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Created April 1, 2013 22:29
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prot-smtp with numeric codes
Rebol [
system: "Rebol [R3] Language interpreter"
title: "Rebol 3 SMTP scheme"
author: "Graham"
date: [9-Jan-2010 20-Jan-2013 29-Mar-2013]
rights: 'BSD
name: 'smtp
type: 'module
version: 0.0.8
file: %prot-smtp.r
notes: {
0.0.1 original tested in 2010
0.0.2 updated for the open source versions
0.0.3 Changed to use a synchronous mode rather than async. Authentication not yet supported
0.0.4 Added LOGIN, PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication. Tested against CommunigatePro
0.0.5 Changed to move credentials to the url or port specification
0.0.6 22-Jan-2013 Fixed some bugs in transferring email greater than the buffer size.
0.0.7 23-Jan-2013 Added a callback to the write block to be used for updating a GUI.
0.0.8 29-Mar-2013 switched to using numeric codes
synchronous mode
write smtp:// [
name, and subject are not currently used and may be removed
eg: write smtp:// compose [
message: (message)
message: rejoin [ {To: } {
From: } "R3 User" { <} {>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:45:07 +1300
Subject: testing from r3
where's my kibble?}]
write [
scheme: 'smtp
host: ""
user: "joe"
pass: "password"
ehlo: "FQDN"
] compose [
message: (message)
Where message is an email with all the appropriate headers.
In Rebol2, this was constructed by the 'send function
If both user and pass are none, then it assumes no authentication is required
If you need to use smtp asynchronously, you supply your own awake handler
p: open smtp://
p/state/connection/awake: :my-async-handler
wait p/state/connection
bufsize: 32000 ;-- use a write buffer of 32k for sending large attachments
mail-obj: make object! [
message: none
callback: none ; used to update any gui.
make-smtp-error: func [
] [
do make error! [
type: 'Access
id: 'Protocol
arg1: message
; auth-methods: copy []
alpha: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z"]
digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"]
code-rule: [3 digit]
net-log: func [txt
] [
if C [prin "C: "]
if S [prin "S: "]
print txt
sync-smtp-handler: func [event
/local client response state code code-group line-response auth-key auth-methods ptr tls-capa tls-avail mailsize mailchunk
] [
line-response: tls-capa: none
auth-methods: copy []
print ["=== Client event:" event/type]
; client is the real port ie. port/state/connection
client: event/port
print ["client state: " client/spec/state]
switch event/type [
error [
net-log "Network error"
close client
return true
lookup [
; print "DNS lookup"
open client
connect [
net-log "connected"
client/spec/state: 'EHLO
read client
read [
; can receive a multiline response, we're just going to process the code from the first
; line, since all codes should be the same for each line
net-log/S response: enline to-string client/data
code: code-group: none
parse response [copy code code-rule
(code-group: to integer! copy/part code 1 code: to integer! code)
?? code
?? code-group
if code = 501 [
make-smtp-error join "Unknown server error " response
switch/default client/spec/state [
print "in init state"
if code = 220 [
; wants me to send EHLO
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["EHLO " any [client/spec/ehlo "Rebol-PC"] CRLF]
client/spec/state: 'AUTH
if code = 220 [
; wants me to send EHLO
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["EHLO " any [client/spec/ehlo "Rebol-PC"] CRLF]
client/spec/state: 'AUTH
if code-group >= 4 [
net-log join "Server error code: " response
client/spec/state: 'END
return true
case [
find/part response "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6" 16 [
; username being requested
write client to-binary net-log/C join enbase client/spec/user CRLF
find/part response "334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6" 16 [
; pass being requested
write client to-binary net-log/C join enbase client/spec/pass CRLF
client/spec/state: 'PASSWORD
true [
make-smtp-error join "Unknown response in AUTH LOGIN " response
case [
code = 334 [
auth-key: debase skip response 4
; compute challenge response
auth-key: checksum/method/key auth-key 'md5 client/spec/pass
write client to-binary net-log/C join
enbase reform [client/spec/user lowercase enbase/base auth-key 16] CRLF
client/spec/state: 'PASSWORD
true [
make-smtp-error join "Unknown response in AUTH CRAM-MD5 " response
either code = 235 [
client/spec/state: 'FROM
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["MAIL FROM: <" client/spec/email/from ">" CRLF]
] [
;-- failed authentication so close
make-smtp-error "Failed authentication"
if code = 220 [
; wants me to send EHLO
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["EHLO " any [client/spec/ehlo "Rebol-PC"] CRLF]
; should get a long string with all the options including authentication methods.
if code = 250 [
net-log "determining authentication methods"
clear head auth-methods
parse/all response [
some [
copy line-response to CRLF (
parse/all line-response [
["-" | " "]
["AUTH" [" " | "="]
"CRAM-MD5" (append auth-methods 'cram) |
"PLAIN" (append auth-methods 'plain) |
"LOGIN" (append auth-methods 'login) |
space |
some alpha
] |
["STARTTLS" to end (print "supports TLS" tls-avail: true)]
some alpha thru CRLF]
]) crlf
if find auth-methods 'plain [client/spec/state: 'PLAIN]
if find auth-methods 'login [client/spec/state: 'LOGIN]
if find auth-methods 'cram [client/spec/state: 'CRAM-MD5]
; use a separate protocol smtps for secure smtp
;if all [
; tls-avail
; empty? auth-methods
; write client to-binary net-log/C join "STARTTLS" CRLF
; should now have switched from AUTH to a type of authentication
if client/spec/state != 'AUTH [
; some servers will let you send without authentication if you're hosted on their network
either all [
none? client/spec/user
none? client/spec/pass
] [
client/spec/state: 'FROM
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["MAIL FROM: <" client/spec/email/from ">" CRLF]] [
switch/default client/spec/state [
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["AUTH PLAIN " enbase rejoin [client/spec/user #"^@" client/spec/user #"^@" client/spec/pass] CRLF]
client/spec/state: 'PASSWORD
; tell the server we are going to use AUTH LOGIN
write client to-binary net-log/C join "AUTH LOGIN" CRLF
client/spec/state: 'LOGIN
; tell server we are using CRAM-MD5
write client to-binary net-log/C join "AUTH CRAM-MD5" CRLF
client/spec/state: 'CRAM-MD5
] [
make-smtp-error "No supported authentication method"
; authentication is now handled by the main state loop except for Plain
either code = 250 [
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin ["RCPT TO: <" client/spec/email/to ">" crlf]
client/spec/state: 'TO
] [
make-smtp-error "rejected by server"
;return true
TO [
either code = 250 [
client/spec/state: 'DATA
write client to-binary net-log/C join "DATA" CRLF
] [
make-smtp-error "server rejects TO address"
;return true
either code = 354 [
replace/all client/spec/email/message "^/." "^/.."
client/spec/email/message: ptr: rejoin [enline client/spec/email/message]
net-log/C "sending 32K"
if any-function? client/spec/email/callback [
mailsize: max mailsize length? ptr
mailchunk: min bufsize length? ptr
callback mailsize mainchunk
write client copy/part ptr bufsize
remove/part ptr bufsize
client/spec/state: 'SENDING
] [
make-smtp-error "Not allowing us to send ... quitting"
either code = 250 [
net-log "message successfully sent."
client/spec/state: 'QUIT
write client to-binary net-log/C join "QUIT" crlf
return true
] [
make-smtp-error "some error occurred on sending."
; return true
make-smtp-error "Should never get here"
] [net-log join "Unknown state " client/spec/state]
wrote [
either client/spec/state = 'SENDING [
either not empty? ptr: client/spec/email/message [
net-log/C ["sending " min bufsize length? ptr " bytes of " length? ptr]
if any-function? client/spec/email/callback [
mailsize: max mailsize length? ptr
mailchunk: min bufsize length? ptr
callback mailsize mainchunk
write client to-binary copy/part ptr bufsize
remove/part ptr bufsize
] [
write client to-binary net-log/C rejoin [crlf "." crlf]
client/spec/state: 'END
] [
read client
close [net-log "Port closed on me"]
sync-write: func [port [port!] body
/local state result
] [
unless port/state [open port port/state/close?: yes]
state: port/state
; construct the email from the specs
port/state/connection/spec/email: construct/with body mail-obj
port/state/connection/awake: :sync-smtp-handler
; doesn't support multiple email sending yet
;if state/state = 'ready [
; the read gets the data from the smtp server and triggers the events that follow that is handled by our state engine in the sync-smtp-handler
; read port
unless port? wait [state/connection port/spec/timeout] [make error! "SMTP timeout"]
if state/close? [close port]
sys/make-scheme [
name: 'smtp
title: "SMTP Protocol"
spec: make system/standard/port-spec-net [
port-id: 25
timeout: 60
email: ;-- object constructed from argument
pass: none
actor: [
open: func [
port [port!]
/local conn
] [
if port/state [return port]
if none? port/spec/host [
make-smtp-error "Missing host address when opening smtp server"
; set the port state to hold the tcp port
port/state: context [
error: none
awake: none ;-- so port/state/awake will hold the awake handler :port/awake
close?: none ;-- flag for us to decide whether to close the port eg in syn mode
; create the tcp port and set it to port/state/connection
port/state/connection: conn: make port! [
scheme: 'tcp
host: port/spec/host
port-id: port/spec/port-id
state: 'INIT
ref: rejoin [tcp:// host ":" port-id]
email: port/spec/email
user: port/spec/user
pass: port/spec/pass
ehlo: any [port/spec/ehlo "Rebol3-User-PC"]
open conn ;-- open the actual tcp port
print "port opened ..."
; return the newly created and open port
open?: func [
port [port!]
] [
all [port/state]
close: func [
port [port!]
] [
if open? port [
close port/state/connection
port/state/connection/awake: none
port/state: none
read: func [
port [port!]
] [
either any-function? :port/awake [
either not open? port [
; print "opening & waiting on port"
unless port? wait [open port/state/connection port/spec/timeout] [make-smtp-error "Timeout"]
; wait open port/state/connection
] [
; print "waiting on port"
unless port? wait [port/state/connection port/spec/timeout] [make-smtp-error "Timeout"]
] [
make-smtp-error "No handler for the port exists yet"
; should this be used at all for smtp?
write: func [
port [port!] body [block!]
/local conn email
] [
sync-write port body
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