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Last active May 22, 2019 13:33
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%%% export these cause they are spawned:
-export([server_loop/2, client_loop/3]).
main() ->
{ok, Pid} = server(2),
client(Pid, critical, 15),
client(Pid, normal, 10),
done -> ok
server(NumClients) ->
ParentPid = self(),
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, server_loop, [ParentPid, NumClients]),
{ok, Pid}.
%%% a function can have multiple definitions (or bodies as some would say)
server_loop(ParentPid, 0) ->
ParentPid ! done;
server_loop(ParentPid, Counter) ->
%%% this simulates a slow server
{critical, Timestamp, Msg} ->
io:fwrite("[~B] Critical message: ~p~n", [Timestamp, Msg]),
Counter_ = Counter
after 0 ->
{critical, Timestamp, Msg} ->
io:fwrite("[~B] Critical message: ~p~n", [Timestamp, Msg]),
Counter_ = Counter;
{normal, Timestamp, Msg} ->
io:fwrite("[~B] Normal message: ~p~n", [Timestamp, Msg]),
Counter_ = Counter;
done ->
Counter_ = Counter - 1
%%% no loops in Erlang, tail recursion is priceless
server_loop(ParentPid, Counter_).
client(ServerPid, Atom, Count) ->
spawn(?MODULE, client_loop, [ServerPid, Atom, Count]).
client_loop(ServerPid, _Atom, 0) ->
ServerPid ! done;
client_loop(ServerPid, Atom, Count) ->
%%% not so slow client
Now = erlang:system_time(microsecond),
ServerPid ! {Atom, Now, "Hello world"},
client_loop(ServerPid, Atom, Count - 1).
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gdamjan commented May 22, 2019

$ erl
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Eshell V10.4  (abort with ^G)
1> c(demo).
2> demo:main().

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