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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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/// Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Soomla Inc.
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Soomla.Store.Example {
/// <summary>
/// This class defines our game's economy, which includes virtual goods, virtual currencies
/// and currency packs, virtual categories, and non-consumable items.
/// </summary>
public class MuffinRushAssets : IStoreAssets{
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public int GetVersion() {
return 2;
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public VirtualCurrency[] GetCurrencies() {
return new VirtualCurrency[]{};//MUFFIN_CURRENCY
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public VirtualGood[] GetGoods() {
return new VirtualGood[] {};
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public VirtualCurrencyPack[] GetCurrencyPacks() {
return new VirtualCurrencyPack[] { THOUSANDMUFF_PACK};
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public VirtualCategory[] GetCategories() {
return new VirtualCategory[]{};//GENERAL_CATEGORY
/// <summary>
/// see parent.
/// </summary>
public NonConsumableItem[] GetNonConsumableItems() {
return new NonConsumableItem[]{};//NO_ADDS_NONCONS
/** Static Final Members **/
public const string MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID = "";
public const string TENMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID = "";//"android.test.refunded";
public const string FIFTYMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID = "";//"android.test.canceled";
public const string FOURHUNDMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID = "";//"android.test.purchased";
public const string THOUSANDMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID = "";//"2500_pack";
// public const string NO_ADDS_NONCONS_PRODUCT_ID = "org.bitcall.rubicks2048Removead";//"no_ads";
public const string MUFFINCAKE_ITEM_ID = "";//"fruit_cake";
public const string PAVLOVA_ITEM_ID = "";//"pavlova";
public const string CHOCLATECAKE_ITEM_ID ="";// "chocolate_cake";
public const string CREAMCUP_ITEM_ID = "";//"cream_cup";
/** Virtual Currencies **/
public static VirtualCurrency MUFFIN_CURRENCY = new VirtualCurrency(
"Muffins", // name
"", // description
/** Virtual Currency Packs **/
/* public static VirtualCurrencyPack TENMUFF_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack(
"10 Muffins", // name
"Test refund of an item", // description
"muffins_10", // item id
10, // number of currencies in the pack
MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, // the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket(TENMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID, 0.99)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FIFTYMUFF_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack(
"50 Muffins", // name
"Test cancellation of an item", // description
"muffins_50", // item id
50, // number of currencies in the pack
MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, // the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket(FIFTYMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID, 1.99)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack FOURHUNDMUFF_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack(
"400 Muffins", // name
"Test purchase of an item", // description
"muffins_400", // item id
400, // number of currencies in the pack
MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, // the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket(FOURHUNDMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID, 4.99)
public static VirtualCurrencyPack THOUSANDMUFF_PACK = new VirtualCurrencyPack(
"1000 Muffins", // name
"Test item unavailable", // description
"muffins_1000", // item id
1000, // number of currencies in the pack
MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, // the currency associated with this pack
new PurchaseWithMarket(THOUSANDMUFF_PACK_PRODUCT_ID, 8.99)
/** Virtual Goods
public static VirtualGood MUFFINCAKE_GOOD = new SingleUseVG(
"Fruit Cake", // name
"Customers buy a double portion on each purchase of this cake", // description
"fruit_cake", // item id
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem(MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, 225)); // the way this virtual good is purchased
public static VirtualGood PAVLOVA_GOOD = new SingleUseVG(
"Pavlova", // name
"Gives customers a sugar rush and they call their friends", // description
"pavlova", // item id
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem(MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, 175)); // the way this virtual good is purchased
public static VirtualGood CHOCLATECAKE_GOOD = new SingleUseVG(
"Chocolate Cake", // name
"A classic cake to maximize customer satisfaction", // description
"chocolate_cake", // item id
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem(MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, 250)); // the way this virtual good is purchased
public static VirtualGood CREAMCUP_GOOD = new SingleUseVG(
"Cream Cup", // name
"Increase bakery reputation with this original pastry", // description
"cream_cup", // item id
new PurchaseWithVirtualItem(MUFFIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID, 50)); // the way this virtual good is purchased
/** Virtual Categories **/
// The muffin rush theme doesn't support categories, so we just put everything under a general category.
public static VirtualCategory GENERAL_CATEGORY = new VirtualCategory(
"General", new List<string>(new string[] { MUFFINCAKE_ITEM_ID })
/** Market MANAGED Items **/
/* public static NonConsumableItem NO_ADDS_NONCONS = new NonConsumableItem(
"No Ads",
"Test purchase of MANAGED item.",
new PurchaseWithMarket(new MarketItem(NO_ADDS_NONCONS_PRODUCT_ID, MarketItem.Consumable.NONCONSUMABLE , 1.99))
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