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Created January 10, 2012 10:42
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QUnit runner using PhantomJS.js
// Runs a folder of tests or a single test, using QUnit and outputs a JUnit xml file ready for sweet integration with your CI server.
// @usage
// DISPLAY=:0 phantomjs qunit-runner.js --qunit qunit.js --tests tests-foler/ --package package.json --junit qunit-results.xml
// package.json is a common JS package file which contains a list of files that need to be loaded before the tests are run. In this instance
// the package.json lists the files for a JS SDK, that gets loaded and then the tests test the SDK.
// Designed to run via PhantomJS.
// Runs a folder of tests or a single test, using QUnit and outputs a JUnit xml file ready for sweet integration with your CI server.
// Designed to run via PhantomJS.
// Runs a folder of tests or a single test, using QUnit and outputs a JUnit xml file ready for sweet integration with your CI server.
// Designed to run via PhantomJS.
var QUnitRunner = function (args) {
// Take the args array and turn it into an object has using the passed keys.
// e.g. --hello world becomes console.log(options.hello); prints "World".
var opts = {},
numArgs = args.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
if (args[i].indexOf("--") === 0) { // Is this a new key.
// Yes it is.
if ((i + 1) < numArgs && args[i + 1].indexOf("--") === 0) { // Is the next arg a key as well?
// Yes it is, in which case set this key as true.
opts[args[i].replace("--", "")] = true;
} else if ((i + 1) < numArgs) { // Ok no it's not.
// Thus set this key with the next arg as the value
opts[args[i].replace("--", "")] = args[i + 1];
this.options = opts;
// Now let's get a file system handle.
this.fs = require("fs");
QUnitRunner.prototype = {
verify: function () {
var ok = false;
if (typeof this.options.qunit == "undefined") {
throw new Error("You need to specify where qunit.js lives, like: `--qunit qunit.js`.");
} else if (!this.fs.isFile(this.options.qunit) || !this.fs.isReadable(this.options.qunit)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find qunit.js");
} else {
ok = true;
if (typeof this.options.tests == "undefined") {
throw new Error("You need to specify where your tests live, like: `--tests mytests.js`.");
} else if (this.options.tests.indexOf(".js") !== -1 && !this.fs.isFile(this.options.tests)) { // Validate file exists if it has .js at the end.
throw new Error("Test file '"+this.options.tests+"' cannot be found.");
} else if (!this.fs.isDirectory(this.options.tests)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find test directory '"+this.options.tests+"'.");
} else if (!this.fs.isReadable(this.options.tests)) {
throw new Error("Cannot read test file or directory '"+this.options.tests+"'.");
} else {
ok = true; // tests is there and is good to go.
return ok;
// Does the actualy running of the tests (either a test file or a folder of tests).
// @source
// @source
startQunit: function () {
var self = this,
testsPassed = 0,
testsFailed = 0,
module, moduleStart, testStart, testCases = [],
current_test_assertions = [],
junitxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<testsuites name="testsuites">\n';;
if (typeof this.options.junit != "undefined") {
console.log("Going to produce JUnit xml file: "+this.options.junit);
function extend(a, b) {
for ( var prop in b ) {
if ( b[prop] === undefined ) {
delete a[prop];
} else {
a[prop] = b[prop];
return a;
// Initialize the config, saving the execution queue
var oldconfig = extend({}, QUnit.config);
extend(QUnit.config, oldconfig);
QUnit.testStart = function() {
testStart = new Date();
QUnit.moduleStart = function(context) {
moduleStart = new Date();
module =;
testCases = [];
QUnit.moduleDone = function(context) {
// context = { name, failed, passed, total }
var xml = '\t<testsuite name="' + + '" errors="0" failures="' + context.failed + '" tests="' + + '" time="' + (new Date() - moduleStart) / 1000 + '"';
if (testCases.length) {
xml += '>\n';
for (var i = 0, l = testCases.length; i < l; i++) {
xml += testCases[i];
xml += '\t</testsuite>';
} else {
xml += '/>\n';
junitxml += xml;
QUnit.testDone = function(result) {
if (0 === result.failed) {
} else {
console.log((0 === result.failed ? '\033[1;92mPASS\033[0m' : '\033[1;31mFAIL\033[0m') + ' - ' + + ' completed: ');
// result = { name, failed, passed, total }
var xml = '\t\t<testcase classname="' + module + '" name="' + + '" time="' + (new Date() - testStart) / 1000 + '"';
if (result.failed) {
xml += '>\n';
for (var i = 0; i < current_test_assertions.length; i++) {
xml += "\t\t\t" + current_test_assertions[i];
xml += '\t\t</testcase>\n';
} else {
xml += '/>\n';
current_test_assertions = [];
var running = true;
QUnit.done = function(i) {
console.log(testsPassed + ' of ' + (testsPassed + testsFailed) + ' tests successful.');
console.log('TEST RUN COMPLETED: ' + (0 === testsFailed ? '\033[1;92mWIN\033[0m' : '\033[1;31mFAIL\033[0m'));
running = false;
if (typeof self.options.junit != "undefined") {
junitxml += '</testsuites>';
// Ok now let's write that xml file to where we told it to. (well actually the user did via the --junit option).
if (!self.fs.isFile(self.options.junit)) {
self.fs.write(self.options.junit, junitxml, "w");
} else {
console.log("Cannot write junit results file.");
QUnit.log = function(details) {
//details = { result , actual, expected, message }
if (details.result) {
var message = details.message || "";
if (details.expected) {
if (message) {
message += ", ";
message = "expected: " + details.expected + ", but was: " + details.actual;
var xml = '<failure type="failed" message="' + details.message.replace(/ - \{((.|\n)*)\}/, "") + '"/>\n';
//Instead of QUnit.start(); just directly exec; the timer stuff seems to invariably screw us up and we don't need it
QUnit.config.semaphore = 0;
while( QUnit.config.queue.length ) {
// wait for completion
var ct = 0;
while ( running ) {
if (ct++ % 1000000 == 0) {
console.log('Queue is at ' + QUnit.config.queue.length);
if (!QUnit.config.queue.length) {
//exit code is # of failed tests; this facilitates Ant failonerror. Alternately, 1 if testsFailed > 0.
run: function () {
// Loads the test file or folder of tests files.
var loadTests = function () {
console.log("Load those tests");
if (this.fs.isFile(this.options.tests)) {
console.log("Load test file: "+this.options.tests);
// Now run the tests.
} else if (this.fs.isDirectory(this.options.tests)) {
var data = this.fs.list(this.options.tests);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].indexOf(".js") !== -1) {
console.log("Load test file: "+this.options.tests+this.fs.separator+data[i]);
// Now run the tests.
} else {
throw new Error("Tests is not a file or a directory?! I don't know what to do with that.");
// Iterates the required scripts detailed in a CommonJS package file, loading them before testing.
var requirements = function (pkg) {
if (typeof pkg == "object" && typeof pkg.scripts != "undefined") {
var parts = this.options.package.split(this.fs.separator);
var path = parts.join(this.fs.separator)+this.fs.separator;
// Now interate those scripts injecting each one into the current conext.
for (var key in pkg.scripts) {
if (pkg.scripts.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
console.log("Injecting: "+path+pkg.scripts[key]);
// All scripts loaded, execute the tests.;
} else {
throw new Error("Opsie, package option should be a CommonJS package.json file and should have the option scripts, so we can load those scripts.");
// First let's verify those options.
if (this.verify()) {
console.log("Verified passed options.");
console.log("Loading QUnit...");
console.log("QUnit loaded.");
if (typeof this.options.package != "undefined") {
console.log("Found CommonJS package file let's see if we can load it.");
if (this.fs.isReadable(this.options.package)) {
console.log("Loading: "+this.options.package);
var package = ", "")";
// Now eval that beast.
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot read package file.");
console.log("No package file preload, just run those tests...");;
var runner = new QUnitRunner(phantom.args);;
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ChanderG commented May 3, 2014

As AgileAce says:

I've added this line junitxml += xml; just after line 157.

Needed to get valid (almost) xml.

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When i am executing "...../phantomjs-2.1.1-windows\bin>phantomjs.exe qunit-runner.js --qunit ./qunit.js" i am getting error message TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'args.length') phantomjs://code/qunit-runner.js:30 in QUnitRunner.
I am using Phantomjs 2..1 and all the required files are in same directory i.e. bin of phantomjs.

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moos commented Aug 18, 2016

phantom.args is no longer available in 2.x. You'll need

var system = require('system');
system.args.shift();  // skip first arg (runner)
var args = system.args;

var runner = new QUnitRunner(args);

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