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Created April 27, 2015 21:40
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A broadcast channel implementation in Go.
Package broadcast implements a broadcasting channel. The broadcaster
creates or wraps a channel which when written to is replicated to all attached
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Millisecond)
b, ch := broadcast.NewBroadcaster()
go func() {
for v := range ticker.C {
ch <- v
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int, recv <-chan interface{}) {
for v = range receiver {
... do something every millisecond on 10 different goroutines
}(i, b.Receiver())
package broadcast
type Broadcaster struct {
publisher chan<- interface{}
toadd chan *receiver
receive *receiver
type receiver struct {
v chan interface{}
b *Broadcaster
next *receiver
closed bool
// Creates a new broadcaster, with associated write channel. Values written to the write channel
// will be propagated to every receiver channel.
func NewBroadcaster() (*Broadcaster, chan<- interface{}) {
ch := make(chan interface{})
ret := &Broadcaster{
publisher: ch,
toadd: make(chan *receiver),
runBroadcaster(ret, ch)
return ret, ch
// Creates a new broadcaster around the given channel. All events read from the channel
// will be propagated to every receiver channel. The given channel must be closed independently
// of the broadcaster.
func Broadcast(ch <-chan interface{}) *Broadcaster {
ret := &Broadcaster{
publisher: nil,
toadd: make(chan *receiver),
runBroadcaster(ret, ch)
return ret
func runBroadcaster(b *Broadcaster, ch <-chan interface{}) {
go func() {
defer b.Close()
for v := range ch {
propagate(b, v)
b.publisher = nil //already closed
go func() {
for r := range b.toadd { = b.receive
b.receive = r
for n := b.receive; n != nil; n = {
func propagate(b *Broadcaster, v interface{}) {
for n := b.receive; n != nil; n = {
n.v <- v
// Closes the writer channel, which propagates the close event to all receiver channels.
func (b *Broadcaster) Close() {
if b.toadd != nil {
b.toadd = nil
if b.publisher != nil {
b.publisher = nil
// Gets a receiver channel from the broadcaster. Every receiver channel receives all messages sent to the publisher.
func (b *Broadcaster) Receive() <-chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
ret := &receiver{
v: ch,
b: b,
b.toadd <- ret
return ret.v
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