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Created August 21, 2020 22:03
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(defpackage #:pokémon
(:use #:cl))
(in-package :pokémon)
(defclass pokémon ()
((species :accessor species
:initarg :species)
(types :accessor types
:initarg :types
:initform '())
(health :accessor health
:initarg :health
:initform 10)
(moves :accessor moves
:initarg :moves
:initform '())))
;; Types
(defclass pokémon-type ()
((graphic :initarg :graphic
:accessor graphic)))
(defclass fire (pokémon-type) ())
(defvar *fire* (make-instance 'fire :graphic "🔥"))
(defclass water (pokémon-type) ())
(defvar *water* (make-instance 'water :graphic "🌊"))
(defclass grass (pokémon-type) ())
(defvar *grass* (make-instance 'grass :graphic "🌱"))
(defclass bug (pokémon-type) ())
(defvar *bug* (make-instance 'bug :graphic "🐛"))
(defclass poison (pokémon-type) ())
(defvar *poison* (make-instance 'poison :graphic "🚬"))
(defgeneric show (thing)
(:documentation "Print some friendly representation of thing and return it"))
;; move class
(defclass move ()
((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
(damage :initarg :damage :accessor damage)
(affinity :initarg :affinity :accessor affinity)))
(defmethod show ((thing move))
(with-slots (name damage affinity) thing
(format t "~a does ~a ~a damage" name damage (graphic affinity))))
(defun new-move (name damage affinity)
(make-instance 'move :name name :damage damage :affinity affinity))
(defparameter *flame* (new-move "Flame" 5 *fire*))
(defparameter *water-gun* (new-move "Water Gun" 5 *water*))
;; Pokémon species
(defun new-pokémon (species types moves)
(make-instance 'pokémon :species species :types types :moves moves))
(defparameter *charmander*
(new-pokémon 'charmander (list *fire*) (list *flame*)))
(defparameter *squirtle*
(new-pokémon 'squirtle `(,*water*) `(,*water-gun*)))
;; theres a bug here :)
(defparameter *paras*
(new-pokémon 'paras '(*bug* *grass*)
'((make-instance 'move :name "Cut" :damage 5 :affinity *bug*))))
(defmethod show ((thing pokémon))
(with-slots (types species health moves) thing
(format t "A ~a type ~a with ~a health.~%Moves:~%" (mapcar #'graphic types) species health)
(mapc #'show moves))))
(defclass bulbasaur (grass poison pokémon)
(defclass lotad (pokémon water grass)
;; ---------------------------------
;; custom method combination
(defun mult (&rest args)
(reduce #'* args))
(define-method-combination mult)
(defgeneric effectiveness (type target)
(:method-combination mult)
(:documentation "Calculates the damage multiplier for a move of TYPE against TARGET pokémon"))
(defmethod effectiveness mult ((type t) (target t))
"Baseline effectiveness method"
(defmethod effectiveness mult ((type move) (target pokémon))
"Calculates the effectiveness of a move against a pokémon"
(reduce #'* (mapcar (lambda (e) (apply #'effectiveness (list (affinity type) e))) (types target))))
(defmacro build-effectiveness-methods (type super not-very nope)
(flet ((method-maker (targets multiplier)
(loop :for item :in targets
:collect (list 'defmethod 'effectiveness 'mult
(list (list 'type `(eql ,type))
(list 'target `(eql ,item)))
(list* 'progn
(nconc (method-maker super 2)
(method-maker not-very 1/2)
(method-maker nope 0)))))
(build-effectiveness-methods *fire* (*grass* *bug*) (*water*) nil)
(build-effectiveness-methods *grass* (*water*) (*fire*) nil)
(build-effectiveness-methods *water* (*fire*) (*grass*) (*poison*)))
(defun effect-string (mult)
(case mult
(4 "its super duper effective!")
(2 "its super effective!")
(1 "its a normal attack")
(1/2 "its not very effective…")
(1/4 "its not very effective at all…")
(0 "it has no effect…")
(t "")))
(defun calc-damage (attacker move target)
(let ((damage (damage move))
(mult (effectiveness move target)))
(print mult)
(when (member (affinity move) (types attacker))
(princ "+150% STAB bonus")
(setq damage (* damage 3/2)))
(print (effect-string mult))
(* damage mult)))
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ghost commented Aug 21, 2020

(defmacro build-effectiveness-methods (type super not-very nope)
  (flet ((method-maker (targets multiplier)
              :for item :in targets
                `(defmethod effectiveness mult ((type (eql ,type)) (target (eql ,item)))
    `(progn ,@(nconc (method-maker super 2)
                     (method-maker not-very 1/2)
                     (method-maker nope 0)))))

Is a "more conventional" implementation of that macro if that's what you're into.

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ghost commented Aug 21, 2020

(defmethod effectiveness mult ((type move) (target pokémon))
  "Calculates the effectiveness of a move against a pokémon"
  (let ((affinity (affinity type))) 
    (reduce #'*
            (mapcar (lambda (e) (effectiveness affinity e))
                    (types target)))))

Not sure why you were doing (apply #'effectiveness (list thing other-thing)) instead of just (effectiveness thing other-thing)

I introduced that binding of affinity since its being reused in every call of that closure. But its debatable whether or not its worth it. I tend to find it makes for less cluttered (i.e. more readable) code in some circumstances, but then again, too many bindings in a let can also make for cluttered code. so its a cointoss. I just made it here so you could see another perspective on style.

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