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Created October 26, 2011 22:40
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#lang racket
(require parser-tools/yacc
(prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre))
;; This implements a simple desk calculator in Racket.
;; Every calculator needs memory!
(define memory (make-parameter 0))
(define (mem-add! x)
(memory (+ x (memory)))
(define (mem-subtract! x)
(memory (- (memory) x))
(define (memory-clear!) (memory 0))
;; for more information, see parser-tools/examples/calc.rkt
;; Lexing: Defining tokens. (boilerplate)
(define-tokens value-tokens (NUM))
(define-empty-tokens op-tokens (= + - * / sqrt MR M+ M- MC ± C CE EOF))
(digit (:/ "0" "9")))
(define lex-token
[(eof) 'EOF]
;; recursively call the lexer on the remaining input after a tab or space. Returning the
;; result of that operation. This effectively skips all whitespace.
[(:or #\tab #\space #\newline)
(lex-token input-port)]
[(:or "=" "+" "-" "*" "/" "*" "sqrt" "MR" "M+" "M-" "MC" "±" "C" "CE")
(string->symbol lexeme)]
[(:: (:+ digit) (:? ".") (:* digit))
(token-NUM (string->number lexeme))]))
(define calc-parser
(start calc)
(end EOF)
(tokens value-tokens op-tokens)
(suppress) ;; Our grammar is ambiguous. By default, parser complains.
(error (λ(ok? name value) (printf "Couldn't parse: ~a\n" name)))
(calc [(datum) (list $1)]
[(datum calc) (cons $1 $2)])
(datum [(C) #f]
[(MC) #f]
[(CE) #f]
[(expr =) $1]
[(expr = M+) (mem-add! $1)]
[(expr = M-) (mem-subtract! $1)]
[(expr = MC) (begin (memory-clear!) $1)]
[(broken-expr) #f])
(expr [(expr + term) (+ $1 $3)]
[(expr - term) (- $1 $3)]
[(term) $1])
(term [(term * val) (* $1 $3)]
[(term / val) (/ $1 $3)]
[(val) $1])
(val [(val CE val) $3]
[(val sqrt) (sqrt $1)]
[(MR) (memory)]
[(val ±) (- $1)]
[(NUM) $1])
(broken-expr [(expr C) 0]
[(expr + C) 0]
[(expr - C) 0]
[(term C) 0]
[(term * C) 0]
[(term / C) 0]
[(val C) 0]
[(val CE C) 0]))))
(define (calc str)
(let* ([port (open-input-string str)]
[results (calc-parser (λ() (lex-token port)))])
(for ([result (in-list results)])
(when result
(displayln result)))))
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