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Created August 19, 2014 00:48
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import Data.Maybe
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Debug.Trace
data P = T | F | Var Char | Or P P | And P P | If P P
deriving Eq
instance Show P where
show T = "T"
show F = "F"
show (Var p) = [p]
show (Or p q) = "("++(show p)++"v"++(show q)++")"
show (And p q) = "("++(show p)++"&"++(show q)++")"
show (If p q) = "("++(show p)++"->"++(show q)++")"
step :: [P] -> P -> [String] -> Maybe [([P], P)]
step gamma prop [] = Nothing
step gamma (And phi psi) ("&I":moreR) = Just [(gamma, phi), (gamma, psi)]
step gamma (If phi psi) ("->I":moreR) = Just [(phi:gamma, psi)]
step gamma (Or phi psi) ("vI":moreR) = if head moreR == "1" then Just [(gamma, phi)] else Just [(gamma, psi)]
step gamma T ("TI":moreR) = Just []
step gamma prop ("Ax":moreR) = if elem prop gamma then Just [] else Nothing
step _ _ _ = Nothing
getRule = getLine
showGamma [] = ""
showGamma [x] = show x
showGamma (x:xs) = (show x)++", "++(showGamma xs)
printGoal a b = "Current Goal: "++(showGamma $ fst a)++" |- "++(show$snd a)++"\nOther Goals: "++(show b)
prove :: [([P], P)] -> [([P], P)]
prove [] = []
prove goals = if trace (printGoal currentGoal otherGoals) ((snd currentGoal) `elem` (fst currentGoal)) then prove (tail goals) else prove (result++otherGoals)
where currentGoal = head goals
otherGoals = tail goals
tactic = step (fst currentGoal) (snd currentGoal) (words $ unsafePerformIO getRule)
result = if isNothing tactic then [currentGoal] else fromJust tactic
theorem prop = prove [([], prop)]
ejemplo = theorem (If (Var 'p') (If (Var 'q') (And (Var 'p') (Var 'q'))))
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