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Last active December 30, 2021 21:54
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Gerador de orders em formato de string desenvolvido em GO | Lindando com sincronismo em GOLang

Gerador com estrutura de objetos e channels

Gerando: 2MM a 30s com 10k * 100 * 10

Gerador sem estrutura, direto no sync.Map sem channels e com waitGroup

Gerando: 2MM a 25s com 10k * 100 * 10

Gerador simples só no for

Bem lento


Testes passando a gravar no file direto dentro da goroutina deixava consideravelmente mais lento, devido ao lock do file que isso gerava, por isso, armazenar em um sync.Map e fazer o laço com writeString deixou-o mais rápido

package main
import (
type User struct {
id int
name string
orders []Order
type Order struct {
id int32
products []Product
date string
type Product struct {
id int
value float32
type UserCreated struct {
index int
user User
data []string
type OrderCreated struct {
index int
order Order
data []string
const (
qtdUsersToGenerate = 10_000
maxRandomOrdersByUser = 100
maxRandomProductByOrder = 10
maxRandomProductsId = 10
var (
timeMinToRandomDateOrder, _ = time.Parse("20060102", "20100101")
file = openNewFile()
func main() {
startDate := time.Now()
data, _ := generateData()
fmt.Printf("Duration to generate: %d\n", time.Now().UnixMilli()-startDate.UnixMilli())
startDate2 := time.Now()
shuffleAndWrite(data, file)
fmt.Printf("Duration write: %d\n", time.Now().UnixMilli()-startDate2.UnixMilli())
fmt.Printf("Duration total: %d\n", time.Now().UnixMilli()-startDate.UnixMilli())
func generateData() ([]string, []User) {
users := make([]User, qtdUsersToGenerate)
userCh := make(chan UserCreated)
var usersString []string
var sequentialOrderId int32 = 100
// start goroutines to create users with orders
for userIndex := 0; userIndex < qtdUsersToGenerate; userIndex++ {
go createUserWithOrders(&sequentialOrderId, userIndex, userIndex+1, userCh)
// wait all users be created
for userIndex := 0; userIndex < qtdUsersToGenerate; userIndex++ {
newUser := <-userCh
users[newUser.index] = newUser.user
usersString = append(usersString,
return usersString, users
func createUserWithOrders(sequentialOrderId *int32, userIndex int, userId int, ch chan UserCreated) {
var ordersData []string
qtdOrdersByUser := randomInt(maxRandomOrdersByUser)
orderCh := make(chan OrderCreated)
user := User{
id: userId,
name: newFaker().Person().Name(),
orders: make([]Order, qtdOrdersByUser),
// start goroutines to create orders
for orderIndex := 0; orderIndex < qtdOrdersByUser; orderIndex++ {
orderId := atomic.AddInt32(sequentialOrderId, 1)
go createOrderByUser(orderIndex, orderId, user, orderCh)
// listen all orders created
for orderIndex := 0; orderIndex < qtdOrdersByUser; orderIndex++ {
newOrder := <-orderCh
user.orders[newOrder.index] = newOrder.order
ordersData = append(ordersData,
ch <- UserCreated{index: userIndex, user: user, data: ordersData}
func createOrderByUser(orderIndex int, orderId int32, user User, ch chan OrderCreated) {
var ordersString []string
qtdProductsByOrder := randomInt(maxRandomProductByOrder)
order := Order{
id: orderId,
products: make([]Product, qtdProductsByOrder),
date: newFaker().Time().TimeBetween(timeMinToRandomDateOrder, time.Now()).Format("20060102"),
for productIndex := 0; productIndex < qtdProductsByOrder; productIndex++ {
product, orderString := createProductToOrder(order, user)
order.products[productIndex] = product
ordersString = append(ordersString, orderString)
ch <- OrderCreated{index: orderIndex, order: order, data: ordersString}
func createProductToOrder(order Order, user User) (Product, string) {
product := Product{
id: randomInt(maxRandomProductsId),
value: newFaker().Float32(2, 10, 2000),
orderString := fmt.Sprintf("%010d%45s%010d%010d%12.2f%s\n",,,,, product.value,,
return product, orderString
func newFaker() faker.Faker {
return faker.NewWithSeed(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
func randomInt(max int) int {
value := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(max)
if value <= 0 {
value = 1
return value
func openNewFile() *os.File {
file, err := os.OpenFile(
fmt.Sprintf("./orders_%s.txt", time.Now().Format("20060102_150405")),
os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
return file
func shuffleAndWrite(data []string, file *os.File) {
rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())).Shuffle(len(data), func(i, j int) { data[i], data[j] = data[j], data[i] })
for _, dataValue := range data {
_, _ = file.WriteString(dataValue)
package main
import (
type User struct {
id int
name string
type Order struct {
id int32
date string
const (
qtdUsersToGenerate = 10_000
maxRandomOrdersByUser = 100
maxRandomProductByOrder = 10
maxRandomProductsId = 10
var (
timeMinToRandomDateOrder, _ = time.Parse("20060102", "20100101")
file = openNewFile()
counter int32 = 0
data = new(sync.Map)
func main() {
startDate := time.Now()
data.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
_, _ = file.WriteString(value.(string))
return true
fmt.Printf("Duration total: %d - Counter: %d \n",
func generateDataAndWrite() {
var wg = new(sync.WaitGroup)
var sequentialOrderId int32 = 100
for userIndex := 0; userIndex < qtdUsersToGenerate; userIndex++ {
userIndex := userIndex
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
createUserWithOrders(&sequentialOrderId, userIndex+1)
func createUserWithOrders(sequentialOrderId *int32, userId int) {
qtdOrdersByUser := randomInt(maxRandomOrdersByUser)
var wg = new(sync.WaitGroup)
user := User{
id: userId,
name: newFaker().Person().Name(),
for orderIndex := 0; orderIndex < qtdOrdersByUser; orderIndex++ {
orderId := atomic.AddInt32(sequentialOrderId, 1)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
createOrderByUser(orderId, user)
func createOrderByUser(orderId int32, user User) {
qtdProductsByOrder := randomInt(maxRandomProductByOrder)
order := Order{
id: orderId,
date: newFaker().Time().TimeBetween(timeMinToRandomDateOrder, time.Now()).Format("20060102"),
for productIndex := 0; productIndex < qtdProductsByOrder; productIndex++ {
createProductToOrder(order, user)
func createProductToOrder(order Order, user User) {
value := fmt.Sprintf("%010d%45s%010d%010d%12.2f%s\n",,,,
newFaker().Float32(2, 10, 2000),,
id := atomic.AddInt32(&counter, 1)
data.Store(id, value)
func newFaker() faker.Faker {
return faker.NewWithSeed(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
func randomInt(max int) int {
value := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())).Intn(max)
if value <= 0 {
value = 1
return value
func openNewFile() *os.File {
file, err := os.OpenFile(
fmt.Sprintf("./orders_%s.txt", time.Now().Format("20060102_150405")),
os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
return file
package main
import (
type User struct {
id int
name string
orders []Order
type Order struct {
id int
products []Product
date string
type Product struct {
id int
value float32
const (
qtdUsersToGenerate = 10_000
maxRandomOrdersByUser = 100
maxRandomProductByOrder = 10
maxRandomProductsId = 10
var (
generator = faker.New()
timeMinToRandomDateOrder, _ = time.Parse("20060102", "20100101")
file = openNewFile()
random = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
func main() {
data, _ := generateData()
shuffleAndWrite(data, file)
func generateData() ([]string, []User) {
users := make([]User, qtdUsersToGenerate)
var data []string
sequentialOrderId := 100
for userIndex := 0; userIndex < qtdUsersToGenerate; userIndex++ {
qtdOrdersByUser := random.Intn(maxRandomOrdersByUser)
if qtdOrdersByUser <= 0 {
qtdOrdersByUser = 1
orders := make([]Order, qtdOrdersByUser)
user := User{
id: userIndex + 1,
name: generator.Person().Name(),
orders: orders,
for orderIndex := 0; orderIndex < qtdOrdersByUser; orderIndex++ {
qtdProductsByOrder := random.Intn(maxRandomProductByOrder)
if qtdProductsByOrder <= 0 {
qtdProductsByOrder = 1
products := make([]Product, qtdProductsByOrder)
order := Order{
id: sequentialOrderId,
products: products,
date: generator.Time().TimeBetween(timeMinToRandomDateOrder, time.Now()).Format("20060102"),
for productIndex := 0; productIndex < qtdProductsByOrder; productIndex++ {
product := Product{
id: random.Intn(maxRandomProductsId),
value: generator.Float32(2, 10, 2000),
data = append(data, fmt.Sprintf("%010d%45s%010d%010d%12.2f%s\n",,,,, product.value,,
products[productIndex] = product
orders[orderIndex] = order
users[userIndex] = user
return data, users
func openNewFile() *os.File {
file, err := os.OpenFile(
fmt.Sprintf("./orders_%s.txt", time.Now().Format("20060102_150405")),
os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
return file
func shuffleAndWrite(data []string, file *os.File) {
random.Shuffle(len(data), func(i, j int) { data[i], data[j] = data[j], data[i] })
for _, dataValue := range data {
_, _ = file.WriteString(dataValue)
0000000090 Esteban Bogisich DVM00000002970000000002 1267.2020190826
0000000081 Ike Bahringer00000002780000000006 248.2020120831
0000000015 Rashawn Carroll00000001350000000001 807.1020140919
0000000095 Paris O"Kon00000003060000000004 34.1020160817
0000000082 Mr. Garrison Grady00000002810000000001 1879.2020170306
0000000011 Max Reynolds00000001270000000000 1108.1020151018
0000000075 Mr. Darion Fahey00000002650000000008 164.2020100227
0000000008 Ms. Zena Crist00000001180000000006 760.2020180904
0000000086 Maeve Mertz00000002920000000002 874.2020130520
0000000011 Max Reynolds00000001240000000008 347.1020161001
0000000091 Mortimer Heidenreich00000003000000000001 1590.1020200505
0000000031 Winnifred Carroll00000001690000000009 1516.2020170510
0000000095 Paris O"Kon00000003070000000000 1388.1020200930
0000000042 Christian Wintheiser00000001880000000005 1543.1020180506
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