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Last active October 6, 2018 16:15
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Apex TestDataFactory
public class TestDataFactory {
public class SObjectGenerator {
public Integer seed = 0;
private Map<String,Object> fields;
private SObjectType sobType;
public SObjectGenerator(SObjectType sobType, Map<String,Object> fields) {
this.fields = fields;
public void mergeFields(SObject sob, Map<String,Object> fields) {
for (String key : fields) {
sob.put(key, fields.get(key));
public SObject generateSObject() {
SObject sob = sobType.newSObject();
mergeFields(sob, fields);
return sob;
// Account Generator
private static SObjectGenerator accountGenerator = new SObjectGenerator(Account.SObjectType, new Map<String,Object>{});
public static generateAccount() {
Account newSob = accountGenerator.generateSObject();
newSob.Name = 'Test Account ' + accountGenerator.seed;
return newSob;
public static Account createAccount(){
return createAccount(new Map<String,Object>());
public static Account createAccount(Map<String,Object> extraFields) {
Account newSob = generateAccount();
accountGenerator.mergeFields(newSob, extraFields);
insert newSob;
return newSob;
// Contact Generator
private static SObjectGenerator contactGenerator = new SObjectGenerator(Contact.SObjectType, new Map<String,Object>{
'FirstName' => 'Test',
'LastName' => 'Contact'
public static generateContact() {
Contact newSob = contactGenerator.generateSObject();
newSob.Email = 'test' + contactGenerator.seed + '';
return newSob;
public static Contact createContact(){
return createContact(new Map<String,Object>());
public static Contact createContact(Map<String,Object> extraFields) {
Contact newSob = generateContact();
if (extraFields.containsKey('Account')) {
Map<String,Object> acctFields = extraFields.remove('Account');
Account acct = createAccount(acctFields);
newSob.AccountId = acct.Id;
contactGenerator.mergeFields(newSob, extraFields);
if (newSob.AccountId == null) {
newSob.AccountId = createAccount();
insert newSob;
return newSob;
// User Generator
private static SObjectGenerator userGenerator = new SObjectGenerator(User.SObjectType, new Map<String,Object>{
'FirstName' => 'Test',
'LastName' => 'User',
'EmailEncodingKey' => 'UTF-8',
'LanguageLocaleKey' => 'en_US',
'LocaleSidKey' => 'en_US',
'TimezoneSidKey' => 'America/Denver'
public static generateUser() {
User newSob = userGenerator.generateSObject();
String alias = 'test' + userGenerator.seed;
newSob.Email = alias + '';
newSob.Username = newSob.Email;
newSob.CommunityNickname = alias;
newSob.Alias = alias;
return newSob;
public static User createUser(){
return createUser(new Map<String,Object>());
public static User createUser(Map<String,Object> extraFields) {
User newSob = generateUser();
if (extraFields.containsKey('Contact')) {
Map<String,Object> contFields = extraFields.remove('Contact');
Contact acct = createContact(contFields);
newSob.ContactId = acct.Id;
userGenerator.mergeFields(newSob, extraFields);
// avoids MIXED_DML
System.runAs(new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId())) {
insert newSob;
return newSob;
public class TestDataFactoryTest() {
static void makeData(){
// account shared by contact 1 and 2
Account acct = TestDataFactory.createAccount();
// contact 1 is generated but not inserted
Contact cont1 = TestDataFactory.generateContact();
// assign the account id manually
cont1.AccountId = acct;
insert cont1;
// contact 2 is inserted
// provide the account id as an extra field
Contact cont2 = TestDataFactory.createContact(new Map<String,Object>{
'AccountId' => acct.Id
// contact 3 creates its own account
// provide extra account fields
Contact cont3 = TestDataFactory.createContact(new Map<String,Object>{
'FirstName' => 'Charlie',
'LastName' => 'Brown',
'Account' => new Map<String,Object> {
'Website' => ''
// community user
Profile commUserProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Customer Community User'];
User commUser = TestDataFactory.createUser(new Map<String,Object>{
'ContactId' => cont3.Id,
'ProfileId' => commUserProfile.Id
// admin user
Profile adminProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'];
UserRole adminRole = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Admin'];
User adminUser = TestDataFactory.createUser(new Map<String,Object>{
'ProfileId' => adminProfile.Id,
'UserRoleId' => adminRole.Id
static void it_should_create_account() {
// create account
Account acct = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account 1'];
System.assertNotEquals(null, acct.Id);
static void it_should_generate_contact() {
Account acct = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account 1'];
Contact cont1 = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Email = ''];
System.assertNotEquals(null, cont1.Id);
System.assertEquals(acct.Id, cont1.AccountId);
System.assertEquals('Test', cont1.FirstName);
System.assertEquals('Contact', cont1.LastName);
static void it_should_create_contact() {
Account acct = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account 1'];
Contact cont2 = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Email = ''];
System.assertNotEquals(null, cont2.Id);
System.assertEquals(acct.Id, cont2.AccountId);
System.assertEquals('Test', cont2.FirstName);
System.assertEquals('Contact', cont2.LastName);
static void it_should_create_contact_with_account() {
Account acct = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account 1'];
Contact cont3 = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, AccountId, Account.Website FROM Contact WHERE Email = ''];
System.assertNotEquals(null, cont3.Id);
System.assertNotEquals(null, cont3.AccountId);
System.assertNotEquals(acct.Id, cont3.AccountId);
System.assertEquals('Charlie', cont3.FirstName);
System.assertEquals('Brown', cont3.LastName);
System.assertEquals('', cont3.Account.Website);
static void it_should_create_community_user() {
User commUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Username = ''];
static void it_should_create_admin_user() {
User adminUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Username = ''];
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