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Last active August 1, 2022 15:15
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A handy script to sanitize a latex project for an arXiv submission (Mac)
# This script sanitizes a latex project for an arXiv submission.
# Specifically, it "sanitizes" the project by removing any files that are not used in compilation.
# Usage:
# cd latex_folder_root
# ./
# (generates a zip archive in /tmp/
# It is not exhaustive, but it is pretty good and should work for most cases.
# Also, it does not remove comments within the latex source.
# It was written to be run on mac with gsed = GNU sed, but with grep = Mac/BSD grep, but should
# require minimal changes to work with Linux.
# Author: Gerry Chen
# first copy all the .tex files over to a temporary folder
rm -r $dir
mkdir $dir
for f in $(find .); do
# copy all .tex files
if [[ "$f" == *".tex"* ]]; then
mkdir -p $dir$(dirname $f) && cp $f "$_"
gsed -i 's/\.eps/-eps-converted-to\.pdf/g' $newf
# gsed -Ei 's=\{[^\{]*/([^/\{]*)\.svg\}=\{svg-inkscape/\1-end.svg\}=g' $newf # TODO
echo $newf
grep "^[^%]*\.svg" $newf
if [[ "$f" == *".bbl"* ]]; then
cp $f $dir/$(basename $f)
if [[ "$f" == *".cls"* ]]; then
cp $f $dir
# Now check every file in this folder to see if its filename is reference in any tex files.
rm -r $dir2
mkdir $dir2
for f in $(find .); do
fname=$(basename $f)
# Loop over files only
if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then
fnameescaped=$(echo $fname | gsed 's/\./\\./g')
# check if this file is referenced anywhere in the .tex files
if [[ $(grep -r "^[^%]*$fnameescaped" $dir) ]]; then
grep -r "^[^%]*$fname" $dir
echo $(dirname $f) " ---- " $f
# cp $f $dir2$f
mkdir -p $dir2$(dirname $f) && cp $f "$_"
# Finally, clean up by merging the two folders, zipping, and cleaning up.
cp -rn $dir2/* $dir
cd $dir
rm /tmp/
zip -r /tmp/ .
ls $dir
echo "Output zip file is located at /tmp/"
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