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Created June 4, 2024 06:32
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Creates multiple drizzle clients without creating new connections each time
import {
drizzle as drizzleClient,
} from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js";
import postgres from "postgres";
import * as database1Schema from "./schemas/database1/schema";
import * as database2Schema from "./schemas/database2/schema";
const createDrizzleClientSingleton = <TSchema extends Record<string, unknown>>(
db: string,
schema: TSchema
): PostgresJsDatabase<TSchema> => {
let connectionString = null;
if (db === "app1") {
connectionString = process.env.APP_1_DATABASE_URL!;
} else {
connectionString = process.env.APP_2_DATABASE_URL!;
const client = postgres(connectionString);
return drizzleClient(client, { schema });
// The types here ensure you get correct type completions
declare const globalThis: {
app1DrizzleGlobal: PostgresJsDatabase<typeof database1Schema>;
app2DrizzleGlobal: PostgresJsDatabase<typeof database2Schema>;
} & typeof global;
const app1Drizzle =
globalThis.app1DrizzleGlobal ??
createDrizzleClientSingleton("app1", app1Schema);
const app2Drizzle =
globalThis.app2DrizzleGlobal ??
createDrizzleClientSingleton("app2", app2Schema);
export { crawlerDrizzle, appDrizzle };
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
globalThis.app1DrizzleGlobal = app1Drizzle;
globalThis.app2DrizzleGlobal = app2Drizzle;
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