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Created October 22, 2018 22:01
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Course work helper functions for a music program that produced a music file from a separate file that contained the notes of the song.
// Helper functions for music
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "helpers.h"
// Converts a fraction formatted as X/Y to eighths
int duration(string fraction)
// assign char variable to parse the first character (numerator) from the fraction string
char num = fraction[0];
// assign char variable to parse the last character (denomonator) from the fraction string
char den = fraction[2];
// assign int variable numerator to store converted string value to integer
int numerator = 0;
// convert the numerator string (num) to an integer (numerator)
switch (num)
case '0':
numerator = 0;
case '1':
numerator = 1;
case '2':
numerator = 2;
case '3':
numerator = 3;
case '4':
numerator = 4;
case '5':
numerator = 5;
case '6':
numerator = 6;
case '7':
numerator = 7;
case '8':
numerator = 8;
case '9':
numerator = 9;
// write the rest below
// based on the value of the denomonator (den) calculate the number of eighths to return
switch (den)
case '1':
return numerator *= 8;
case '2':
return numerator *= 4;
case '4':
return numerator *= 2;
case '8':
return numerator;
// if all else fails, return 0
return 0;
/* --
The frequency, f, of some note is 2 ^ (n/12) × 440, where n is the number
of semitones from that note to A4, where n is negative if that note is below
(i.e., to the left of) A4 and positive if that note is above (i.e., to the right of) A4.
-- */
// Calculates frequency (in Hz) of a note
int frequency(string note)
int ret;
// if note is A4, return 440
ret = strncmp(note, "A4", 2);
if (ret == 0)
return 440;
Dynamically create a multidemensional array to hold all 88 piano keys
(can be scaled to hold more or less keys). Each key has capacity
to hold 6 chars because sharp and flat notes will be stored in one key (i.e., G#5Ab5)
char keys[89][7] = {{0}};
// assign char variable key and initialize to 72, which will be the int value for 'A', and starting key of array
int key = 72;
// assign char k to store letter value of note in keys array.
char k;
// assign char sharp to store the '#' symbol for sharp notes
char sharp = {0};
// assign char flat to store the 'b' symbol for flat notes
char flat = 'b';
// assign int variable octave to store the octave of the note and initialize to O
int octave = 0;
// assign int variable A4 and initialize to 48, which is the index at which note A4 is located in array
int A4 = 48;
// assign double variable fracToDec which will store the decimal value of the fraction
double fracToDec = 0;
// assign double variable n (number of keys note is from A4);
double n = 0;
Assign double variable d and initialize to 12 which is the denominator value in formula used to
calculate frequency of note. (i.e., 2 ^ (n/d) * 440)
double d = 12;
// assign variable to store the frequency as a float
double frequencyFloat = 0;
// declare int ret1 which will return 0 if note matches key in array and is sharp
int ret1;
// declare int ret1 which will return 0 if note matches key in array and is flat
int ret2;
// assign string keyString which will hold value of key in array as a string
string keyString = "";
// assign char keyStringSharp to hold value of key in array as string if it's a sharp note.
char keyStringSharp[1][4] = {{0}};
// assign char keyStringSharp to hold value of key in array as string if it's a flat note.
char keyStringFlat[1][4] = {{0}};
// assign string variable to convert char keyStringSharp to string data type for comparison
string kSSharp = "";
// assign string variable to convert char keyStringFlat to string data type for comparison
string kSFlat = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 88; i++)
// since octaves begin with C, assign ASCII index values for A and B as 72 and 73 for loop
if (key == 72)
k = 'A';
else if (key == 73)
k = 'B';
k = key;
Assign char k1 to store value of next key in the array on this iteration so we can
create flat and sharp keys.
char k1 = k + 1;
if (k1 == 72)
k1 = 'A';
// merge note letter (k), sharp or flat symbols, and octive into one string.
char mergedKey[7];
if (sharp == '#')
//add support for flat and sharp, saving 6 values to key instead of 3. 3 for sharp, 3 for flat
sprintf(mergedKey, "%c%c%i%c%c%i", k, sharp, octave, k1, flat, octave);
// sharp key
keys[i][0] = mergedKey[0];
keys[i][1] = mergedKey[1];
keys[i][2] = mergedKey[2];
// flat key
keys[i][3] = mergedKey[3];
keys[i][4] = mergedKey[4];
keys[i][5] = mergedKey[5];
// create sharp note string
keyStringSharp[0][0] = keys[i][0];
keyStringSharp[0][1] = keys[i][1];
keyStringSharp[0][2] = keys[i][2];
// create flat note string
keyStringFlat[0][0] = keys[i][3];
keyStringFlat[0][1] = keys[i][4];
keyStringFlat[0][2] = keys[i][5];
sharp = 0;
// if we haven't reached end of octave, increase key
if (key < 73)
// if we have reached end of octave, set key to 67 (C)
key = 67;
// if key isn't flat or sharp, create key with just 3 arguments
int thisKey = 0;
sprintf(mergedKey, "%c%i", k, octave);
keys[i][0] = mergedKey[0];
keys[i][1] = mergedKey[1];
switch (key)
case 73:
thisKey = 73;
key = 67;
sharp = 0;
case 69:
thisKey = 69;
sharp = 0;
// if next key is a sharp or flat key, set sharp to '#'
if (thisKey != 73 && key != 73 && thisKey != 69 && key != 69)
sharp = '#';
// if key is 67 (C) and next key is not sharp or flat, increase octave by 1
if (key == 67 && sharp == 0)
keyString = keys[i];
// compare the note and key in the array. If they match, strncmp will return 0
ret = strncmp(note, keyString, 3);
// if next key is not sharp or flat, not 67 (C) or 70 (F), set values of this sharp and flat key in array
if (sharp != '#' && key != 67 && key != 70)
kSSharp = keyStringSharp[0];
kSFlat = keyStringFlat[0];
// compare the note and sharp key in the array. If they match, strncmp will return 0
ret1 = strncmp(note, kSSharp, 3);
// compare the note and flat key in the array. If they match, strncmp will return 0
ret2 = strncmp(note, kSFlat, 3);
// if next key is sharp, flat, 67 or 70, reset values of these variables
kSSharp = "";
kSFlat = "";
ret1 = 1;
ret2 = 1;
// if the note matches the key string value, calculate and return the frequency
if (ret == 0 || ret1 == 0 || ret2 == 0)
n = i - A4;
fracToDec = n / d;
frequencyFloat = pow(2.00, fracToDec) * 440;
int f = round(frequencyFloat);
return f;
// if all else fails, return 0
return 0;
// Determines whether a string represents a rest
bool is_rest(string s)
int ret;
ret = strncmp(s, "", 1);
if (ret == 0)
return true;
return false;
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