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Last active July 5, 2018 06:53
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  • fp-ts ( Functional programming in TypeScript)
  • io-ts (IO decoders/encoders)
  • io-ts-types (A collection of runtime types and combinators for use with io-ts)
  • io-ts-codegen (Code generation for io-ts)
  • monocle-ts (Functional optics: a (partial) porting of scala monocle to TypeScript)
  • typelevel-ts (Type level programming in TypeScript)
  • fp-ts-routing (A type-safe bidirectional routing library for TypeScript)
  • money-ts (TypeScript library for type-safe and lossless encoding and manipulation of world currencies and precious metals)
  • hyper-ts (Type safe middleware architecture for HTTP servers)
  • elm-ts (A porting to TypeScript featuring fp-ts, io-ts, rxjs5 and React)
  • logging-ts (Composable loggers for TypeScript)
  • mtl-ts (MTL-style in TypeScript)
  • parser-ts (String parser combinators for TypeScript)
  • fp-ts-rxjs (fp-ts bindings for RxJS)
  • fp-ts-fluture (fp-ts bindings for Fluture)
  • retry-ts (Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail)
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