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Last active June 10, 2018 19:41
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import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Game exposing (..)
import Game.Lenses exposing(..)
main =
Html.beginnerProgram { model = game, view = view, update = update }
type Msg = UpdateGame
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateGame ->
updateGame model
view model =
div []
[ div [] [ text (toString (model |> inventory_.get)) ]
player = Player 10 [Item "Sword" "it cuts"]
slime = Monster "Slime" 1 (Item "goo" "it goos")
game = Game player [slime]
module Game exposing (..)
type alias Game =
{ player: Player
, monsters: List Monster
type alias Player =
{ health: Int -- [lens : playerHealth]
, inventory: List Item
type alias Item =
{ name: String -- [lens : itemName]
, description: String
type alias Monster =
{ name: String -- [lens :monsterName]
, health: Int -- [lens :monsterHealth]
, drops: Item
updateGame : Game -> Game
updateGame game = game
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ghost commented Jun 10, 2018

model |> (player_ >. inventory_).get

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ghost commented Jun 10, 2018

  inv_ = player_ >. inventory_ 

Then you can just do model |> inv_.set [...] or whatever

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ghost commented Jun 10, 2018

To append to the inventory:

 model |> (player_ >. inventory_ >. (nth_ hugenumber defaultItem)).set myitem

where hugenumber is either a fixed huge number or is the length of the current inventory as determined by an erlier step, say stored in a let expression, and defaultItem is some fixed default item that is needed for formal purposes in this example.

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