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Created June 6, 2012 18:08
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Very simple phantom types example
trait FlightStatus
trait Flying extends FlightStatus
trait Landed extends FlightStatus
case class Plane[Status <: FlightStatus]()
def land(p:Plane[Flying])=Plane[Landed]()
def takeOff(p:Plane[Landed])= Plane[Flying]()
val plane = new Plane[Landed]()
scala> val flying=takeOff(plane)
flying: Plane[Flying] = Plane()
scala> val landed=land(flying)
landed: Plane[Landed] = Plane()
scala> takeOff(flying)
<console>:15: error: type mismatch;
found : Plane[Flying]
required: Plane[Landed]
scala> land(landed)
<console>:17: error: type mismatch;
found : Plane[Landed]
required: Plane[Flying]
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I still don't see the phantoms. Oh, maybe they are invisible...

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