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Created March 26, 2012 16:03
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#lang racket
(require sgl
; make a texture!
(define *size* 128)
(define b (instantiate bitmap% (*size* *size*)))
(define b-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap b]))
(send b-dc set-background (make-object color% "black"))
(send b-dc clear)
(send b-dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
(draw-pict (cc-superimpose (blank *size*)
(standard-fish *size* (/ *size* 2)))
b-dc 0 0)
#|(define b-mask (instantiate bitmap% (*size* *size* #t)))
(define b-mask-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap b-mask]))
(send b-mask-dc set-background (instantiate color% ("black")))
(send b-mask-dc clear)
(draw-pict (cc-superimpose (blank *size*) (standard-fish *size* (/ *size* 2) #:color "white")) b-mask-dc 0 0)
(send b set-loaded-mask b-mask)|#
; converts a racket/gui bitmap% into an array of ARGB bytes.
(define (bitmap->argb-bytes bm)
(let* ([width (send bm get-width)]
[height (send bm get-height)]
[mask (send bm get-loaded-mask)]
[buffer (make-bytes (* width height 4) 255)])
(send bm get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height buffer #f)
(when mask
(send bm get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height buffer #t))
; converts an array of ARGB bytes into an OpenGL vector.
(define (argb-bytes->gl-rgba-vector argb-bytes)
(let* ([length (bytes-length argb-bytes)]
[gl-buf (make-gl-ubyte-vector length)])
(let loop ([i 0])
(when (< i length)
(gl-vector-set! gl-buf (+ i 0) (bytes-ref argb-bytes (+ i 1)))
(gl-vector-set! gl-buf (+ i 1) (bytes-ref argb-bytes (+ i 2)))
(gl-vector-set! gl-buf (+ i 2) (bytes-ref argb-bytes (+ i 3)))
(gl-vector-set! gl-buf (+ i 3) (bytes-ref argb-bytes (+ i 0)))
(loop (+ i 4))))
; convert a bitmap straight to an OpenGL texture.
(define (bitmap->gl-tex bm)
(gl-enable 'texture-2d)
(let ([width (send bm get-width)]
[height (send bm get-height)]
[gl-tex (gl-vector-ref (glGenTextures 1) 0)]
[gl-tex-bytes (argb-bytes->gl-rgba-vector (bitmap->argb-bytes bm))])
(glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D gl-tex)
(gluBuild2DMipmaps GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_RGBA width height GL_RGBA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE gl-tex-bytes)
(define *texture* #f)
(define *init?* #f)
(define (gl-init)
(displayln "INIT")
(set! *init?* #t)
(gl-enable 'depth-test)
; (gl-enable 'blend)
(gl-depth-func 'lequal)
(gl-light-v 'light1 'ambient (vector->gl-float-vector #(0.5 0.5 0.5 0)))
(gl-light-v 'light1 'diffuse (vector->gl-float-vector #(1 1 1 0)))
(gl-light-v 'light1 'position (vector->gl-float-vector #(2 2 2 1)))
(gl-enable 'light1)
(gl-enable 'lighting)
(set! *texture* (bitmap->gl-tex b)))
; fix the viewport when it's been resized
(define (gl-resize width height)
(unless *init?* (gl-init))
(gl-viewport 0 0 width height)
(gl-matrix-mode 'projection)
(let ([h (/ height width)])
(gl-frustum -1 1 (- h) h 5.0 60.0))
(gl-matrix-mode 'modelview)
; draw the screen!
(define (gl-draw)
(gl-clear 'color-buffer-bit 'depth-buffer-bit)
(gl-clear-depth 1)
; (gl-blend-func 'one-minus-src-alpha 'src-alpha)
(gl-translate 0 0 -15.0)
(gl-rotate (/ (current-process-milliseconds) 30) 1 1 1)
(glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D *texture*)
(gl-color 1 1 1 1)
(gl-begin 'quads)
(gl-normal 0 0 1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex -1 -1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex 1 -1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex 1 1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex -1 1 1)
(gl-normal 0 0 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex -1 -1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex -1 1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex 1 1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex 1 -1 -1)
(gl-normal 0 1 0)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex -1 1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex -1 1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex 1 1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex 1 1 -1)
(gl-normal 0 -1 0)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex -1 -1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex 1 -1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex 1 -1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex -1 -1 1)
(gl-normal 1 0 0)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex 1 -1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex 1 1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex 1 1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex 1 -1 1)
(gl-normal -1 0 0)
(gl-tex-coord 0 0) (gl-vertex -1 -1 -1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 0) (gl-vertex -1 -1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 1 1) (gl-vertex -1 1 1)
(gl-tex-coord 0 1) (gl-vertex -1 1 -1)
(define glcanvas%
(class canvas% (super-new)
(inherit refresh with-gl-context swap-gl-buffers get-parent)
(define/override (on-paint)
(lambda ()
(when (send (get-parent) is-shown?)
(define/override (on-size width height)
(displayln "RESIZED")
(lambda ()
(gl-resize width height)
(define (run)
(let* ((frame (new frame% (label "OpenGL Window")))
(glcanvas (new glcanvas% (parent frame)
(min-width 640)
(min-height 480)
(style '(no-autoclear gl)))))
(unless (send (send (send glcanvas get-dc) get-gl-context) ok?)
(displayln "Error: OpenGL context failed to initialize")
(send frame show #t)))
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