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Last active May 25, 2017 15:35
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Tool for showing images
#lang racket
;; Displays a directory full of images in rapid succession.
;; Handy for checking annotations or finding irregularities
;; in large-scale datasets.
;; Usage:
;; - racket rapid-image-viewer.rkt [imglist]
;; Will show all of the '*.jpg' files given as lines in `imglist`,
;; or in the current directory if `imglist` is not specified
;; Controls:
;; - Left, right: Seek back and forth one image
;; - Space: Start/stop showing images in 10 FPS
;; - Enter: Output current image to stdout
(require racket/gui
(define images
(if (> (vector-length (current-command-line-arguments)) 0)
;(vector->list (current-command-line-arguments))
(apply append (map file->lines (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments))))
(for/list ([image-file (in-directory (current-directory))]
#:when (regexp-match? #rx".jpg" image-file))
#:key path->string)))
(define which-img 0)
(define current-pic (blank 5 5))
(define (refresh-img)
(set! current-pic (bitmap (make-object bitmap% (list-ref images which-img)))))
(define (advance)
(when (< which-img (sub1 (length images)))
(set! which-img (add1 which-img))
(define (go-back)
(when (> which-img 0)
(set! which-img (sub1 which-img))
(let* ([frame (new frame% [label "Squirrel Dataset Viewer"])]
[gauge (new gauge% [label #f] [range (length images)] [parent frame])]
[refresh-gauge (λ()
(send gauge set-value which-img)
(send frame set-label
(format "~a (~V/~v)"
(file-name-from-path (list-ref images which-img)))
(length images))))]
[canvas (new (class canvas%
(super-new [parent frame]
[min-width 300]
[min-height 300]
(λ (canvas dc)
(send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed)
(draw-pict (scale current-pic
(/ (send this get-height)
(pict-height current-pic))
(/ (send this get-width)
(pict-width current-pic))))
0 0))])
(send this set-canvas-background (make-object color% "black"))
(define timer (new timer% [notify-callback
(send this refresh))]))
(define running #f)
(define (stop-timer)
(send timer stop)
(set! running #f))
(define (start-timer)
(send timer start 100)
(set! running #t))
(define (toggle-timer)
(cond [(not running)
(define/override (on-char ch)
(case (send ch get-key-code)
(send this refresh)]
(send this refresh)]
(displayln (path->string (list-ref images which-img)))
(send frame show #t))
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