit: 20A
# Scale = 0.1
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusCurrent.1 = INTEGER: 28
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusCurrent.2 = INTEGER: 36
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusCurrent.3 = INTEGER: 85
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusCurrent.4 = INTEGER: 53
# .
# unit: 2.8A
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusLoadState.1 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusLoadState.2 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusLoadState.3 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# PowerNet-MIB::rPDU2BankStatusLoadState.4 = INTEGER: normal(2)
# .
# > 2 bad
BaseOid = ""
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total pool space in the group"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Pool space used in the group"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total reserved space in the group's pools"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Number of online members in the group"
# EQLMEMBER-MIB::eqlMemberName.1.1394945265
# .
# 731375778 = ny-eql02
# 1365314122 = ny-eql01
# 1394945265 = co-eql01
# 731375778 = ny-eql02
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Used space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Space for snapshots in the member"
Metric = "eql.connections"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Connections to the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read latency counter"
Metric = "eql.latency.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write latency counter"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average read latency"
Metric = "eql.latency.write.avg"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average write latency"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read operation count"
Metric = "eql.operations.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write operation count"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data sent"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data received"
Metric = "eql.disk.spare_count"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Number of spaces available in the member"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.731375778"
Metric = "eql.temp.value"
Oid = ".3.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "C"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp sensor data"
Metric = "eql.temp.state"
Oid = ".4.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp state; 0=unknown 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.731375778"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".3.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Current fan speed"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Fan state; 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.731375778"
Metric = "eql.psu.state"
Oid = ".3.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU state; 1=ok 2=no power 3=dead"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU fan state - 1=ok 2=dead"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "slot"
Oid = ".11.1.731375778"
Key = "model"
Oid = ".3.1.731375778"
Key = "serial"
Oid = ".5.1.731375778"
Metric = "eql.disk.size"
Oid = ".6.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk size"
Metric = "eql.disk.status"
Oid = ".8.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk status; 1=ok 2=spare 3=failed 4=offline 5=foreign 6=too small 7=history of failures 8=unsupported 9=unhealthy 10=replacement 11=encrypted 12=not approved 13=preempt failed"
Metric = "eql.disk.errors"
Oid = ".9.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Disk's error count"
Metric = "eql.disk.rpm"
Oid = ".13.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk's RPM"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".17.1.731375778"
Tags = "member=ny-eql02"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk health - 2=smart tripped"
# 1365314122 = ny-eql01
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Used space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Space for snapshots in the member"
Metric = "eql.connections"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Connections to the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read latency counter"
Metric = "eql.latency.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write latency counter"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average read latency"
Metric = "eql.latency.write.avg"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average write latency"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read operation count"
Metric = "eql.operations.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write operation count"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data sent"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data received"
Metric = "eql.disk.spare_count"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Number of spaces available in the member"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1365314122"
Metric = "eql.temp.value"
Oid = ".3.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "C"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp sensor data"
Metric = "eql.temp.state"
Oid = ".4.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp state; 0=unknown 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1365314122"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".3.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Current fan speed"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Fan state; 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1365314122"
Metric = "eql.psu.state"
Oid = ".3.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU state; 1=ok 2=no power 3=dead"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU fan state - 1=ok 2=dead"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "slot"
Oid = ".11.1.1365314122"
Key = "model"
Oid = ".3.1.1365314122"
Key = "serial"
Oid = ".5.1.1365314122"
Metric = "eql.disk.size"
Oid = ".6.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk size"
Metric = "eql.disk.status"
Oid = ".8.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk status; 1=ok 2=spare 3=failed 4=offline 5=foreign 6=too small 7=history of failures 8=unsupported 9=unhealthy 10=replacement 11=encrypted 12=not approved 13=preempt failed"
Metric = "eql.disk.errors"
Oid = ".9.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Disk's error count"
Metric = "eql.disk.rpm"
Oid = ".13.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk's RPM"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".17.1.1365314122"
Tags = "member=ny-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk health - 2=smart tripped"
BaseOid = ""
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total pool space in the group"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Pool space used in the group"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total reserved space in the group's pools"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Number of online members in the group"
# EQLMEMBER-MIB::eqlMemberName.1.1394945265
# .
# 731375778 = ny-eql02
# 1365314122 = ny-eql01
# 1394945265 = co-eql01
# 1394945265 = co-eql01
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Total space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Used space in the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Space for snapshots in the member"
Metric = "eql.connections"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Connections to the member"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read latency counter"
Metric = "eql.latency.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write latency counter"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average read latency"
Metric = "eql.latency.write.avg"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "ms"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Average write latency"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Read operation count"
Metric = "eql.operations.write"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Write operation count"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data sent"
Metric = ""
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Total data received"
Metric = "eql.disk.spare_count"
Oid = "."
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Number of spaces available in the member"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1394945265"
Metric = "eql.temp.value"
Oid = ".3.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "C"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp sensor data"
Metric = "eql.temp.state"
Oid = ".4.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Temp state; 0=unknown 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1394945265"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".3.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Current fan speed"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Fan state; 1=normal 2=warn 3=alarm"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "name"
Oid = ".2.1.1394945265"
Metric = "eql.psu.state"
Oid = ".3.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU state; 1=ok 2=no power 3=dead"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".4.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "PSU fan state - 1=ok 2=dead"
BaseOid = "."
Key = "slot"
Oid = ".11.1.1394945265"
Key = "model"
Oid = ".3.1.1394945265"
Key = "serial"
Oid = ".5.1.1394945265"
Metric = "eql.disk.size"
Oid = ".6.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "MB"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk size"
Metric = "eql.disk.status"
Oid = ".8.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk status; 1=ok 2=spare 3=failed 4=offline 5=foreign 6=too small 7=history of failures 8=unsupported 9=unhealthy 10=replacement 11=encrypted 12=not approved 13=preempt failed"
Metric = "eql.disk.errors"
Oid = ".9.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "counter"
Description = "Disk's error count"
Metric = "eql.disk.rpm"
Oid = ".13.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
Unit = "RPM"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk's RPM"
Metric = ""
Oid = ".17.1.1394945265"
Tags = "member=co-eql01"
RateType = "gauge"
Description = "Disk health - 2=smart tripped"
<%- end -%>
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