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Created July 8, 2019 21:25
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Split M4B books chapters
* Needs MP4Box binary to work
* $> node split.js "Atomic Habits.m4b"
const { execSync, exec } = require('child_process')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const escape = string =>
.map(char => (char.match(/[a-z0-9]/i) ? char : '\\' + char))
const exeCat = command =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
{ maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 100 },
(error, stdout, stderr) => {
resolve(stdout.toString() || stderr.toString())
if (error !== null) {
const timeToSeconds = time => {
const [h = 0, m = 0, s = 0] = String(time)
const seconds = h * 60 * 60 + m * 60 + Math.floor(s)
return seconds
const pad = (n = 0, l = 2) => `${1e12}${n}`.slice(l * -1)
const splitByChapter = inputFileName => {
const inputFile = escape(inputFileName)
const inputName = inputFileName
.slice(0, -1)
return exeCat(`MP4Box -diso -std ${inputFile} | cat`)
.then(xml =>
cheerio.load(xml, { xml: { normalizeWhitespace: true } })
.then($ =>
.map((i, el) => $(el).attr())
.then(list =>
Promise.all( ({ name, startTime }, i) => {
const start = timeToSeconds(startTime)
const fileName = escape(
`${inputName} - ${pad(i, 3)} - ${name}`
let end = ''
if (list[i + 1]) {
end = timeToSeconds(list[i + 1].startTime)
} else {
const info = await exeCat(
`MP4Box -info ${inputFile} | cat`
const durationMatch = info.match(
/(?:Computed Duration) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d+)/m
end = durationMatch
? timeToSeconds(durationMatch[1])
: ''
const chap = await exeCat(
`MP4Box -splitx ${start}:${end} ${inputFile} -out ${fileName}.mp3`
return chap
if (process.argv[2])
.then(chapters => (Array.isArray(chapters) ? chapters : []))
.then(results =>
.map(out =>
.filter(line => !line.match('ISO File Writing'))
.filter(line => !line.match('Splitting'))
.map(line => line.trim())
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