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Created April 22, 2009 14:24
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99 problems in Scala
package exercises
object NinetyNine {
def last[A](xs:List[A]):A = xs match {
case x::Nil => x
case x::xs => last(xs)
case Nil => throw new NoSuchElementException
def penultimate[A](xs:List[A]):A = xs match {
case x::y::Nil => x
case x::xs => penultimate(xs)
case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException
def nth[A](i:Int, xs:List[A]):A = xs match {
case x::xs => if (i==0) x else nth(i-1,xs)
case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException
def nth2[A](i:Int, xs:List[A]):A = xs match {
case x::xs if (i==0) => x
case x::xs if (i>0) => nth(i-1,xs)
case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException
def length[A](xs:List[A]):Int = xs match {
case x::xs => 1+ length(xs)
case Nil => 0
//Although straight recursion is fun, using folds is more effective
// folds are abstractions for recursion over data structures
def length1[A](xs:List[A]):Int = xs.foldLeft(0)((a,b)=>a+1)
def reverse[A](xs:List[A]):List[A] = xs.foldLeft(Nil:List[A])((a,b)=>b::a)
def isPalindrome[A](xs:List[A]):Boolean = reverse(xs)==xs
def flatten[A](xs: List[List[A]]):List[A] =xs.foldRight(Nil:List[A])(
(xs,acc)=> xs match {
case ys:List[A] => ys:::acc
case y:A => y::acc
def compress[A](xs: List[A]):List[A]=
if (ys != Nil && ys.head==y) ys else y::ys )
def pack[A](xs: List[A]):List[List[A]]= xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case _ => xs.takeWhile(_ == xs.head) :: pack(xs.dropWhile(_ == xs.head)) //can use span too, see P13
def encode[A](xs: List[A]):List[(Int,A)]=
def encodeModified[A](xs: List[A]):List[Any]=
y => if (y.length==1) y.head else (y.length,y.head)
//Type safe version
def encodeModifiedTypSafe[A](xs: List[A]):List[Either[A,(Int,A)]]=
if (y.length ==1) Left(y.head)
else Right(y.length,y.head)
def decode[A](xs: List[(Int,A)]):List[A]={
def expand(i:Int,a:A):List[A]= if (i==0) Nil else a::expand(i-1,a)
//is better with flatMap
def decode1[A](xs: List[(Int,A)]):List[A]=
def encodeDirect[A](xs: List[A]):List[(Int,A)]= xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case _ => {
val ys= xs.span( _ == xs.head)
(ys._1.length,xs.head) :: encodeDirect(ys._2)
def duplicate[A](xs: List[A]):List[A]=
xs.foldRight(Nil:List[A])((y,ys)=> y::y::ys )
//is better with flatMap
def duplicate1[A](xs: List[A]):List[A]= xs.flatMap(y=> y::y::Nil )
def duplicateN[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
xs.foldRight(Nil:List[A])((y,ys)=> (1 to n)>y):::ys )
//is better with flatMap
def duplicateN1[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
def drop[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
xs.zipWithIndex.filter(_._2 % n !=0).map (_._1)
def split[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):(List[A],List[A])=
xs.splitAt(n)// or (xs.take(n),xs.drop(n))
//ok, that was too easy, let's try recursion
def splitRec[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):(List[A],List[A])=
(n,xs) match {
case (0,_)=>(Nil, xs)
case (_,y::ys) => {
val rec=splitRec(n-1,ys)
case (_,Nil)=>(xs,Nil)
def slice[A](s:Int, e:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
xs.slice(s,e) // or xs.drop(s).take(e-s)
//with recursion
def sliceRec[A](s:Int, e:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
(s,e,xs) match {
case (0,0,xs) => Nil
case (0,_,y::ys)=> y::sliceRec(0,e-1,ys)
case (_,_,y::ys)=> sliceRec(s-1,e-1,ys)
def rotate[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]={
val s=split((if (n>0) n else n+xs.length), xs)
def removeAt[A](n:Int, xs: List[A]):(List[A],A)={
val (heads,tails)=split(n,xs)
def insertAt[A](e:A, n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]={
val (heads,tails)=split(n,xs)
//with recursion
def insertRecAt[A](e:A, n:Int, xs: List[A]):List[A]=
(n,xs) match {
case (0,ys) => e::ys
case (_,y::ys) =>y::insertRecAt(e,n-1,ys)
def range[A](s:Int, e:Int):List[Int]=(s to e).toList
//I don't think is the purpose of the exercise! Again, let's try recursion
def rangeRec(s:Int, e:Int):List[Int]= if (e-s==0) e::Nil else s::rangeRec(s+1,e)
//recursion and pattern matching with guards
//a little more readable
def rangeRecPm(s:Int, e:Int):List[Int]= (e-s) match {
case x if (x>0) =>s::rangeRecPm(s+1,e)
case x if (x==0) =>e::Nil
case _ => error("Invalid range")
def randomSelect[A](n:Int, xs:List[A]):List[A]=(n,xs) match {
case (_,Nil) => Nil
case (0,_) => Nil
case (_,_) =>{
val x=removeAt(new Random().nextInt(xs.size),xs)
def lotto(n:Int,max:Int):List[Int] =randomSelect(n,(1 to max).toList)
def randomPermute[A](xs:List[A]):List[A] =randomSelect(xs.size,xs)
def combinations[A](n:Int, xs:List[A]):List[List[A]]={
//def project[A](a:A, xs:Set[Set[A]]):Set[Set[A]]=xs.foldLeft(Set[Set[A]]())((ys,y)=>ys+(y+a))
def lift[A](xs:List[A]):List[List[A]]=xs.foldLeft(List[List[A]]())((ys,y)=>(List(y)::ys))
(n,xs) match {
case (1,ys)=> lift(ys)
case (i,xs) if (i==xs.size) => xs::Nil
case (i,ys)=> combinations(i-1,ys.tail).map(zs=>ys.head::zs):::combinations(i,ys.tail)
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