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Kimmy gcr

  • Google AI
  • 08:10 (UTC -04:00)
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Little Machines lyrics

Portal – Lights

(sweet guitar solo)
In the throes of the ruby red river that flows through the darkening
concrete devouring ghosts that float by, I'm with them.
Up in the current and taken in whole, I've been struggling,
strangling, others in tow. Have my eyes gone missing?

#!/usr/bin/env python
from IPython.parallel.client import client
import argparse
import sys
import numpy as np
import datetime
import time
REDBULLET = u"\x1b[1;31m\u25cf\x1b[0m".encode('utf-8')
gcr / alexnet-BETTER.lua
Last active October 12, 2016 08:16
AlexNet in Torch.
------- AlexNet: Using my own weight initialization
model = nn.Sequential()
model.modules[#model.modules].weight:normal(0, 0.01)
model:add(inn.SpatialCrossResponseNormalization(5, 0.0001, 0.75, 1))
model.modules[#model.modules].weight:normal(0, 0.01)
gcr / t-STE gradient.ipynb
Created November 18, 2014 19:03
t-STE gradient calculations
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
import gzip
import re
def load_all_movies(filename):
Load and parse 'plot.list.gz'. Yields each consecutive movie as a dictionary:
{"title": "The movie's title",
"year": The decade of the movie, like 1950 or 1980,
"identifier": Full key of IMDB's text string,
"summary": "The movie's plot summary"
# Based on scitools meshgrid
def meshgrid(*xi, **kwargs):
Return coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors.
Make N-D coordinate arrays for vectorized evaluations of
N-D scalar/vector fields over N-D grids, given
one-dimensional coordinate arrays x1, x2,..., xn.
.. versionchanged:: 1.9
"metadata": {
"name": "",
"signature": "sha256:78d15dad8876f550bbf2e9f489381146f98b271e5ec4e609219ad11ddaa39658"
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
Here, amidst the morning mist,
'Fore man or creature stirs their eye
I sing with bliss at daybreak's kiss
And share the world my gleaming cry
Though I invite a new respite,
my neighbors rage and curse my name.
They wage their fight for restful night
And toss and turn to sleep again.
{"Grid 16": {"Choose 2": {"Rep 1": [20.961, 14.768, 10.074, 16.1, 15.083, 7.513, 14.66, 9.925, 8.167, 14.523, 9.56, 3.68, 9.153, 5.742, 12.037, 8.52, 18.35, 8.728, 10.757, 6.067, 8.35, 9.133, 10.946, 13.658, 9.397, 8.845, 5.71, 6.772, 8.743, 13.979, 43.508, 12.854, 39.307, 22.901, 29.341, 18.18, 15.774, 17.143, 18.639, 18.973, 13.567, 14.023, 6.033, 9.871, 2.895, 10.262, 7.469, 11.15, 9.217, 9.357, 14.139, 10.104, 19.717, 16.122, 6.469, 17.429, 11.508, 8.297, 20.366, 10.904, 7.394, 3.378, 9.426, 11.709, 15.101, 16.563, 3.94, 9.798, 18.307, 9.549, 17.654, 9.284, 6.113, 5.953, 9.56, 6.337, 18.597, 12.745, 7.7, 12.516, 11.626, 8.894, 6.586, 11.221, 13.456, 5.275, 9.118, 15.404, 14.114, 6.723, 9.711, 11.088, 20.584, 18.233, 5.7, 11.365, 10.859, 11.679, 5.045, 10.802, 21.339, 8.977, 6.738, 9.211, 8.501, 5.638, 16.427, 15.058, 16.696, 12.387, 11.177, 12.914, 10.722, 10.343, 8.054, 8.987, 10.265, 6.15, 11.762, 10.815, 16.804, 3.742, 5.093, 3.809, 8.395, 4.336, 3.234, 2.86, 5.525, 12.311, 9.662, 5.748, 4.493, 3.751,
javascript:(function(){var probeUrl=$(".probe.picker .image").css("background-image").replace(/^url\((.*)\)$/,"$1");var num_cells=$(".grid-strip .picker").length;var num_close=$("#data").data()["templateMinSelected"];var num_far=num_cells-num_close;function unpicked_things(){return $(".grid-strip .picker").filter(function(){return!$(this).data("picked-id")})}function random_unpicked_thing(){var picks=unpicked_things();return picks.eq(Math.floor(Math.random()*picks.length))}function select_image(imgurl){var which_one_to_fill=random_unpicked_thing();which_one_to_fill.trigger(jQuery.Event("click",{shiftKey:true}));var correct_image=$(".image-grid .image-wrapper .image").filter(function(){return $(this).css("background-image")=="url("+imgurl+")"});if(correct_image.length==0){throw Error("Image not found. Try scrolling down?")}correct_image.trigger("click");return pickedField}var EMBEDDING=[{url:"",loc:[-17.422579142432237,-11.9447860