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Created September 23, 2014 00:38
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"adds brfs as a browserify transform to your package.json"
"Adds symlinks to the node_modules dir to fix component require() calls"
"Fire a callback after a transition or immediately if the browser does not support transitions"
"Rewrite require calls in browserify modules."
"Calculate the interest paid, principal paid, remaining balance, and monthly payment of a loan."
"A smart base view for Backbone apps, to make it easy to bind collections and properties to the DOM."
"Browserified Angular.JS"
"Event Dispatcher for AngularJS that wraps $rootScope.$emit and $rootScope.$on for event bus that can be used by Controllers and any other actor in the application that requires eventing"
"An elegant angular-browserify,and will always up to date"
"Animate AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Cookies AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Core AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Loader AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Mocks AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Resource AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Route AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Sanitize AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"Touch AngularJS module suitable for bundling with Browserify or Webpack"
"A simple, mobile-ready sliding menu directive for AngularJS"
"Load angular dependencies in a browserify friendly manner with simple version selection."
"Browerify angularjs shim"
"A simple browser module for displaying stacking notifications"
"CLI to launch apps that use an express main server and an optional restif api server."
"From JSDoc info make sure that your arguments are valid appending validation code at the beginning of your functions using falafel."
"Array#filter for older browsers."
"Functional wrapper around localForage"
"Convenience wrapper for performing AST transformations with browserify transform streams"
"Reduce an array of values via an asynchronous function."
"Asynchronous browser storage with multiple back-ends (IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage)"
"Atomic web development - Combining the power of npm, Browserify, Rework and more to build small, fully encapsulated client side modules"
"Atomic JavaScript - Reusable front-end modules using Browserify, transforms, and templates"
"cross-browser way to attach a media stream to a video element."
"Browserify plugin for autopages"
"DEPRECATED, 0.9.9 works with browserify"
"Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events. - For Browserify"
"Adds $ to Backbone for Browserify environment "
"An improved Backbone.js. For use with Browserify."
"A read-only proxy of a Backbone.Collection that can easily be filtered, sorted, and paginated."
"backbone to knockout connector"
"A publish-subscribe (broadcast-listen) layer for same-origin inter-window communication"
"Structures a requirejs config into shim and remote objects to easier interface with browserify."
"Browserify Development Environment"
"local development server that aims to make using browserify fast and fun"
"Pack node-style source files from a stream of path's into a browser bundle"
"Browserify Friend - it's as if browserify was built into the browser."
"http-server to browserify *.js in a dir"
"bigint api for browser javascript"
"bignum api for browser javascript"
"The client-side library which is used in BigPipe to orchestrate the pagelets."
"bldr browser/define/require, a node/browser module builder"
"Canvas Blending Modes"
"a browserify v2 plugin for bliss"
"Boilerplate gulp tasks for client side packages"
"Boilerplate gulp tasks for angular packages"
"Find the relative path name of a bower module, for use with browserify and other build tools"
"a jQuery package for browserify"
"Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript."
"browserify compatible version of the ace editor."
"a browserify plugin, to enable you require bower components just like node modules"
"browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner"
"browserify fs.readFileSync() static html file inliner with html minifier"
"Brick Browserify Plugin"
"Browserify plugin for Broccoli"
"Tool to setup and require remote scripts with browserify."
"Require that returns different values in the browser than node and avoids the node module being browserified."
"stdout and stderr for browsers"
"Elect a master browser window."
"Inject compiled jade templates as functions in browserify modules"
"rewrite a lite version of sea.js to live load browserified javascripts"
"Makes commonjs modules available in the browser via window.require('module-name')"
"IE8+ GET requests for the browser with an ES6 Promise interface."
"browserify module to convert keydown events to string"
"Caches browserify-cdn modules using level.js"
"Browser port of the Node.js 'request' package"
"Cross browser String#split implementation"
"Normalizes local storage behavior for the browser and node"
"unix in the browser"
"parse a bundle generated by browser-pack"
"learn browserify with this educational adventure"
"This browserify plugin is meant to solve an annoying problem of minification and dependency injection in angular.js."
"A JavaScript implementation of node-buffertools to work in the browser"
"browserify middleware to declare alternative requires for the browser"
"Compiles templates from HTML script tags into CommonJS modules in a browserify transform"
"Browserify transform for applying parameters in JSON configurations"
"browserify transform to compile data files."
"defs transform for browserify"
"Transforms browserify bundles into a collection of single files"
"Detect if JavaScript was prepared with Browserify"
"On-demand browserify bundler middleware for development with watchify support"
"Middleware to compile browserify files on request for development purpose."
"browserify transform for dustjs template files"
"Browserify transform plugin for EJS templates"
"browserify v2 middleware for express"
"require text files"
"fs for the browser using level-filesystem and browserify"
"Upgrade your app from requireJS AMD to commonJS module format via an automated refactor step in order to browserify it."
"Helper for options passing in browserified modules"
"Print a graph of all modules a file depends on"
"A starter project that uses both browserify and gulp in its build toolchain.\nIncludes demo apps for AngularJs and"
"how to build modular applications with browserify"
"browserify transform for handlebars template files"
"Browserify transform plugin for Hogan.js templates"
"A browserify transform for the istanbul code coverage tool"
"browserify v2 plugin for jade with sourcemaps support"
"A Browserify transform for jide.js templates."
"Lists modules in a Browserify bundle by their length and percentage"
"browserify v2 plugin for livescript"
"Another CommonJS Loader"
"express middleware for browserify v2"
"A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping (with browserify support)"
"Take your browserify output, run it through this to compress all the require statements. So require('something') becomes require(1)"
"Browserify transform plugin for mustache templates"
"A browserify transform that uses ng-annotate to add dependency injection annotations to your AngularJS source code, preparing it for minification."
"browserify transform version of ngmin"
"Browserify v2 plugin for PegJS files."
"browserify transform to compile Jade templates to HTML, leaving the parser behind."
"Allow files to Browserified"
"Real time generator for browserify modules."
"Require any type of file when using browserify"
"Super simple WebGL shader loader plugin for browserify"
"Makes CommonJS-incompatible modules browserifyable."
"Runs browserify transforms/plugins on a single file. Useful for make pipeline tasks."
"Agent Smith for Browserify, includes transforms for LESS, Jade and CoffeeScript transforms."
"Run browserify over a string or an inline function"
"A transform that swaps out modules according to a config in your package.json selected via an environment variable."
"Handy dandy helper to assist you with writing Browserify transforms."
"Let you use nodejs tls module in browserify via node-forge "
"Runs a browserify transform on a single file. Useful for make pipeline tasks."
"Utilities for writing browserify transforms."
"Browserify typescript transcoder"
"watches a set of js files, bundles each with browserify into a bundle. uses browserify 1.x, currently."
"Easily create html widgets with browserify"
"Browserify version of Zepto"
"Full zlib module for browserify"
"Automagicly browserify your scripts as you edit them."
"more magical browserify middleware."
"A Browserify middleware that pre-compiles Jade templates on the server and uses the light-weight Jade runtime made for the browser to render them on the client."
"Modernizr wrapper for use with browserify"
"Modernizr wrapper for use with browserify"
"This module will save a blob/file from the browser."
"quicky http server to test out browserify changes rapidly"
"Browserify directory server"
"inlines required package.json"
"Browserify TAP test runner for SauceLabs"
"Node.js Buffer API, for the browser"
"buffer module compatibility for browserify"
"An automation tool for building modules with browserify"
"A `bindings` replacement for when JS files have been bundled together into a single file."
"convert bundle paths to IDS to save bytes in browserify bundles"
"Load all script local depencies on its bundle"
"A tool for creating web components using the npm packaging system and browserify - for sweet as sweet can be re-use and encapsulation."
"Super lightweight JS module/asset loader"
"Wraps browserify transforms in a caching stream."
"A coffeeify version that caches previously compiled coffee-script to optimize the coffee-script compilation step."
"Create browserify transforms that change or inline external module function calls"
"Browserify transform that allows using require() on .mustache and .ejs files in CanJS applications"
"A variant of canvas-fit that handles some extra magic for you: adjusting the scale of the canvas to maintain smooth framerates"
"Split a big canvas element into a grid of lots of little canvas elements"
"Turn HTML pages into keyboard-navigable slideshows."
"Modular front end development for the masses. Built on npm and browserify."
"Recursively find and concatenates styles specified in package.json."
"return the size in pixels of a single character"
"Check if a DOM element matches a CSS selector"
"Parse HTML source into a single DOM node"
"browserify plugin for Google Chrome applications"
"Browserify transform for CJSX (CoffeeScript equivalent of JSX used in React library by Facebook)"
"dom class helper functions, browserified, classie -from bonzo"
"This is a very minor alteration to the Cloak client to make it work with browserify"
"deep DOM node clone"
"Find the closest parent that matches a selector."
"Runtime module bundling, request batching, anticipated dependency loading, and localStorage caching to eliminate extraneous HTTP requests for javascript assets."
"browserify v2 plugin for coco with support for mixed .js and .co files"
"Add execute the code function to CodeMirror."
"CodeMirror wrapper for simple embedding"
"browserify v2 plugin for coffee-react cjsx"
"Browserify + Coffeeify + Uglify + Watchify"
"browserify v2 plugin for coffee-script with support for mixed .js and .coffee files"
"browserify v2 plugin to compile coffee-script automatically using the coffee-script-redux compiler"
"Cherry pickable JS functions"
"A shim module of colorbrewer2 by Cythina Brewer for browserify"
"Get a color palette of an image in the DOM"
"Add source maps of multiple files, offset them and then combine them into one source map"
"combyne precompiler for browserify"
"Executes a command whenever the bundle is created."
"Flexible tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript into Node-readable CommonJS modules"
"CommonJS browser bundler with aliasing, extensibility, and source maps from the minified JS bundle"
"Compiln plugin to utilize browserify."
"Notification dispatch and presentation"
"Helps browserify concatenate a tree of files"
"Track what a user does on a site in csv-format"
"Simplified nconf for the browser and the server."
"Connect/express middleware for serving apps to a browser with browserify"
"Render images straight to your Chrome console"
"Turn your browser window into a console"
"Transform your source to inline const values"
"node's constants module for the browser"
"Container element."
"Automatically add and remove chunks from continuous ndarrays as required."
"Browserify-compatible module to get and set cookies in the browser"
"21 console methods that run on all browsers and node"
"code coverage browserify transform"
"Crosstalk packaging for Node.js projects"
"fire events on css transition and animation completion"
"Pack CSS dependency graphs into bundles"
"A simple Browserify transform for adding required styles to the browser."
"Browserify v2 middleware for adding required styles to the page."
"Browserify/dcompose transform to convert CSS into an JSON object"
"A simple D3.js chart."
"A JavaScript component to measure the the width and height of SVG text."
"This is a d3 tooltip component."
"Convert data urls to canvas and vice versa."
"de-bowerified, de-amdified, de-gruntified... jQuery."
"Browserify transform that converts AMD to CommonJS."
"A browserify transform to enable the easy use of bower components in browserify client javascript projects. This can be used in conjunction with deamdify to require AMD components from bower as well."
"Browserifiable Web Presentations"
"Use component.js build files with browserify."
"A browerify transform to stops 3rd party javascript modules writing to the global window object, and to return a module.exports object instead."
"browserify html files"
"A browserify transform for escaping keyword property names for older JavaScript engines."
"sort module-deps output for deterministic browserify bundles"
"Sort module-deps/dgraph output topologically"
"Allows StealJS module dependencies when using Browserify"
"Simple module to detect dom ready, without jquery"
"Simple module to detect browser CSS feature support"
"Extract and transform dependency graphs"
"Inline WOFF fonts as base64 encoded data uris in CSS"
"Stylus transform for dgraph"
"JavaScript DiffieHellman implementation designed for the browser and browserify"
"browserify angularjs directives"
"Easier use of Director.js with Browserify, plus some added features."
"A tool for analyzing the module tree of a browserify bundle or node project"
"browserify plugin to allow the requiring of .html and conversion to documentFragment"
"Bundle your client side JavaScript using browserify for docpad."
"Adds support for compilation of Browserify JavaScript to DocPad"
"Bundle your client side JavaScript using browserify for docpad."
"Dogescript transform for Browserify"
"Util for discovering events being emitted by browser apis and dom nodes"
"dotjs. browserify. awesome!"
"HTML5 drag & drop for humans"
"streamable mouse drag data"
"Dust.js packaged for node-browserify"
"Collection of tools and middleware for dustjs"
"ECC JS code based on JSBN"
"[eco][] precompiler plugin for [Browserify][] without magic."
"browserify v2 plugin for eco templates."
"EJS precompiler for browserify"
"A module for getting the elapsed time between two dates in various representation."
"Get the size of an element in pixels, including margins"
"Handlebars made for ember-browserify"
"helper for using emberjs with commonjs modules"
"Ember Handlebars precompiler plugin for Browserify"
"middleware for automatic javascript bundles"
"A html input element that calls back on <enter>"
"Selectively replace Node-style environment variables with plain strings."
"Transpile ES6 in a Browserify transform"
"async front end module loader and code executor"
"browserify v2 transform to compile (ES6) to JavaScript.current (ES5) on the fly."
"Browserify transform for power-assert"
"collection for AST query/manipulation/transformation"
"Node.js EventEmitter version of Conway's Game of Life"
"node.js events module for script or browserify"
"dom events with a node-style EventEmitter api"
"add event delegation to ever event emitters"
"view front-end component examples"
"lean Backbone like Model and Collection"
"A JavaScript library for reading EXIF meta data from JPEG image files."
"Externalizes the source map found inside a stream to an external `` file"
"generate require()-able javascript files from non-javascript files"
"browserify transform that exposes globals added via a script tag as modules so they can be required."
" you have too many nalities."
"Create external Browserify bundles for lazy asynchronous loading"
"Browserify plugin to extract specific require() statements and output results"
"Super-simple localization of strings in a Node/Browserify application"
"factor browser-pack bundles into common shared bundles"
"Fade a html element."
"Super-simple tool for dynamically setting the favicon image on a page."
"Browserify middleware to load entire files into javascript variables"
"Larry Maccherone's fork of James Halliday fileify browserify middleware"
"node's fs in yo' browser"
"filter (browserify) transforms by predicates"
"Fix event objects in older IEs"
"flat ui radio select field builder"
"Import / require folder(s) of any type of files, and evaluate / curry the results."
"Populate a <canvas> element with a font texture atlas"
"Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter."
"a browser-based editor"
"canvas helper library"
"require() for the browser - works with npm modules, browserify modules, components, expose objects and more"
"`fs.createReadStream` and `fs.createWriteStream` over a websocket, assumedly in a browser."
"fullscreen polyfill api that presents an event emitter"
"Puts the fun back in JavaScript (Actually, takes it out)"
"Inline javascript functions within a file (inline expansion)."
"a browserify-compatible fuzzy string filtering function"
"Get the U.S. state closest to the user's location."
"Simple gameloop utility class to use with browserify"
"svg gauge progress"
"Transform for processing gel expressions with Browserify"
"Generates a source map for files that were packed into a bundle."
"Generates browserify friendly angular applications"
"Yeoman generator"
"Yeoman generator for scaffolding an app using angularjs browserify and famous"
"Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, Gulp and Browserify"
"Yeoman generator for a Backbone and Handlebars project"
"BAT ( Backbone Application Template ). A yeoman-generator created by Marviq."
"Generates browserify friendly angular applications"
"Yeoman generator with Browserify and your choice of Foundation 5 or Bootstrap 3"
"A generator for Yeoman"
"The ultimate Gulp webapp generator"
"Yo generator made with jade, sass, gulp, susy, breakpoint, modular-scale, coffeescript and livereload."
"Yeoman generator to scaffold for React + Gulp + Browserify module."
"A starter template for KeystoneJS with Browserify and Live Reloading."
"Yeoman generator for browserify-based frontend projects"
"Yeoman generator for an app starter using Marionette, React, Gulp and Browserify"
"A Yeoman generator for Browserify modules"
"Project generator that includes pho-devstack"
"A generator for Yeoman with React, jQuery, Backbone, Bootstrap, Browserify, Express and Mongoose"
"React Boilerplate"
"A Yeoman Generator for facebook's React framework. It includes gulp, browserify, livereload and famous official Twitter bootstrap Sass version."
"Yeoman generator for AngularJS Apps in CoffeeScript"
"ULTIMATE Yeoman generator for ultimate-seed - full-stack AngularJS + Node.js/Express seed that makes web developers insanely productive."
"A Yeoman generator that creates a sensible structure for static sites and single page applications by using your favorite tools."
"An angular module for date formatting; wraps geomoment. For use with browserify."
"wrapper for getting json with hyperquest"
"Reads the pixels of an image as an ndarray"
"Gets the current value of a style property for a given DOM element."
"Cross browser navigator.getUserMedia with a node api"
"return an object with all your elements, where each key is the element's id"
"A browser module for attempting to get access to a MediaStream of a user's screen. With a nice node-like API."
"Ghoul is a tool to help with frontend testing with mocha"
"browserify transform for appending git version"
"An index of gamepad input mappings for controllers using the HTML5 gamepad API"
"Retrieve any newly created WebGL contexts as they're being created. Useful for instrumentation."
"A shorthand module for creating a new WebGL context and basic animation loop."
"Instruments WebGL shaders to keep track of updates and modify existing shaders on the fly."
"a webgl compiler browserify transform"
"filter (browserify) transforms by globs"
"Exposes your CommonJS-based libraries as a global."
"A browserify transform stream for glslify"
"browserify v2 plugin for gorillascript with support for mixed .js and .gs files"
"A polling interface for the HTML5 Gamepad API"
"An upgraded Grande.js to be used as a CommonJS module."
"pipe a stream of data into a browser graph"
"Javascipt client for GroupDocs API"
"Easily convert angular.modules to be AMD/CommonJS-compatible"
"Downloads javascript files from the web"
"Grunt task for node-browserify"
"The ultimate Grunt Browserify task. Run once or watch files for changes. Uses a cache for super speed (instant builds). CoffeeScript support built in. Alias mappings. Shimming. Everything in one easy to use package."
"Finer control over the browserify and neat aliasing of multiple dependent bundles"
"Compile all your coffeescript assets with grunt"
"Builds hybrid coffeescript/javascript commonjs projects to run anywhere transparently(amd, commonjs or plain browser load), generating combined source maps and optionally browserifying dependencies."
"Compile all your coffeescript assets with grunt"
"Browserify with CoffeeScript plugin for Grunt."
"Grunt task to expose your CommonJS-based libraries as a global."
"Grunt wrapper for GlueJS"
"A Grunt plugin for GlueJS v2.2+."
"LESS precompiler and CSS plugin for grunt-browserify"
"require('./somefile.less.js'); \nTurn less files into browser and node compatable js."
"Generates nodified-AngularJS files for your browserified-ready application"
"Grunt plugin for Pure CJS builder"
"Get a Titanium CommonJS Module out of your Node.js package using Grunt!"
"A Grunt wrapper around uRequire <>"
"Browserify your code"
"Packing CommonJS modules in BEM-compatible way"
"Packing CommonJS modules in BEM-compatible way"
"Browserify + Watchify the gulp way."
"Bundle modules with Browserify"
"A very thin extension of Browserify that overrides the bundle() method to return a vinyl file object stream instead of the original node readable stream."
"Gulp task for browserify with coffee-script."
"Creates a single browserify/commonjs module that includes all files in a directory."
"Gulp Task to strips an inline source into its own file and updates the original file to reference the new external source map"
"Faster browserify builds with dependency caching"
"Generates a suite file from gulp.src glob on the fly for Browserify/Mocha"
"A gulp plugin to automatically create bootstrap files for requiring your angular modules with browserify."
"Compress browserify require paths using gulp."
"integrates watchify with gulp.js"
"Module oriented build system for single page applications"
"(deprecated) a browserify plugin for gulp"
"guzzler ======="
"Browserify plugin to convert haml-coffee (.hamlc) templates to Javascript."
"Haml-coffee precompiler plugin for Browserify v2"
"Transform handlebars template form browserify."
"browserify 2 + precompiled client-side handlebars"
"A wrapup transformation allowing ES6 files"
"Template project for using browserify and watchify along with harp."
"Check for canvas support."
"Check for transition support"
"Handlebars precompiler plugin for Browserify v2"
"A simple handlebars template compiler for browserify transforms"
"Easily publish browserify apps"
"Browserify Transform to wrap precompiled Hogan Templates around an anonymous function for direct rendering function access."
"Highcharts wrapper for browserify"
"Highcharts and Highstock and wrapper for browserify"
"Browserify transform for precompiling Mustache templates using Hogan"
"Externalize require definition in _XXXX.js or _default.js"
"Makes HTML files usuable as modules in Browserify"
"browserify transform to inline calls to html-minifier"
"turn html into beautiful js, with browserify"
"http module compatability for browserify"
"http module compatability for browserify"
"http module compatability for browserify"
"http module compatability for browserify"
"http module compatability for browserify"
"Http in Node and Browserify, simply."
"A no-dependencies HTTP client library for browsers and Node.js with a promise-based or Node.js-style callback-based API to progress events, text and binary file upload and download, partial response body, request and response headers, status code."
"https module compatability for browserify"
"https module compatability for browserify"
"https module compatability for browserify"
"generate html with javascript"
"A smart base view for Backbone apps, to make it easy to bind collections and properties to the DOM."
"HTML UI Toolkit accordion component"
"HTML UI Toolkit modal component"
"HTML UI Toolkit tabs component"
"shared server+client rendering with live updates for key/value stores"
"browserify v2 plugin for iced-coffee-script with support for mixed .js and .iced files"
"Browserify transform for ieify"
"Call a callback when an image has loaded - adapted from desandro/imagesloaded"
"Create IMG element"
"Include one file directly into another with browserify"
"DEPRECATED, see Was: both browser- and node-friendly inherits() for browserify"
"Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()"
"insert a string of css into the <head>"
"insert implicit module globals into a module-deps stream"
"Insert a stylesheet <link> into the <head>."
"A browserify transform that automatically installs missing depenedencies"
"a readable stream of mouse view events, wrapping up pointer-lock and drag-stream"
"compress require paths down to integers in module-deps streams"
"Test for a USD currency formatted input"
"a commonjs module for iscroll"
"Simple transform command to instrument your source with istanbul using browserify"
"jade-reactify ============="
"turn jade into beautiful js strings, with browserify"
"A browserify transform for turning .jade files into template functions"
"jide.js is a free UI toolkit for modern web applications based on data binding and separation of concerns."
"Browserify plugin for Jison parsers."
"A browserify transform for TypeScript."
"silly function for saving/fetching json from window.localStorage"
"Shim to use Joi in the browser with Browserify"
"Browserify v2 plugin for cpp like preprocessing."
"Small browserify transform to hook up Backbone with jquery"
"Latest jQuery (currently 2.0.0b2) with jQuery-Migrate plugin wrapped for Node.js and a browser (window globals, Browserify or AMD)"
"jQuery2 for browserify"
"Command line tool for JavaScript/CoffeeScript bundling."
"Client-side video & image thumbnailing"
"Bundles JavaScript files & Templates using C++/Java-like directives"
"Simple CommonJS-based JavaScript distribution builder."
"translate json into a structure you want"
"translate json into a structure you want"
"A wrapper for using jsonld library with browserify"
"Provide a JSONP callback if necessary on a remote loaded script"
"Browserify transform for pre-compiled Underscore and Lo-Dash templates (with HTML minification)"
"Web Audio Mic/Line-in node from getUserMedia"
"syncopator for audio scripting"
"measures word and font widths and heights"
"Check if a loan is jumbo or high balance."
"A fast browserify integration for Karma that handles large projects with ease"
"Fast browserify for Karma"
"Browserify for Karma"
"Yet another Browserify plugin for Karma."
"A simple Browserify preprocessor for Karma."
"client side module for firing events when keys are pressed down"
"Browserify transform for Khepri"
"Precompile templates with browserify, or simply compile templates if in node environment"
"inline ye compiled templates with browserify and the knights-templar module"
"ES6ify middleware for koa"
"A tool for creating web components using the npm packaging system and browserify - for sweet as sweet can be re-use and encapsulation."
"Configuration of node and webapps made easy"
"Browserify plugin for kraken-devtools"
"inline ye compiled templates with browserify and the knights-templar module"
"simple way to make a leaflet map application"
"Support as many legacy encodings as possible"
"Browserify plugin for compiling Less to the external file"
"Middleware and Browserify transform for less files"
"Inspired by lettering.js - a browserifiable module for doing radical web typography"
"leveldb airplane mode with manual replication"
"Map lists of data in a LevelDB to DOM elements."
"A Browserify plugin for Lineman"
"insert a link of css into the <head>"
"A browserify transform for replacing require calls with arbitrary code."
"browserify v2 plugin for LiveScript with support for mixed .js and .ls files"
"Load angular components easily"
"Make browserify bundles loadable via different methods."
"A quick-and-dirty loading bar for use in your larger demos"
"loadstar browser/define/require, a node/browser module loader and builder"
"validation for credit cards using the Luhn algorithm"
"magical middleware, bundled up just for you."
"An automation tool for building modules with browserify"
"Browserify transform for markdown documents."
"Marko transform for Browserify"
"Check if a DOM element matches a given selector, with decent browser support and unit tests."
"a small module for node and browser to calculate median"
"browserify v2 plugin for mercury-jsx to support jsx"
"CommonJS support for Mimosa via Browserify"
"Minimal WebDriver that pipes stdin to browsers"
"Minify your browserify bundles without losing the sourcemap"
"A set of buttons for the mobile web"
"TDD with Browserify, Mocha, PhantomJS and WebDriver"
"Draw a tree of module dependencies."
"A browserify transform for shimming globals-polluting libraries."
"Mold a source map that is almost perfect for you into one that is."
"A set of tools and conventions for building/serving clientside apps with node.js"
"Router for a moped application"
"mouse hover event for elements"
"A simple tool for setting script properties on packages.json for watching/building less and browserify code."
"msgpack for node and browsers"
"A layer on top of Backbonejs to bring more control to views and a better integration between views and models/collections"
"Browserify transform for compiling Mustache templates with Hogan"
"Move js files and update all requires automatically."
"Nanodom is a small DOM manipulation library."
"Nanoxhr is a small xhr (ajax) library."
"Node.js Buffer API, for the browser"
"A JS implementation of Kim Asendorf's pixel sort glitch technique using ndarrays"
"A port of the net module for the browser."
"Automatically create bootstrap files for requiring your angular modules with browserify."
"AngularJS Directive for HTML5 Drag and Drop"
"Mixin utility for Angular that makes it easier to write min-safe code"
"AngularJS Directive for RubaXa's Sortable"
"Simple AngularJS pre-minifier. Transforms all functions that end with $ng from function-injection to array injection syntax"
"Angular function-based injection to array-based injection transform for browserify and the command line."
"Browserify bundler for ngbuilder"
"Flexible hierarchical rendering engine."
"Browser port of the Node.js 'request' package"
"CSV and TSV transformations for Browserify v2"
"Detect DOM element insertion."
"LESS precompiler and CSS plugin for Browserify v2"
"LESS precompiler and CSS plugin for Browserify v2"
"Extra touch events and hover behaviour for touch devices."
"Underscore precompiler plugin for Browserify v2"
"DOM manipulation from the server."
"Web Editor built on express and websockets using browserify, angularjs, bootstrap and the ACE editor. Easy to use, customize and hack."
"normalize.css (from"
"Keep track of notifications in your title (or somewhere else)"
"Scans installed npm modules, browserifies them if they are not AMD, and produce a path object to be consumed by RequireJS and the like."
"npm package for angular-resource, to use with browserify."
"npm package for angular-route, to use with browserify."
"Prints a dependency graph of modules that is actually required"
"nunjucks transform for browserify"
"A module that let you use coffeescript easily with node-webkit."
"Browserify-compatible fork of obelisk.js, hopefully temporary"
"A browser implementation of MongoDB's ObjectId for browserify"
"One-way DOM-to-model data-binding."
"observable form"
"Provides unified delta values via plugins regardless of source."
"An omniscroll plugin for delta values coming from a KeyboardEvent"
"An omniscroll plugin to calculate delta values based on a TouchEvent"
"An omniscroll plugin for delta values coming from a WheelEvent."
"Detect if an image or canvas has any transparent pixels."
"browserify module to open a URL in a new browser tab"
"Display OpenStreetMaps."
"Calculate the overall cost of a loan."
"inline things like \"require('package.version')\". Do not include all the package.json in your bundles."
"Browserify friendly version of coenraets PageSlider"
"Simple static page generator with a bias towards Sass, Browserify, gulp, and lodash templates."
"Browserify friendly version of coenraets PageSlider"
"instant front end for your functions"
"recursively detect whether a directory with a package.json is parcel"
"recursively detect whether a directory with a package.json is parcel"
"gather asset information from file globs in package.json"
"Create css bundles from npm packages using the browserify dependency graph."
"Using the Parse Javascript SDK with Browserify"
"Parse http headers, works with browserify/xhr"
"Short cut to get a parsed url and query string in browserify"
"require()-able HTML, CSS, JSON and (potentially) more"
"A Browserify plugin to pack multiple related modules together and load modules on-demand"
"the path module from node core for browsers"
"Atari ST emulator for the browser"
"IBM PC/XT emulator for the browser"
"Mac Plus emulator for the browser"
"Utils for pcejs emulator for the browser"
"Browserify transform to fallback node.js basics in PhantomJS"
"Automated workflow for front-end developers in one tasty bowl of code"
"a browserify module that exposes a color picker as a readable stream"
"The client-side library which is used in BigPipe to orchestrate the pagelets."
"Keep your code piping hot! Rebuild your client side code on change without binaries"
"Super fast 2D rendering engine for browserify, that uses WebGL with a context 2d fallback."
"browserify v2 plugin for PogoScript with support for mixed .js and .pogo files"
"pointer lock polyfill that presents an eventemitter / stream api"
"Provides AMD plugin (tested with RequireJS) to conditionally require polyfills; also provides browserify transforming plugin"
"Wraps a collection of polymer elements into a namespace."
"A JavaScript module loader that gives the people what they want"
"wrapper for posting json with hyperquest"
"CommonJS bundler with aliasing, extensibility, and source maps from the minified JS bundle. Forked from commonjs-everywhere adding speed improvements, persistent disk cache for incremental builds, support for reading '// [#@] sourceMappingURL' from input files and bundled grunt task"
"CSS vendor prefix helpers"
"Load images, scripts and CSS with XHR progress events where supported"
"Browserify preprocess transform"
"insert css for a prettier select"
"browser widget to accept payments by credit card"
"Hand-drawn progress bars for your webapps"
"Browserify plugin async load code like AMD"
"Transform your tape tests to prova"
"Proxy dev server written in node"
"Proxies browserify's require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing."
"wrapper for PUTting json with hyperquest"
"el.querySelector {All} that also matches el"
"promise based browserifiable request wrapper"
"The Quintus game engine enhanced for use with Browserify"
"browserify 2 + precompiled Ractive.js components"
"browserify 2 transform for Ractive templates"
"A ractive component/template browserify transform which allows for embedded transpilable languages for javascript or css (like livescript, coffeescript, and scss!)."
"A simple range slider UI element for use with browserify"
"Star rating widget."
"Browserify transform to return the raw file contents if a file with extention is required"
"Simple packaging of react addons to avoid fiddly 'react/addons' npm module."
"Rapid application development with React"
"React-app interface to browserify client code bundler"
"React for component and browserify"
"A library of reusable React components."
"A Paginator Component for Reactjs"
"browserify v2 plugin for react from Facebook to support jsx"
"browserify v2 plugin for react from Facebook to support jsx with ecmascript 6"
"Readline implementation for browserify."
"Record audio from a node in the Web Audio API"
"Alias directories of files for browserify"
"Transform stream to remove require calls from inside a catch{} statement"
"Transform stream to remove require calls from inside a try{} statement"
"A browserify transform for renaming variables."
"render associative data from level-assoc with hyperkey for live server+client rendering with progressive enhancement"
"A transform stream that replaces strings in a file with regular expression support."
"browserify transform to replace globbed files]"
"A simple, chainable way to construct HTTP requests in Node or the browser"
"transform for browserify, which allows to require files with globbing expressions"
"Browserify Transform to require less files"
"Require stub for browser"
"Browserify plugin to access all modules from browser console"
"A browserify transform stream for aliasing require statements."
"Drop-in reqwest alias for request for the browser"
"browserify.require() for templates and other resources"
"Rewireify is a port of Rewire for Browserify that adds setter and getter methods to each module so that their behaviour can be modified for better unit testing."
"Convert any code using rfile and derivatives so that it supports browserify"
"Rewrite rfolder calls to a map of requires"
"Raptor Templates transform for Browserify"
"A simple base Backbone view class that adds subviews, rendering, and initialization. "
"Browserify transform to inline and precompile rincewind templates"
"roots extension enabling the use of browserify"
"Browserify middleware for adding required styles to the page."
"Browserify v2 middleware for adding required styles to the page."
"Browserify SASS transform"
"LESS precompiler and CSS plugin for Browserify v2"
"scope browserify's require away"
"Browserify inline script tags in HTML"
"Absurdly simple on-demand script loader."
"Detect when an element is scrolled passed"
"Small script to fix some of the issues with iOS5's overflow:scroll;"
"Select2 - For Browserify"
"Serial port as a duplex stream"
"Backbone boilerplate generator with gulp"
"simple shader library for webgl + browserify"
"Browser module and browserify plugin for compiling webgl shaders"
"The ultimate Grunt Browserify task. Run once or watch files for changes. Uses a cache for super speed (instant builds). CoffeeScript support built in. Alias mappings. Shimming. Everything in one easy to use package."
"Easily share data between modules meant to run on the server and client using browserify."
"Vanquish your foes with crazy JS authored presentations"
"browserify middleware to prepend es5-shim"
"browserify v2 middleware to prepend es5-shim"
"Get a lookup table of aliases from your requirejs or browserify config"
"Browserify shim for Backbone, Zepto, and Lodash."
"streaming sockjs for node and the browser"
"Take pictures on mobile phones or just pick one on a desktop."
"rewrites require paths with defined aliases"
"A simple browserify transform for turning .jade files into template functions"
"A simple timeseries chart using D3"
"A browserify transform for ES-harmony-style module exports."
"browserify module for building widgets with HTML templates and event delegation"
"horizontal slider control widget"
"A slush generator for applications written in jade, stylus and coffeescript."
"A slush generator for easily starting to make HTML5 games with Phaser."
"A slush generator for createing phaser games using browserify as a module system"
"You win!"
"preserve the ordering of html elements in the browser as updates stream in"
"Takes a SoundCloud URL and retrieves the relevant JSON data for that resource from the SoundCloud API"
"Generates and consumes source maps. Adapted to be commonjs only and work in older browsers."
"Map all the things, check all the maps"
"Browserify plugin to split .less dependencies into their own file during bundling"
"Turn markup into google maps"
"Return 0 if the provided number is negative or optionally return the absolute value."
"a syntax highligher for standalone static use or by Stratus Editor"
"scoped key bindings for browserify"
"UI widgets for stratus editor"
"the stream module from node core for browsers"
"Visualize your streams with Browserify!"
"browserify v2 plugin for enforcing strict mode"
"The string_decoder module from Node core"
"A browserify transform for loading text files."
"Browserify middleware to be able to require() text files (including templates) inside of your client-side JavaScript files."
"Browserify transform that strips console.log lines from your code"
"Get a unique list of all the colors used in your current page's stylesheets"
"browserify plugin for stylus"
"The browserify transform for the Subview Environment"
"A tiny wrapper around superagent to make it work with browserify."
"request module built for sushi ripped out and packaged up for simpler consumption on it's own."
"Tiny module to create an SVG element"
"SVG Path Datas parsing"
"A browserify transform for requiring SVG files to embed directly in your code."
"Browserify transform to use Sweet.js macros"
"Browserify transform to use Sweet.js macros"
"browserify transform for swig templates"
"slide around html elements"
"Make synchronous web requests"
"Synchronously retrieve the output of a browserify-style transform stream"
"What's the build target?"
"A javascript loader for loading client side bundles on demand."
"Network http bindings for telehash on both client (browserify and node) and server (node)"
"Official telehash seeds distribution"
"WebRTC bindings for telehash for the browser"
"simple browserify v2 plugin to require template files"
"Tolerant CSS parsing and AST transformation"
"Adds github hooks and browser config for testling."
"A client-side library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently."
"Browserify modle for"
"render isometric tile maps in the browser"
"timers module for browserify"
"Easily manage NPM, component, and bower package files."
"Get a Titanium SDK CommonJS module out of a Node package!"
"A port of the tls module for the browser."
"events for mouse and touch in one"
"jQuery touch gestures made easy"
"Browserify transform module for requiring html files through domify."
"Traceur transform for Browserify"
"Configure which browserify transforms get applied to your package via an environment variable."
"Apply transform style property with proper prefix to an element. For use with browserify / CommonJS."
"Takes a synchronous function that transforms a string and converts it into a transform compatible with browserify, catw and mutiny."
"Apply the translateZ hack in a cross-browser way. For use with browserify / CommonJS."
"a tree user interface for files and other things"
"Lightweight wrapper around IndexedDB (billed as like 'jQuery for IndexedDB')"
"Browserify plugin for compiling Typescript"
"the tty module from node core for browsers"
"Streamable UI elements for adjusting metrics when debugging interactives/visualisations/etc."
"require() text files with browserify"
"Browserify transform for TypeScript compilation"
"Typescrip transform for Browserify"
"A browserify transform for TypeScript."
"A browserify transform which minifies your code using UglifyJS2"
"Convert between Uint8Array and Buffer without memory copy in Browserify."
"browserify v2 plugin for transforming AMD to CommonJS."
"Merge CommonJS modules into a single file"
"A browserify transform plugin for clearing code between 2 blocks of debug comments"
"A unified cross browser mouse wheel event handler"
"Compress browserify require paths for better minification i.e. require('some/long/path') => require(1)"
"Unpathify with browser-unpack 1.0.0. Compress browserify require paths for better minification i.e. require('some/long/path') => require(1)"
"Browserify transform (and jstransform visitor) to comment out unreachable code branches"
"The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support"
"a flat dial / knob / spin event for touch and mouse"
"HTML slider logic"
"Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter."
"compile vash templates for use with browserify"
"A grab bag of vector utility functions for 2D and 3D vectors that operate on plain arrays"
"Return a vinyl buffer from browserify bundle"
"Injects one or more browserify transforms into all dependencies of a package recursively."
"Colour grading post-processing shader for voxel.js"
"wait around in a queue with this ui widget"
"watch mode for browserify builds"
"watch mode for browserify builds"
"Fire events when scrolling down the page"
"A thin wrapper around the Web Audio API that lets you take some audio and get its waveform/frequency data in return."
"Bringing CommonJS-style requires to the browser and more."
"Utilize modules-webmake to auto bundle all CommonJS/Node.js pacckages for web browser"
"Node.js/CJS modules bundler"
"Develop CoffeeScript applications for browser with Webmake"
"Precompiled Ember.js Handlebars templates for Webmake"
"Require Handlebars files with Webmake"
"Require LESS files with Webmake"
"Require YAML files with Webmake"
"Use webpack through a Browserify plugin"
"Browserify JS for a compatible WebRTC peer data connection wrapper"
"Compiles CommonJS modules with Browserify."
"A small utility to define and check different responsive \"modes\" for the current window - e.g. \"desktop\", \"tablet\", or \"mobile\""
"A Grunt build task for Windows 8 applications built on the WinningJS framework."
"Browserify plugin for Wintersmith"
"Compile wisp on the fly with browserify"
"Create Web Workers from a single Browserify bundle"
"Reduces the boilerplate in setting up a request/response pattern between your main thread and a web worker"
"Transform web workers into browserified inline Blobs with browserify."
"Server Web Workers for node.js that work"
"require an external module when window.shortcut is unavailable"
"WebSocket Channel — websocket interaction modeled as a pair of streams for incoming and outgoing messages correspondingly"
"small xhr abstraction"
"Browserify compatible xhr module with support for jsonp"
"Get progress updates for your XMLHttpRequests where supported."
"Provides DOMParser, XMLSerializer and DOMImplementation wrappers in the browser and emulates them on the server-side"
"YAML for browserify and node.js; YAML includes"
"knit together html, css, and javascript into reusable bundles"
"Wrapper for zlib.js to allow for browserifyication"
"A front-end build tool that makes developing apps with Browserify, CoffeeScript, and Stylus a breeze"
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