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Created June 18, 2010 03:48
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* Created by IntelliJ IDEA. I
* User: gabriel
* Date: Jun 15, 2010
* Time: 11:55:59 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
import java.awt.{Color,Container,Graphics,Canvas,Dimension}
import javax.swing.{JPanel,JFrame}
import java.awt.image.{BufferedImage,BufferStrategy}
(defn on-thread [#^Runnable f] (.start (new Thread f) ) )
(defn check-bounds [x y]
(let [f2 (float 2.0)
f4 (float 4.0)]
(loop [px (float x)
py (float y)
zx (float 0.0)
zy (float 0.0)
zx2 (float 0.0)
zy2 (float 0.0)
value (float 0.0)]
(if (and (< value max-steps) (< (+ zx2 zy2) f4))
(let [new-zy (float (+ (* (* f2 zx) zy) py))
new-zx (float (+ (- zx2 zy2) px))
new-zx2 (float (* new-zx new-zx))
new-zy2 (float (* new-zy new-zy))]
(recur px py new-zx new-zy new-zx2 new-zy2 (inc value)))
(if (== value max-steps) 0 value)))))
(defn draw-line [#^Graphics g y]
(let [dy (float (- 1.25 (* y height-factor)))]
(doseq [x (range 0 width)]
(let [dx (float (- (* x width-factor) (float 2.0)))]
(let [value (check-bounds dx dy)
scaled (Math/round (float (* value color-scale)))
xscaled (Math/round (float (* x (/ 255 width))))]
(if (> value 0)
(.setColor g
(new Color 255 (- 255 scaled) scaled))
(.setColor g
(new Color xscaled (- 255 xscaled) xscaled)))
(.drawRect g x y 0 0))))))
(defn draw-lines
([buffer g] (draw-lines buffer g height))
([#^BufferStrategy buffer g y]
(doseq [y (range 0 y)]
(on-thread (draw-line g y))
(.show buffer))))
(defn draw [#^Canvas canvas]
(let [buffer (.getBufferStrategy canvas)
g (.getDrawGraphics buffer)]
(draw-lines buffer g)))
(defn main []
(let [panel (new JPanel)
canvas (new Canvas)
frame (new JFrame "Mandelbrot")]
(doto panel
(.setPreferredSize (new Dimension width height))
(.setLayout nil)
(.add canvas))
(doto frame
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.setBounds 0 0 width height)
(.setResizable false)
(.add panel)
(.setVisible true))
(doto canvas
(.setBounds 0 0 width height)
(.setBackground (Color/BLACK))
(.createBufferStrategy 2)
(draw canvas))))
(time (main))
class Mandelbrot {
val width=640.0
val height=640.0
val max-steps=32
val color-scale=255/max-steps
val height-factor=2.5/height
val width-factor=2.5/width
def on_thread(f:Runnable)=start(new Thread f)
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