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Last active October 3, 2018 12:21
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Loading BA-St Projects
| repos group bastRepoNames |
EpMonitor current disable.
group := MCRepositoryGroup default.
group repositories do:[ :repo | group removeRepository: repo ].
repos := '/home/gcotelli/GitHubRepos'.
bastRepoNames := #( 'Buoy' 'Boardwalk' 'Mole' 'Stardust' 'RenoirSt' 'Willow' 'Willow-Bootstrap' 'Willow-JQueryUI' 'Willow-SemanticUI' 'Willow-SpinKit' 'Willow-Mixpanel').
"Third-party repos"
Metacello new
baseline: 'Grease';
repository: ('gitlocal://<1s>/Grease/repository' expandMacrosWith: repos);
Metacello new
baseline: 'Seaside3';
repository: ('gitlocal://<1s>/Seaside/repository' expandMacrosWith: repos);
"Lock ba-st repositories to local copies and load development versions"
bastRepoNames do: [ :repoName |
Metacello new
baseline: (repoName select:[:char | char isAlphaNumeric ]);
repository: ('gitlocal://<1s>/<2s>/source' expandMacrosWith: repos with: repoName );
onLock: [:lock | lock honor];
load: 'Development'.
Metacello new
baseline: 'WillowPlayground';
repository: ('gitlocal://<1s>/Willow-Playground/source' expandMacrosWith: repos);
onLock: [:lock | lock honor];
Metacello new
baseline: 'Buoy';
repository: ('gitlocal://<1s>/Buoy/source' expandMacrosWith: repos);
onLock: [:lock | lock honor];
load: 'Dev-Tools'.
EpMonitor current enable.
"Dev Environment Settings"
Author fullName: 'GabrielOmarCotelli'.
newLinesAfterMethodPattern: 2;
newLinesAfterTemporaries: 2;
retainBlankLinesBetweenStatements: true.
popupShowAutomatic: false;
caseSensitive: false.
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