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Created April 15, 2021 02:22
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Plutus.Contract hiding (when)
-- ScriptLookups semigroup is defined based on the standard prelude <> and doesn't like the plutus one
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import qualified PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import Playground.Contract
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Ledger (Address (..), Slot (Slot), Validator, pubKeyHash, txOutTxDatum, txOutValue, txOutTxOut, TxOut, ValidatorCtx, Value, scriptAddress, PubKeyHash, Datum(..), TxOutTx, PubKeyHash (..), ValidatorCtx (..), validatorHash, txInInfoValue, outValue, TxInfo (..), txInInfoWitness, DatumHash, TxInInfo(..) )
import qualified Ledger.Value as Value
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (groupBy, maximumBy, partition)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Ledger.Constraints (TxConstraints, mustBeSignedBy, mustPayToTheScript, mustValidateIn, mustPayToPubKey, mustPayToOtherScript, scriptInstanceLookups,SomeLookupsAndConstraints (..), mkSomeTx, unspentOutputs, ScriptLookups(..) )
import qualified Ledger.Contexts as Validation
import Wallet.Emulator.Types (Wallet, walletPubKey)
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Lens
import Data.Semigroup
quorum = 2
oneVote = Ada.lovelaceValueOf 1
-- onchain
-- the standard Maybe.fromJust and List.sortOn don't work onchain
{-# INLINABLE fromJust #-}
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just a) = a
-- Classic Haskell fake quicksort (not a real quicksort, but is good enough)
{-# INLINABLE sort #-}
sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) =
let smallerSorted = sort [a | a <- xs, a <= x]
biggerSorted = sort [a | a <- xs, a > x]
in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
{-# INLINABLE datumToData #-}
datumToData :: (PlutusTx.IsData a) => Datum -> Maybe a
datumToData datum = PlutusTx.fromData (getDatum datum)
{-# INLINABLE findExtractData #-}
findExtractData :: DatumHash -> TxInfo -> VoteDatum
findExtractData dh txInfo = fromJust(datumToData (fromJust (Validation.findDatum dh txInfo)))
{-# INLINABLE extractData #-}
extractData :: (PlutusTx.IsData a) => TxOutTx -> Maybe a
extractData txOut = do
datum <- txOutTxDatum txOut
datumToData datum
{-# INLINABLE extractVote #-}
extractVote :: TxOutTx -> VoteDatum
extractVote txo = fromJust (extractData txo)
{-# INLINABLE validatorHashOf #-}
validatorHashOf :: TxInInfo -> ValidatorHash
validatorHashOf TxInInfo{txInInfoWitness=Just (vHash, _, _) } = vHash
{-# INLINABLE datumHashOf #-}
datumHashOf :: TxInInfo -> DatumHash
datumHashOf TxInInfo{txInInfoWitness=Just ( _, _, dHash) } = dHash
-- offchain
extractWallet :: TxOutTx -> PubKeyHash
extractWallet tx = votedWallet (extractVote tx)
extractPayout :: TxOutTx -> Integer
extractPayout tx = payout (extractVote tx)
extractOwner :: TxOutTx -> PubKeyHash
extractOwner tx = owner (extractVote tx)
findMostVotedGroup :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Integer)
findMostVotedGroup grouper elements =
tally = map (\vs -> (vs, length vs)) $ groupBy grouper elements
compareTally (_, count1) (_, count2) = count1 `compare` count2
maximumBy compareTally tally
pubKeyHashOf :: Wallet -> PubKeyHash
pubKeyHashOf = pubKeyHash . walletPubKey
-- Vote script
data VoteDatum = VoteDatum {
votedWallet :: PubKeyHash,
payout :: Integer,
owner :: PubKeyHash
} deriving (Generic, Show)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VoteDatum
PlutusTx.makeIsDataIndexed ''VoteDatum [('VoteDatum,0)]
data Vote
instance Scripts.ScriptType Vote where
type instance RedeemerType Vote = ()
type instance DatumType Vote = VoteDatum
{-# INLINABLE voteScript #-}
voteScript :: ValidatorHash -> VoteDatum -> () -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
voteScript treasury VoteDatum{owner=voteOwner} _ ctx@ValidatorCtx{valCtxTxInfo=txInfo@TxInfo{txInfoInputs}} =
-- Spending path 1: The vote must be spent with the treasury in the same transaction
-- (check that the treasury hash is present in the inputs)
collectVotesAction = traceIfFalse " **** Must be spent together with the treasury" $ any (\txInInfo -> validatorHashOf txInInfo == treasury) txInfoInputs
-- or
-- Spending path 2: The vote must be returned to the owner
returnVoteAction = traceIfFalse " **** Vote must be paid back to owner" $ Validation.valuePaidTo txInfo voteOwner == oneVote
collectVotesAction || returnVoteAction
voteScriptInstance :: ValidatorHash -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Vote
voteScriptInstance treasuryHash = Scripts.validator @Vote
($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| voteScript ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode treasuryHash)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||]) where
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @VoteDatum @()
voteScriptAddress :: ValidatorHash -> Address
voteScriptAddress treasuryHash = Ledger.scriptAddress (Scripts.validatorScript ( voteScriptInstance treasuryHash))
-- Treasury script
data Treasury
instance Scripts.ScriptType Treasury where
type instance RedeemerType Treasury = ()
type instance DatumType Treasury = ()
{-# INLINABLE treasuryScript #-}
treasuryScript :: () -> () -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
treasuryScript _ _ ctx@ValidatorCtx{valCtxTxInfo=txInfo@TxInfo{txInfoInputs}} =
-- split the inputs by partition looking for the input that has the hash of the current script (treasury)
-- the result should be a list of votes (all the for the same address and amount) and one input from the treasury
([treasury], allVotes@(aVote:_) ) = partition (\txInInfo -> validatorHashOf txInInfo == Validation.ownHash ctx) txInfoInputs
-- extract the datum from the first vote
aVoteDatum = fromJust (Validation.findDatum (datumHashOf aVote) txInfo)
-- validate all the votes have the same voted wallet and same payout
compareDatums d1 d2 =
data1 = findExtractData d1 txInfo
data2 = findExtractData d2 txInfo
votedWallet data1 == votedWallet data2 && payout data1 == payout data2
allVotesAreTheSame = traceIfFalse " **** Not all votes are the same" $ all (True == ) $
fmap (\voteTxInfo -> compareDatums (datumHashOf (aVote)) (datumHashOf voteTxInfo) ) allVotes
-- validate the voted wallet is paid with the voted amount
votedAddress = votedWallet (fromJust(datumToData aVoteDatum))
votedAmount = payout (fromJust(datumToData aVoteDatum))
paidToVoted = Validation.valuePaidTo txInfo votedAddress
ensureVotedIsPaid = traceIfFalse " **** Voted wallet is not paid the amount" $ paidToVoted == Ada.lovelaceValueOf votedAmount
-- validate the value is spent from the treasury
remainingInTreasury = Validation.valueLockedBy txInfo (Validation.ownHash ctx)
valueInTreasury = txInInfoValue treasury
validTreasurySpend = traceIfFalse " **** Treasury spend" $ valueInTreasury == (paidToVoted + remainingInTreasury)
-- validate the votes are preserved (input votes == output votes)
outVotes = Validation.scriptOutputsAt ( validatorHashOf aVote) txInfo
-- compare values
sameVotesValues = (fmap txInInfoValue allVotes) == (fmap snd outVotes)
-- compare datums
votesPreserved = traceIfFalse " **** votes preserved" $ sort ( fmap datumHashOf allVotes) == sort (fmap fst outVotes)
-- validate enough votes
quorumCheck = traceIfFalse " **** Not enough votes" (length allVotes >= quorum )
in quorumCheck && allVotesAreTheSame && ensureVotedIsPaid && validTreasurySpend && votesPreserved
treasuryScriptInstance :: Scripts.ScriptInstance Treasury
treasuryScriptInstance = Scripts.validator @Treasury
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| treasuryScript ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||]) where
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @() @()
treasuryScriptHash :: ValidatorHash
treasuryScriptHash = validatorHash $ Scripts.validatorScript treasuryScriptInstance
treasuryScriptAddress :: Address
treasuryScriptAddress = Ledger.scriptAddress (Scripts.validatorScript treasuryScriptInstance)
type VotingSchema =
.\/ Endpoint "1-setup treasury" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "2-vote" VoteParams
.\/ Endpoint "3-collect" ()
.\/ Endpoint "4-return vote" Wallet
-- Initialize the treasury with some value
setupTreasury :: Contract () VotingSchema T.Text ()
setupTreasury = do
trasuryAmount <- endpoint @"1-setup treasury" @Integer
tx = mustPayToTheScript () ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf trasuryAmount)
void (submitTxConstraints treasuryScriptInstance tx)
-- | Parameters for the "vote" endpoint
data VoteParams = VoteParams
{ votedFor :: Wallet
, amount :: Integer
deriving stock (Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema, ToArgument)
-- Vote
vote :: Contract () VotingSchema T.Text ()
vote= do
VoteParams votedFor amount <- endpoint @"2-vote" @VoteParams
voter <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
votedforPKH = pubKeyHashOf votedFor
txAddVote = mustPayToTheScript VoteDatum{votedWallet=votedforPKH, payout=amount, owner=voter} oneVote
void (submitTxConstraints (voteScriptInstance treasuryScriptHash) txAddVote)
-- Tally votes endpoint
-- collect enough votes and spend the voted amount from the treasury to the winning choice
tally :: Contract () VotingSchema T.Text ()
tally = do
endpoint @"3-collect" @()
votesUtxo <- utxoAt (voteScriptAddress treasuryScriptHash)
treasuryUtxo <- utxoAt treasuryScriptAddress
collector <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
utxoList = Map.toList votesUtxo
comparator (_,x) (_,y) = (extractWallet x == extractWallet y) && (extractPayout x == extractPayout y)
(winningVotes, count) = findMostVotedGroup comparator utxoList
winningUtxos = Map.fromList winningVotes
if count >= quorum then
ScriptAddress voteScriptHash = voteScriptAddress treasuryScriptHash
-- collect from the winning utxos and the treasury
txVotesUtxos = collectFromScript winningUtxos ()
txInputTreasury = collectFromScript treasuryUtxo ()
votedPayout = extractPayout $ snd.head $ winningVotes
winningWallet = extractWallet (snd $ head winningVotes)
datum = Datum $ PlutusTx.toData $ VoteDatum{votedWallet=winningWallet, payout=votedPayout,owner=collector}
-- pay the voted amount from the treasury (and keep the remainder in the treasury)
totalTreasury = sum $ map (Ada.getLovelace. Ada.fromValue . txOutValue . txOutTxOut . snd) $ Map.toList treasuryUtxo
txPayWinner = mustPayToPubKey winningWallet ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf votedPayout)
txRepayTreasury = mustPayToOtherScript treasuryScriptHash datum ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf ( totalTreasury - votedPayout ))
-- rebuild spent votes
rebuildVote utxo = mustPayToOtherScript voteScriptHash (fromJust (txOutTxDatum utxo)) oneVote
rebuildVoteTxs = map (rebuildVote.snd) winningVotes
txRebuildVotes = Prelude.foldl1 (<>) rebuildVoteTxs
-- treasury script constraints
treasuryUtxosConstraint = txInputTreasury <> txPayWinner <> txRepayTreasury
treasuryLookups = (scriptInstanceLookups treasuryScriptInstance) <> (unspentOutputs treasuryUtxo)
-- vote script constraints
votesUtxosConstraint = txVotesUtxos <> txRebuildVotes
votesLookups = (scriptInstanceLookups (voteScriptInstance treasuryScriptHash) ) <> (unspentOutputs votesUtxo)
-- Since the treasury and the vote constraints and spends have to be on the same transaction,
-- we can't use the standard submitTxConstraintsXXXX and we need to manually create the transaction
treasurySpend = SomeLookupsAndConstraints treasuryLookups treasuryUtxosConstraint
voteSpend = SomeLookupsAndConstraints votesLookups votesUtxosConstraint
tx = mkSomeTx [treasurySpend, voteSpend]
logInfo @String "Submit TX"
void $ do
tx <- either (throwError . review _ConstraintResolutionError) pure tx
submitUnbalancedTx tx
logInfo @String "NOT ENOUGH VOTES"
throwError $ T.pack "Not enough votes"
returnVote :: Contract () VotingSchema T.Text ()
returnVote = do
-- Should be
-- voter <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
-- but the simulator doesn't allow multiple actions on wallets
wallet <- endpoint @"4-return vote" @Wallet
voteUtxos <- utxoAt (voteScriptAddress treasuryScriptHash)
voteScript = voteScriptInstance treasuryScriptHash
voter = pubKeyHashOf wallet
votesToReturnUtxos = filter (\txOut -> voter == (extractOwner (snd txOut))) $ Map.toList voteUtxos
txPayToVoter = Foldable.fold $ map ( \utxo -> mustPayToPubKey voter ( txOutValue $ txOutTxOut $ snd utxo ) ) votesToReturnUtxos
txVotesUtxos = collectFromScript ( Map.fromList votesToReturnUtxos) ()
tx = txPayToVoter <> txVotesUtxos
logInfo $ votesToReturnUtxos
logInfo $ show voter
void (submitTxConstraintsSpending voteScript (Map.fromList votesToReturnUtxos) tx)
endpoints :: Contract () VotingSchema T.Text ()
endpoints = setupTreasury `select` vote `select` tally `select` returnVote
mkSchemaDefinitions ''VotingSchema
$(mkKnownCurrencies [])
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