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Last active April 8, 2021 20:38
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.Plutus.Contract hiding (when)
-- ScriptLookups semigroup is defined based on the standard prelude <> and doesn't like the plutus one
import Language.PlutusTx.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import Playground.Contract
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Ledger (Address (..), Slot (Slot), Validator, pubKeyHash, txOutTxDatum, txOutValue, txOutTxOut, TxOut, ValidatorCtx, Value, scriptAddress, PubKeyHash, Datum(..), TxOutTx, PubKeyHash (..), ValidatorCtx (..), validatorHash, txInInfoValue, outValue )
import qualified Ledger.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (groupBy, maximumBy)
import qualified Ledger.Ada as Ada
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes)
import Ledger.Constraints (TxConstraints, mustBeSignedBy, mustPayToTheScript, mustValidateIn, mustPayToPubKey, mustPayToOtherScript, scriptInstanceLookups,SomeLookupsAndConstraints (..), mkSomeTx, unspentOutputs, ScriptLookups(..))
import qualified Ledger.Contexts as Validation
import Wallet.Emulator.Types (Wallet, walletPubKey)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Semigroup
quorum = 2
-- | Helper functions
lovelaceValue :: Value -> Integer
lovelaceValue value = Ada.getLovelace $ Ada.fromValue value
datumToData :: (PlutusTx.IsData a) => Datum -> Maybe a
datumToData datum = PlutusTx.fromData (getDatum datum)
{-# INLINABLE extractData #-}
extractData :: (PlutusTx.IsData a) => TxOutTx -> Maybe a
extractData txOut = do
datum <- txOutTxDatum txOut
datumToData datum
-- Vote script
data VoteDatum = VoteDatum {
votedWallet :: PubKeyHash,
payout :: Integer,
owner :: PubKeyHash
} deriving (Generic, Show)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VoteDatum
PlutusTx.makeIsData ''VoteDatum
extractVote :: TxOutTx -> VoteDatum
extractVote = fromJust.extractData
data Vote
instance Scripts.ScriptType Vote where
type instance RedeemerType Vote = ()
type instance DatumType Vote = VoteDatum
{-# INLINABLE voteScript #-}
voteScript :: ValidatorHash -> VoteDatum -> () -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
voteScript treasury _ _ ctx@ValidatorCtx{valCtxTxInfo=txInfo} =
-- check there should be an input to the treasury
-- check vote value goes back to owner
voteScriptInstance :: ValidatorHash -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Vote
voteScriptInstance treasuryHash = Scripts.validator @Vote
($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| voteScript ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode treasuryHash)
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||]) where
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @VoteDatum @()
voteScriptAddress :: ValidatorHash -> Address
voteScriptAddress treasuryHash = Ledger.scriptAddress (Scripts.validatorScript ( voteScriptInstance treasuryHash))
-- Treasury script
data Treasury
instance Scripts.ScriptType Treasury where
type instance RedeemerType Treasury = ()
type instance DatumType Treasury = ()
{-# INLINABLE treasuryScript #-}
treasuryScript :: () -> () -> ValidatorCtx -> Bool
treasuryScript _ _ ctx =
-- check vote count
-- check result of vote is 'effected'
-- valuePaidTo
-- at least 1 lovelace in treasury
-- count the votes, make sure they all the same
-- legnth votes > quorum
-- I have enough votes (filter from utxo inputs) to the same choice
treasuryScriptInstance :: Scripts.ScriptInstance Treasury
treasuryScriptInstance = Scripts.validator @Treasury
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| treasuryScript ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||]) where
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @() @()
treasuryScriptHash :: ValidatorHash
treasuryScriptHash = validatorHash $ Scripts.validatorScript treasuryScriptInstance
treasuryScriptAddress :: Address
treasuryScriptAddress = Ledger.scriptAddress (Scripts.validatorScript treasuryScriptInstance)
type VotingSchema =
.\/ Endpoint "1-setup treasury" Integer
.\/ Endpoint "2-vote" Wallet
.\/ Endpoint "3-collect" ()
initiateVoting :: Contract VotingSchema T.Text ()
initiateVoting = do
trasuryAmount <- endpoint @"1-setup treasury" @Integer
tx = mustPayToTheScript () ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf trasuryAmount)
void (submitTxConstraints treasuryScriptInstance tx)
pubKeyHashOf :: Wallet -> PubKeyHash
pubKeyHashOf = pubKeyHash . walletPubKey
--, wallet :: Wallet
vote :: Contract VotingSchema T.Text ()
vote= do
votedFor <- endpoint @"2-vote" @Wallet
voter <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
votedforPKH = pubKeyHashOf votedFor
txAddVote = mustPayToTheScript VoteDatum{votedWallet=votedforPKH, owner=voter} ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf 1)
void (submitTxConstraints (voteScriptInstance treasuryScriptHash) txAddVote)
findMostVotedGroup :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Integer)
findMostVotedGroup grouper elements =
tally = map (\vs -> (vs, length vs)) $ groupBy grouper elements
compareTally (_, count1) (_, count2) = count1 `compare` count2
maximumBy compareTally tally
extractWallet :: TxOutTx -> PubKeyHash
extractWallet tx = votedWallet (extractVote tx)
extractPayout :: TxOutTx -> Integer
extractPayout tx = payout (extractVote tx)
tally :: Contract VotingSchema T.Text ()
tally = do
endpoint @"3-collect" @()
votesUtxo <- utxoAt (voteScriptAddress treasuryScriptHash)
treasuryUtxo <- utxoAt treasuryScriptAddress
collector <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
utxoList = Map.toList votesUtxo
comparator (_,x) (_,y) = extractWallet x == extractWallet y
(winningVotes, count) = findMostVotedGroup comparator utxoList
winningUtxos = Map.fromList winningVotes
if count >= quorum then
-- spend from the treasury the amount voted for
-- send back the lovelaces to the vote script (or something)
ScriptAddress treasuryScriptHash = treasuryScriptAddress
winningWallet = extractWallet (snd $ head winningVotes)
datum = Datum $ PlutusTx.toData $ VoteDatum{votedWallet=winningWallet, owner=collector}
-- pay the voted amount from the treasury
totalTreasury = sum $ map (Ada.getLovelace. Ada.fromValue . txOutValue . txOutTxOut . snd) $ Map.toList treasuryUtxo
payoutComparator (_,x) (_,y) = extractPayout x == extractPayout y
votedPayout = extractPayout $ snd.head.fst $ findMostVotedGroup payoutComparator winningVotes
txPayWinner = mustPayToPubKey winningWallet ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf votedPayout)
txRepayTreasury = mustPayToOtherScript treasuryScriptHash datum ( Ada.lovelaceValueOf ( totalTreasury - votedPayout ))
--votes are repaid
makeRepayment utxo = let
voter = owner(extractVote utxo)
mustPayToPubKey voter (Ada.lovelaceValueOf 1)
repayVoteTxs = map (makeRepayment.snd) utxoList
txRepayVotes = foldl1 (<>) repayVoteTxs
txVotesUtxos = collectFromScript votesUtxo ()
txInputTreasury = collectFromScript treasuryUtxo ()
treasuryUtxosConstraint = txInputTreasury <> txPayWinner <> txRepayTreasury
treasuryLookups = (scriptInstanceLookups treasuryScriptInstance) <> (unspentOutputs treasuryUtxo)
votesUtxosConstraint = txVotesUtxos <> txRepayVotes
votesLookups = (scriptInstanceLookups (voteScriptInstance treasuryScriptHash) ) <> (unspentOutputs votesUtxo)
treasurySpend = SomeLookupsAndConstraints treasuryLookups treasuryUtxosConstraint
voteSpend = SomeLookupsAndConstraints votesLookups votesUtxosConstraint
logInfo @String $ show winningWallet
void $ do
tx <- either (throwError . review _ConstraintResolutionError) pure (mkSomeTx [treasurySpend, voteSpend])
submitUnbalancedTx tx
throwError $ T.pack "Not enough votes"
endpoints :: Contract VotingSchema T.Text ()
endpoints = initiateVoting `select` vote `select` tally
mkSchemaDefinitions ''VotingSchema
$(mkKnownCurrencies [])
[0,[{"simulationWallets":[{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":1},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}},{"simulatorWalletWallet":{"getWallet":2},"simulatorWalletBalance":{"getValue":[[{"unCurrencySymbol":""},[[{"unTokenName":""},10]]]]}}],"simulationName":"Simulation 1","simulationId":1,"simulationActions":[]}]]
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