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Last active November 18, 2020 18:56
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Article about Finite State Machine - Step 3 - The State Machine library
import random
def hidden_to_visible_action(pokemon):
print(f'Trying to find {}...')
value = random.randint(0, pokemon.level)
if value > 3:
print('Uh oh! Pokemon 404!')
return False
print(f'Wild {} appeared!')
return True
def injured_to_attack_action(pokemon):
# TODO - Some action to extract the pokemon life
return True
from enum import Enum, auto
class States(Enum):
HIDDEN = auto()
VISIBLE = auto()
INJURED = auto()
CAPTURED = auto()
DEAD = auto()
class Events(Enum):
FIND = auto()
OBSERVE = auto()
ATTACK = auto()
CATCH = auto()
def get_by_name(name):
return Events[name.upper()]
class Pokemon:
def __init__(self, poke_id, name, level):
self.__poke_id = poke_id
self.__name = name
if level > 5:
raise ValueError('Pokemon level cant be more than 5')
self.__level = level
def poke_id(self):
return self.__poke_id
def name(self):
return self.__name
def level(self):
return self.__level
from fsm.fsm_transaction import StateMachineTransaction
from fsm.sate_machine import StateMachine, _StateMachineImpl
class StateMachineFactory:
def __init__(self, states, final_states):
self.__states = states
self.__final_states = final_states
self.__transactions = {}
def add_transaction(self, transaction: StateMachineTransaction):
if transaction.state not in self.__states:
raise ValueError(f'Transaction state {} not in {self.__states}')
elif self.__transactions.get(transaction.state):
self.__transactions[transaction.state][transaction.event] = transaction
self.__transactions[transaction.state] = {transaction.event: transaction}
return self
def build_machine(self, machine_id, current_state) -> StateMachine:
return _StateMachineImpl(machine_id, current_state, self.__final_states, self.__transactions)
class StateMachineTransaction:
def __init__(self, state, event, state_target, action_method=None):
Define a transaction of one state.
:param state: The State enum
:param event: The Event enum
:param state_target: The State enum target
:param action_method: The method to be executed when this transaction is called.
The method needed return a Boolean and receive some object was argument
self.__state = state
self.__event = event
self.__target = state_target
self._action_method = action_method
def state(self):
return self.__state
def target(self):
return self.__target
def event(self):
return self.__event
def action_method(self):
return self._action_method
from fsm.fsm_factory import StateMachineFactory
from fsm.fsm_transaction import StateMachineTransaction
from pokecatcher.actions import hidden_to_visible_action, injured_to_attack_action
from pokecatcher.domain import States, Events
from pokecatcher.pokecatcher_fsm import PokeCatcherFsm
if __name__ == '__main__':
fsm_factory = StateMachineFactory(
states=States, final_states=(States.CAPTURED, States.DEAD)
state=States.HIDDEN, event=Events.FIND, target=States.VISIBLE, action_method=hidden_to_visible_action)
state=States.VISIBLE, event=Events.OBSERVE, target=States.VISIBLE)
state=States.VISIBLE, event=Events.ATTACK, target=States.INJURED)
state=States.INJURED, event=Events.ATTACK, target=States.DEAD, action_method=injured_to_attack_action)
state=States.INJURED, event=Events.CATCH, target=States.CAPTURED))
PokeCatcherFsm(fsm_factory) \
from pokecatcher.domain import States, Events, Pokemon
wild_animals = {
'1': Pokemon(1, "Bulbasaur", 3),
'2': Pokemon(2, "Charizard", 5),
'3': Pokemon(3, "Magikarp", 1)
class PokeCatcherFsm:
def __init__(self, machine_factory):
self.__machines = {}
self.__fsm_factory = machine_factory
def start_main_loop(self):
print("Input the command: poke_id,action / Like: 1,find:")
while True:
data = input().split(",")
pokemon = wild_animals.get(data[0])
event = Events.get_by_name(data[1])
self.execute(pokemon, event)
def execute(self, pokemon, event):
machine = self.__get_machine(pokemon)
accepted_event = machine.send_event(event, pokemon)
if accepted_event is False:
print(f'The event {} is not accepted for status {}')
def __get_machine(self, pokemon):
if not self.__machines.get(pokemon.poke_id):
self.__machines[pokemon.poke_id] = self.__fsm_factory.build_machine(pokemon.poke_id, States.HIDDEN)
return self.__machines[pokemon.poke_id]
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class StateMachine(ABC):
Use the fsm.state_machine_factory.StateMachineFactory to build a new Machine
def send_event(self, event, message=None):
def machine_id(self):
def current_state(self):
class _StateMachineImpl(StateMachine):
def __init__(self, machine_id, initial_state, final_states, transactions):
self.__machine_id = machine_id
self.__current_state = initial_state
self.__final_states = final_states
self.__transactions = transactions
self.__ended = self.__is_ended()
def send_event(self, event, message=None):
if self.__ended:
print(f'The machine {self.__machine_id} was ended')
return True
transaction = self.__get_transaction_from_event(event)
if not transaction:
return False
if self.__finalize_transaction_change(message, transaction):
self.__current_state =
self.__ended = self.__is_ended()
return True
def __finalize_transaction_change(message, transaction):
return transaction.action_method(message) if transaction.action_method else True
def __get_transaction_from_event(self, event):
transaction_group = self.__transactions.get(self.__current_state)
if not transaction_group or not transaction_group.get(event):
return None
return transaction_group[event]
def __is_ended(self):
return self.__current_state in self.__final_states
def machine_id(self):
return self.__machine_id
def current_state(self):
return self.__current_state
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